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gessoo | 18:07 Fri 16th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
515 Answers
It might be a good idea, Ed if at the top of the Chatterbank questions there is a note from you explaining the situation in a pink box so that people are not left wondering what on earth has happened.


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Do you mean this person from the telly robinia..hehe.(:)


yo that's my man Vinny. Hey, I'm getting good at this family tracing, I should apply to work as dot's assistant. I had another day off work yesterday as stomach still deeply unsettled, but I have taken an immodium, it has calmed down and I shall be back at my office interface today. I need to be better as am off on hols for a couple of weeks visiting the rock-cut churches of Lalibela.

Morning all
Well I have just got back from the church ..lovely old place ..circa 12th century.Have retrieved our family heirloom which was languishing in a cupboard in the vestry.The vicar has since moved on and if he wasn't going to put it on display I can find a home for it here.It's only a wooden carved Lords Prayer type thing ..but it was very cleverly done by my dad and it's the sentimental value really.

Had to laugh with the specs Gessoo.I often have to put my spare pair on to find the pair which I have put down somewhere and can't see to find !

Yes .families are a funny old kettle of fish when you sort them out. I traced some of my mothers relatives in Germany when I was younger . I am an adopted child.Never new who my real father was only that my mother was unmarried and came here after the war and died when I was two months old. I have a sneaking feeling he was probably a British soldier in Germany after the war and she came looking for him.

All water under the bridge really and I consider my self very lucky to have been taken in by the people who were wonderful parents to me and to belong to this huge family.!

Well hope you are feeling O.K today in spite of the weather which is chilly and dull here.It was certainly chilly in that church this morning .It's up the coast in the middle of nowhere !!

Wow lucky devil ! Ancient churches and warmth. Do you have an extra large suitcase? !! I'm only little.!
Question Author

Wow, jno. I have just googled the rock cut churches. Now, would you like some Biddie company - Vinny can drive the Vinnybego! I think my holiday this year might be a day out on the Norfolk coast!! No, I fully intend to do the missed Barcelona trip in the Autumn (couldn't bear it in the Summer)

Vinny reportsf or Biddybank duty

Glad you are feeling better today x

Question Author


I found my broken glasses! Am wearing them even though the arm has broken off one side (need to find some sticking plaster (Jack Duckworth fashion)).

Must go to the optician tomorrow to get both pairs sorted out!!

Have toothache today. I am slowly disintegrating!!!!

Why have my teeth hurt ever since my fall? Any answers please on a postcard to PO Box 999..............

jno love my family photo, had to laught out loud, did you see me sitting in the middle row???

Just had an outrageous email from pickle wish I could post it on here, it was sooo funny. pickle I'll write back soon.

Croak, croak - I'd like to visit this rock cut church one day - it looks very spooky though.

(Not looking after Izzy today, everyone's gone down with the same virus as me).

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For Smudge

Lots of croakiness

Pssssst I will say this only one, it is I netibiza. Have only changed personas to check My Profile and it works fine for me as this person. Have had an email to netti from Ed saying it is being sorted.
That's lovely smudge where is it??

Hi Neti, glad to see you back as Neti.

The rock cut Church is in Goreme, Turkey - I'd really like to visit it one day, although we're not to keen on going to Turkey itself & listening to all that chanting first thing in the morning - nod, nod, wink, wink!!

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Smudge, I love listening to that chanting when I wake up in the morning. Spent a short time in Brunei, and found it really hypnotic and restful. And yet I simply hate British church bells (probably because we lived next door to a huge church when I was little)

Neti - Here's a little more about the village of:

Goreme Turkey

gesso - I can't stand listening to the chanting! I'd much rather listen to the bells of our local Church on a Saturday for weddings & Wednesday/Sunday Evensong. It always reminds me of our daughter's weddings & having the family past & present all around us. Wonderful days.

Nice one could be are new Biddy home...hehe..(:) you need carry your case's....(:)Where's that robinia...?she's not out shoplifting mean shopping...!!(:)is this the tv person your related to robi...??



P.S. Thank you for the Croaky Frogs gesso - I've forwarded them onto Coggles as she collects them.
went to Goreme years ago and one of those places was a restaurant, so I had lunch inside - cool and pleasant, and not at all smelly (whatever I imagined the inside of a rock would smell like, it didn't). Also catacombs cut out underground so people could hide from invaders - some of those are churches, still with painted walls. Really fascinating. Maybe I have troglodyte blood... You can also stay in those underground caves where Star Wars was filmed in Tunisia, some of them are hotels.
He, he, Vinny - now that's an idea - gather all your belongings everyone, looks like we may be off to Goreme - Vinny's in charge of the transport!

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