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gessoo | 18:07 Fri 16th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
515 Answers
It might be a good idea, Ed if at the top of the Chatterbank questions there is a note from you explaining the situation in a pink box so that people are not left wondering what on earth has happened.


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Interesting site for all us biddiebabes

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Well, it's a shame about Chatterbank and that the few troublemakers spoiled it for everyone else. However, it seems that they are going to be reasonable about chat in the other categories and our Ed seems to have her head screwed on.

Dare we ask about Biddiebank or lie low!!!!

Creeps away and hides..........................

ooh, 401 already. I'm here for a few days yet but you'll all have moved on through several other establishments by the time I return from my hols. You'll probably be posing as a group of bingo players in a hotel in Clacton, or possibly a fishing party by a loch... wonder how I'll find you. Somebody lay a clue of thread please. (Preferably not through News, though; that place always makes my hair stand on end.)

Or of course you could all just wear your wedding gear, which would be visible way after dark over most of the country...

Have a nice holiday jno - bring back some sunshine!

P.S. I doubt if I'd get into my size 8 wedding outfit - I'm a size 12 now!

crikey you've been busy nattering - we'll be on the move again soon...or will we? Are we doomed too? I hope not I need somewhere to rest my aches & knee has just let me down as I was crossing a busy road, how I kept walking I don't know. I just wanted to sit down on the pavement and cry but they'd only think I was blotto again. Anyway I had to buy some medicinal custard tarts..... please pass them round.

Vinny yes that's the man - distinct family likeness, all pink & yellow but I look more like the deflated version....

Wedding outfit for me was a navy suit, white bell sleeved blouse with huge collar, white platform shoes & a floppy navy hat. Size 10 then, size 10 now ....
......>>>>>ducks as custard tart flies my way .....
It was January, registry office & by the afternoon there was a foot of snow & most people headed home. Husband's hair was almost as long as mine but much wavier - damn it!
Must add that size 10 now is at least a size bigger than it was in the 70s. I can't get into my clothes from then, sleeves were sooo narrow!

Those were the days Robinia - hope your knee feels better soon too.

Yes, that's absolutely right, clothes have got loads smaller than they were....also boxes of chocs have got smaller and they are putting far less in the wine bottles than they did. I think that we ought to write to somebody about it!!

I had a real white wedding. My Mum made my dress and the bridesmaid's. My sister and I did the catering, and that sister made the cake, my other sister did my hair, my Dad grew the flowers for the bouquet, my bridesmaids basket and wedding party buttonholes and my Mum made them up....oh and I printed my own invitations.

I've still got my dress in a box under the bed. I will never fit into it again, barring miracles but I do get it out to look at from time to time. (sigh) that was 31 years ago, cannot believe what folk spend on a wedding now or the thing about we'd like to get married but we can't afford the wedding (sniffs) such nonsense!!

Any one know where we're going next?? Anyone got a good old suggestion stashed?

I'm a bit busy and erratic at the moment and don't want to lose you

Hi woofgang - Vinny quite liked the look of my pic of a rock church in Goreme Turkey earlier - so if he's willing to lay on the transport......p'raps we could make it our new home - at least it'll be warmer than it is here!

What is Ed referring to when she says "slight deviations make the world go round" I mean I ask you, are we to become deviants?? We did all that in the 70's don't think the old bones will manage now. Don't tell Vinny or Pickle they be all up for being deviant!!!!(or is that devious?) Have I to swing from the chandelier again? if so Robinia I'll need the leopardskin leggings again.

This is as near to becoming deviant as I can manage these days:


hahahahahaha - neti's answer in B&S to the blue cervix Q made me fall off my chair.......hope it doesn't get you sent to the dungeon neti......
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Woofgang. I so agree with you. When people say these days we can't afford to get married it means we can't afford thousands of pounds to have a hi-profile huge wedding. It doesn't cost much to simply get married. These days it seems the norm to have a super duper new home complete with new furniture, have two children and then get married, spending a vast fortune on entertaining your friends and family.

I prefer the old way - get married, live in a draughty old flat or house with hand-me-down furniture and all mum's cast off pots and pans, save for a mortgage and buy your first home and still have the hand-me-down furniture, etc, and gradually build up your home over the years - somewhere along the way having a kid or two if and when you feel the time is right. It somehow made for more stability and was much more fun. OK so gessoo is really an old hippie turned old fogey!

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lol gesso - I'd put money on it that she's trying to have a you go neti I've borrowed this from my son for you.....

gessoo that is hilarious! We've been married 30yrs and still are having second- hand furniture (apart from beds etc) but settee, carpet and all that are hand- me -downs. We live in such a quaint rock and mud villa that modern furniture would look silly, plus its soooo expensive here, but we do have most mod cons.
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Our house is made of brick and flint rubble, Neti, and is over 200 years old. And like we still have loads of our original furniture!!! I have to laugh at the DFS advertisements on the tele which seem to imply that you need to have a new sofa every Christmas. You can't blame the youngsters for what is happening - it's just that so many of them have been brought up in a consumer, throw-away society.

Have you used Robbie's son's caving headlight yet!!!!

No point me looking up there gessoo . all that finished a wee while ago now.

Phew, don't know where that came from - just had a sudden burst of energy & cleaned all the french door windows before it got dark - only the inside mind!

We also started off with nothing but second hand furniture (apart from a new double bed). Then over a period of time, built up our home from our good old hard work earnings - no HP, apart from the mortgage which thankfully finished a few years ago!

We have a nice comfortable home now, but it's taken over 40 years to get there! The next step will be selling up & downsizing to a smaller more manageable home - well in the next 10 years no doubt!

I agree, these days some youngsters want it all - now!

aha - old furniture!!!! That's reminded me what I was going to ask about 3 days ago - I'll probably try H&G later but for now have any of you revamped any Lloyd loom style furniture? I've got an ottoman & bedside table needs a facelift - it's a bit drab but great condition, it was my mum's. I suppose spraying it would be best? What kind of paint tho'?
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You best look then to see whether it's still there!!!

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