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gessoo | 18:07 Fri 16th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
515 Answers
It might be a good idea, Ed if at the top of the Chatterbank questions there is a note from you explaining the situation in a pink box so that people are not left wondering what on earth has happened.


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J-E-S-U-S - I've just been out to post some letters & I can honestly say, it's the coldest day I can remember for a very, very long time - bbbrrr - my jeans nearly froze to my legs!

Ha, ha, ha, gessoo - that's just how I feel today - must make an effort to put some lippy on & glam up for the weekend - not that we're going anywhere special - only shopping in Milton Keynes!
that's me all right gessoo except for the duvet I'm currently wearing to keep out the breezes. My, aren't I debonair.
Question Author

Oh Smudge, I can't bear this constant grey and cold. Lets book a charter flight to Ibiza. I just read the weather forecast and it is going to be 17 degrees C tomorrow! Neti, get the spare rooms ready, get that paella on and get the vino out the cellar. Vinny, are you any good as a pilot. This aircraft is free for charter


Question Author

17 degrees in Ibiza, not here. Just in case you were getting excited. More like -17 here!

I thought that was good of you jno. I recognised you straight away. You can tell it's Shaney because of the knitting bag and glasses, and Smudge, well she always does wear those wrinkly stockings round her ankles and a headscarf!!!

I've not only got SAD now I've got biscuit rage!!!!
Does it annoy you when you buy a packet of dunking biscuits - rich tea, morning coffee, etc & they're overcooked & too brown? Worse still, they all have invisible cracks and it's ready - dunk - plop! I don't ask for much in life.....grrrrrrrrrr
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Don't like biscuits Robinia, and especially don't like dunking!! I drink black tea and just can't envisage putting a biscuit in it!!

I am tucking into thick white bread with thick butter and even thicker honey!!! The weather is getting me down!! Thank heaven for the Biddies to keep me going.

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Here you are Robinia, present from me


I am now probably going to get banned!!

Question Author

It was nice knowing you all. I'm going to seek refuge in a monastery until the Ed cools down...................................................


That's me back row on the right in the dark glasses!!

I see gesso's found her old knitting patterns & pink wool again, he, he!

I'll share a pot of tea & dunk biscuits with you Robinia - oh, but I'm very partial to fresh bread, butter & honey too gesso! Perhaps we could have a little tea party!

haha - wonder whether they sell them at Jude's place of work? We'll get her to bring some in.

Ed's gone very quiet - is something going on I wonder?

Of course you are all welcome, but it's 11� here at 17.10, no spare bedrooms and no vine cellar either but plenty in shops so come on down!!!! Rain expected later today and tomorrow.
Question Author

I was thinking the same Robinia. Haven't seen her around for a few days anywhere on AB!

That picture looks just like me Smudge!

Thanks Neti, just packing a few things


gessoo we must be related somewhere down the line - I also only drink black tea (with a touch of cold water added) and NEVER dunk anything yuk. I hate soggy things.

sos for Vinny have just heard on Sky News that the temperature in Devon is -4 so here I am coming for you.

neti hero

Thanks Neti - I'm packing & ready too!

I've had no response to my e-mails to the AB Ed either, asking for him/her to delete my personal details from the new My Profile boxes. I'd entered my DOB, etc., then realised it wasn't really necessary - consequently, every time I tuned in, my DOB was staring me in the face! It just won't let me delete the details completely, so I've changed my DOB to 1 January 1900 & that's what pops up each time instead - now I really am an old Biddy!

Hi I'm back again. On cat duty at the weekend and had to nip to my sons for the key and have my usually lesson on the burglar alarm setting.

Just happened to call in work on the way back and pick Honey, New Bread and Butter for you all, thought you'd enjoy that!!!!:o)

oh lovely Jude thanks - I don't know what to do for my tea so that'll fill a gap while I decide....

Wonder if Vinny's been dumping his potatoes in some poor old biddy's trolley in the supermarket again?

Mmmmm - thanks Jude, it's looks exceedingly tasty!

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