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gessoo | 18:07 Fri 16th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
515 Answers
It might be a good idea, Ed if at the top of the Chatterbank questions there is a note from you explaining the situation in a pink box so that people are not left wondering what on earth has happened.


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old tart eh? grrrrrr .........war's back on.......prepare for battle.....

Just got in...... so catching up before I take me corset off & put me hair-net on........

Our eldest daughter married at 28 & had her children at 34 & 37. Our youngest daughter married at 21 & had her children at 22 & 24. Being older & younger Mum's, they've both enjoyed their children in their own way.

Nite, nite all, sleep well & don't have nightmares!

I'm watching you too!

Night Neti thanks for the natter! :o)

Night Smudge It's been talk about children night tonight!!

Nite, nite Jude - it's nice for us all to chat & even though we've never met, it sometimes feels as though we've known each other for years! -x-

I think it's about time I went now. Don't forget Robinia lay off the cheese last thing don't want you having nightmares tonight. (Don't expect you had any really -cheese that is)

Goodnight All x

nite smudge

speaking of nightmares where's Vinny been all day? hehe I think he's avoiding me & my tape measure.....

night Jude - must be bedtime for me too - my dog has got into his without prompting.
H, ha, Robinia, nite, nite to you too. -x-
Goodnight girls ..sweet dreams .. see you all tomorrow.
well I have my eyes on all of you. Tia Rose, shaney? I'm not really a fan of naming children after drinks... soon it'll be Chardonnay, and then it'll be Harvey Wallbanger and then where will it end I ask you.
morning everyone, wow look at the mess you left in here last night lol
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Morning Pixi. I missed the party too, so refuse to do any clearing up!!

Sorry for the hasty departure last night. I had a 'help' call from my son whilst I was working in the study. The little dog had been a real pig all day sneaking food whenever he could, and then ended up eating the cat poo!!!! He had been terribly sick late in the afternoon. Son was exceedinly worried as little dog had blown up with gas and looked like a helium balloon. After a long conversation with the vet, son and I ended up taking charcoal tablets apart, mixing the contents with water and syringing down dogs throat. Little dog now has a black face but feels much better.

I am so disappointed I missed last nights chat about kids. I am going through hell at the moment worrying about mine. I won't go into it, because he is a very intense and serious young man. However, I love him so much that if he would let me I might overdo the smothering. He is fiercely independent and doesn't really take to 'lodging' at home at the moment after being away for three years.

Neti, I too had a miscarriage before having my son. We made a conscious decision not to have any more and sold his baby things off as quickly as possible. I loved the baby, toddler stage with him (but not with other kids). He was a delight and never ever went through any terrible twos. I particularly loved the 7-11 age, growing up fast but still reliant on Mum!

Morning all - erm, pixi, haven't you read the BiddyCode? tut....first one here in the morning cleans up.....just be thankful we aren't still in the old grotto as this was the Lad'sLav.....

Well I'm now up to 4 layers of clothes, I'm starting to look like a Russian doll & I've decided I'll keep my hat on all day as is the norm for a Biddy. The curls have fallen out btw, whatever happened to concrete style Amami setting lotion?

grrr....Who's done the crossword in me Woman's Weekly?? Bet it was that shaneystar......and she's put all the empty little wrappers back in the After Eights box....

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Neti, I was a right little raver in my late teens and early twenties and must have given my mother hell!! However, I survived - so just take great comfort in the fact that Neti junior might turn out just like me!!! he he
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Morning Robbie.

Just laid today's clothing out for you:


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jno, just wondering if Vinny's son is called Becks and has a wife called Posh!!
hi gessoo - we posted at the same time - glad your little dog is feeling better. Mine would stuff his face all day if he could....he eats the bird's raisins and I've recently discovered they're toxic for dogs. Thankfully there are only usually a few that have been missed - they get gobbled up quickly by 4 blackies.

Sorry about your family troubles, you never stop worrying but hopefully mine seem settled. The youngest is a serious caver and climber & that scares the hell out of me but driving down the road can be dangerous so I try hard not to become paranoid. They were very good as young boys & I couldn't have survived without them when I was very ill when they were 9 & 11, they were amazing. Must have been very tough for them but at the time we just had to get on with it. It seems to me that my oldest is a much better, calmer father than I was a mother!

We need smudge in here to iron those clothes!!
Morning all
Hope you are all well on another cold dreary day.Have just come back from the doctors and been told my thyroid levels are still out of kilter so I have to have a stronger dose. That's not so bad cholesterol is a bit high so I have to go back next week and see the nurse to be given a diet.Shock !.Horror !! Also alcohol is now strictly verboten.
So that has put paid to my cheese on toast habit !!
I am full of small complaints that peoplel rarely die from!!

Hope your little dog is much better this morning Gessoo.

Sorry about the crossword Robinia ,couldn't resist filling it in ,but I think After Eights are off the menu for me now !

Yes Jno ..I have to admit when I first read my brothers email I thought it said Tia Maria !

Vinny is conspicuous by his absence. He should be here cleaning the lavs.I suppose he has overslept again.

It's so nice to come on here and have a chat and air our woes.
Have a good day everyone to you all xx

It's funny what you find out about your fellow biddies when you wander around the ab corridors....don't stand next to neti when she yawns.....and you won't believe how Vinny funds his drinking habits - see news thread re cold weather......shame on you Vinny (made me laugh tho')

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