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gessoo | 18:07 Fri 16th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
515 Answers
It might be a good idea, Ed if at the top of the Chatterbank questions there is a note from you explaining the situation in a pink box so that people are not left wondering what on earth has happened.


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the thought of a dog/vacuum cleaner thread is kind of chilling, like a cat/microwave thread... don't think I'll go there. In fact I won't go anywhere as have been in bed all weekend with painful tummy. Nothing like an enforced diet.
Just popped in to say hello and goodnight. Had a lovely day, it wasn't raining and we went out for lunch and then lit the log fire and so I dozed and dozed and dozed. Have just woken up in time to go to bed. Daughter smashed up two wheels on her car, when we it get better???She's going from bad to worse. Not bailing her out this time, she's got to get a job now for a couple of months til the hotels open and maybe she'll get a better job for the season. Right got that off my chest so will now go to bed perchance to dream..............
yes, I think you've just got to ride it out neti. They have to grow up some time... or not, and this is as good a time as any to find out.

Morning Biddettes(hope your all well).Oh netti,did you teach her to drive be any chance...hehe...Well, went for a nice walk mean where did that come from...?the place is full of woolly-headed sheep...reminds me of somebody..??

robi right of to get me paper...daily mean the daily biddynews...get the kettle on back soon (:)

Morning all - am doing the housework which is why I'm on here, just can't resist it as am walking past. Will be back later tootles off with duster and mansion polish.
Coooeeeee - neti whizzes past on hoover......................
Question Author

Housework Neti - what's that..........

Hope you feel better this morning jno. My grandmother always insisted on given me egg and milk whisked together whenever I had a poor tummy - cringe. I used to hate it and retch. Perhaps that is why I now can't stand either!!!

Well yesterday was quite warm and I went for my first proper walk since my accident. We went back to our local castle grounds and found that there were actually other people there........... what a cheek!!! The warmer weather had brought people out.

I actually managed to walk about half a mile at a reasonable pace without too much difficulty, so things are getting better.

Shaney and Robbie, you have got me thinking about knitting and crochet again. I fancy one of those jackets in eyelash wool, but after the experience of dropping stiches on the eyelash wool scarf, I am having to think hard about it.

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,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I crocheted a beautiful double bedspread in aran about ten years ago, with a large throw to match! When we had Meggie as a puppy she ate a large hole in the centre of both of them!!!!

Well I need to seriously get to grips with doing some work. I haven't found it easy to get back in the swing of things - so this computer is getting turned off very shortly!!!

Hope you are all OK xxxx

Question Author

Robina should have taken greater care when she chose the unusual plants for her tub:


neti stop!......your cable won't reach any further.........oh it did. Does everyone in Ibiza hoover their gardens? And poor Mr. n - hovering

Sorry you've had some daughter trouble - as one door closes another one slams - stay calm....there must be some chamomile tea around somewhere....we'll set up a Biddy boot camp for wayward youngsters & sort 'em out in no time.

Morning all btw - hope we're all well. Sorry to hear you've had a rough weekend jno - hope you haven't been back in the grotto eating those mystery tinned foods.

I see you enjoyed the Stitch & Bitch corner yesterday Vinny - now don't deny it, you've been spotted taking secret classes so you can out-knit us.....


I believe this is one you made earlier ....?

gessoo - if we're all going to get busy with the knitting needles I'll have to learn to type with my toes!

For heaven's sake don't overwater the plants or we'll have trouble getting into the grotto

hi jno - hope you're ok this morning....we could do an I'm a Biddy get me out of here....then again, Vinny + beans .....maybe not

I think my washing machine has just gone into orbit so if anyone sees it can you try & save the bloomers & balaclavas please? - this is the first mild day I've had the chance to wash them.

Dont panic Robinia....Im just off to catch yer bloomers...>>>>>>>>>>weeeeee>> um....

here cor blimey...they weigh a ton...get ready to catch!!! the balaclavas got caught in me helmut.....(:)

crash !!!

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Just thought this was lovely


Morning Vinny - glad you're on form!


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Oops, failed - try again


What a lovely peaceful picture gesso - but I fear for her smalls when the breeze gets up!

Vinny while you're up there can you look in on any of the schools that are banning Hot Cross buns (oh give me strength) - tell them you've been sent to dispose of them safely.

Morning All hope you are well or getting better.

Vinny I've had some lovely holidays in 'Woolly-combe'.

Quite happy today managed to get some washing out for a change!

Soon be Spring

Morning Jude - love the spotty bloomers - I think they've just blown over this way....headed for pride park they are.

Morning gessoo,morning jude.Ive got to shoot off to buy some paint ,its only 14 miles away....!think are pop in tesco's and buy some hot..x..buns(Ban the Bun)doesent quite have the same ring to it..should be back in a couple of hours..depending on the prevailing wind and flying's yer belly jno.get better soon.(:)(you didnt eat one of robinia's buns did you..)hehe..(:)(jude tell me about your holidays later)

does anybody else think the ed's up to something??morning ED.(:~)Bet the wallpaper's changed,by the time i get back...oh no...not mr Blobby paper...!!!>>>>>>>

oooh Vinny - hang on.......would you pick me up a big tin of emulsion please - beige of course, and a bag of Arthur Bower's....ta.

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