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gessoo | 18:07 Fri 16th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
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It might be a good idea, Ed if at the top of the Chatterbank questions there is a note from you explaining the situation in a pink box so that people are not left wondering what on earth has happened.


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ood grief, I am away for one day and you guys write war and peace!! Been shopping in Southampton today with Mr W and it was FREEZING all day. He has gone out tonight with an old friend of ours (annual boys only engagement) its a black tie do and as the cloakroom is always a shambles, they have gone without coats...its a taxi almost all the way but still rather them than me.

I am going to get out my stuff and add to my scrap book after to admit (very quietly) that I quite enjoy the odd evening on my own!!

I don't think the ED will do any banning over the biscuits....we never did find the snowman's nose did we!

hi woofgang - it's all smudge's fault, been keeping us all talking she has....we just couldn't get away. Not quiet like me.

Where do you all find men that shop? Or do you have to use drugs & hypnotism?

Have to say bye for now. Going out for a drink with my friend. See you all tomorrow BYE!!!!
Brrr..cold init....its been zero all day,and minus 4 tonight.The weatherman reckons its a record for these parts.but we had sun::::::rays...! just done me shopping on the web..tesco's...searched around and found a site where you get a code for�15 off.mind you i miss the trolly wars..hehe...!are nearest tesco's is 14 miles away and morrisons is about 20.(:)that's what you get for living in the sticks...!netti,is there a landing strip near you>>>>>>if gessoos plane's to heavy,we will have to throw robinias wooly knickers out...hehe...(:)hey dolly,whats the weather like in aus...!HOT
Sorry folks - have just found out that Ibiza is closed until Spring so you can't come over here. Sorry and all that. wobbles off to a fiesta giggling cos the others can't make it he he

Netti...!!!...if we dont get an invite now i will have to show this pic of you sunbathing to the rest of the biddys. hehe...(:)


yep..robinia and gessoo..methinks something's going to happen in the next few days..???.(:)

You were right netti minus4 in parts of devon....but not here thank goodness(:)
OK OK Vinny you win. I'll expect to see you all sometime tomorrow head east and you'll end up somewhere he he

Love wildlife photos Vinny... Here's a fine one...

Sometimes nature is cruel. But there is also beauty in that cruelty. The alligator is one of the elite predators in nature. However, even it can fall victim to the 'wolf pack' strategy, made possible due to the canines' intelligence and social structure. A pack of wild dogs in Florida attacked and killed an alligator. National Geographic picture


are,thats a cute photo jno.I know,what the blooming heck am i doing at 05:20 in the morning.well me mobile decided to start making a funny noise and woke me up(needs bloody charging)so im off back to bed where its nice and warm.ciao biddys..(:)gessoo cup of coffee please,7.30 sharp...oh and a nice massage wouldnt go amiss...hehe...(:)

Vinny get off my roof now please you've done enough - rain , rain, rain, rain rain, it's tomorrow I want rain not now. Got shopping to do oh, and yes the roof is leaking again right above the cooker so watery soup for today.

Was up at 6.30, saw Vinny had been around so crept back to bed, had he been out all night I wonder?

Good morning biddies.

Rain dancers>spains that way-------->hehe...(:)


bangs spoon on tray ......Wakey wakey, what time d'ya call this? My excuse? Washing's done, windows cleaned - well a couple are & only the inside. It must be a whole degree warmer as the bird baths aren't frozen but it's still grim.

Rain again neti? - well that loks like judgement to me for saying we can't come over there.

So none of us won the Euro lottery then? humph.....suppose I'll have to wait for the lotto to come up tonight ......

Looks like there's a problem with your shopping Vinny - think you must have ordered more than the legal limit of sprouts

hold up

Morning all - Literally just popping in & out again - 3 numbers came up on the EuroMillions (33-39-50), so off to have a big spend up later, with all of the �13.80!

It's very grey & dull out there today, but the birds are singing & I'm not gonna let it beat me. See you later. -x-

hi smudge - well done! don't spend it all on hairnets.

.......oh well, looks like there's no one around to annoy....think I'll go back to the grotto and play with the mice.....

Congrats smudge now don't forget to share amongst your friends cough cough!!

Robinia (ingratiatingly) I knew it was gonna rain so had to stop you from flying over here and wasting your hard earned cash. ahem BTW how do you earn your cash? is it anything to do with those red stilettos and my leggings????must say they've earned me a fortune over the years. ooops nuf said.

yep neti your leggings are definitely the clincher hehe well it looks like the world has finally thawed and come to life so I'm off for a while. It wouldn't hurt the sun to show it's face just once - I've forgotten what a sunny day looks like.

oops forgot

shaneystar - I may have asked before, memory and all that, but do you buy knitting wool off the internet? Wool & craft shops are a bit few and far between here.

Hi Biddies one and all ,I'm up and dressed for the first time since Monday still got a rotten cough which keeps me awake at night and causes the sale of Tena Ladies to go through the roof !!Must admit I don't envy you your weather BUT it is still flaming hot here .We would like somewhere in between say about a nice pleasant 26degrees .Garden sadly drying up (noone to water it while I've been sick).Anyone wants to fly out here will be welcome just don't forget your sunscreen ,no spare beds but warm enough to sleep outside although the mosquitoes would take greatly to your lovely British skins! anf fresh blood ! OK time for bed again ,hope I get off before 4.30 am tonight .Regards to you all and your families and pets of course .Bye .. Dolly
Hi all
Glad to see you are feeling a bit better Dolly.
Gessoo ..that cream is brilliant.Thank you!
Robinia..we have a local woolshop which I use but..the best place on the interenet for wool and patterns is
I can really recommend them.They have a fabulous selection of wool and patterns. I have never been dissapointed.Loads of lovely baby patterns.Do give them a look.

Must dash ..but will see you all later.
Hope you are well and have a good weekend
Shaney xx

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