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gessoo | 18:07 Fri 16th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
515 Answers
It might be a good idea, Ed if at the top of the Chatterbank questions there is a note from you explaining the situation in a pink box so that people are not left wondering what on earth has happened.


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......neti wanders through......hummm no one here, sips coffee and nibbles smoked salmon on Ryvita (well I do try to be posh). Tell that Robinia tomorrow I am going to have a stiff word with her re: Suggs. Twilight zone and 1900 ad ?? humph. she'll have an awful lot of grovelling to do. nitey nite, See you all tomorrow.
-- answer removed --'s a nice cup of char...must'nt wake the rest up...(hour later...hehe>>>>>>>>>zooms back to check on robinia)um...up late last nite robinia....watching telly eh....!!!(:)now must feed pinky and perky....morning biddys....ZZzzzzzz..snore...snore....! better come back later....(:)hello pickle>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.

ROBINIA? ROBINIA? Don't ignore me.... I want a very good explanation for the Twilight Zone and 1900 reference!!!

neti on warpath

Hi netti.there's a rumour going around that your 99yrs sound much younger to me....sweety......!! just be proud that you still can post on the web....arh bless...netti be carefull crossing them roads...(:)
Who's that - can't see you and I can hear you young whippersnapper. dodders off to somewhere else!!

Robinia I'm sorry please put me down

robinia's revenge

..singing....we didn't get much sleep but we had a lotta fun,
on grandma's feather bed....

Morning all - I'm a bit tired today, I kept having nightmares last night that I was being chased by a giant frankfurter....

oops looks like neti is on to me explanation? well I am the youngest Biddy so it's compulsory that I'm naughty. So have you all told the truth in your profile then? Anybody that squeals on me is in trouble - I am 36. Oh and for jno - I'm blonde. Says it all really doesn't it.

Think I'd better make a sharp exit before I feel the weight of some flying what's the best category to hide in I wonder? Aha sport probably, they'll never look for a biddy in there. I'd better don me baseball cap & does that tune go...?

you'll never walk alone

is this the BB thread that chillwind told me about? Sorry but i didnt read through so i dont know whats happening, so hi to everyone and i hope you are all well

Hey i just found out at the beginning of the week that everyone at work is getting paid 45p an hour more than me. I now have it sorted out and my next months wage will include all the back pay they owe me right back to November, so the drinks will be on me.

Robinia the system hasn't actually required me to fill in my profile, so I haven't. Fortunately there isn't a space for 'state of mental health'. But I always speak very slowly and carefully to blondes so if I'm writing to them I'll obviously have to type more slowly, stands to reason doesn't it. <sings 'black is the colour of my love's true hair'>
pixi but do they deduct for time spent on AB? If so... mine's a tap water, I guess.
lol jno, i hope not otherwise i will be in debt to them till i retire

Robinia...your dreams come true.....(is that a tape measure or are you just pleased to see me)hehe..!


Hi ive got a job for you....there's a couple off pigs out the back....pinky and let you know when the kettles boiled...(:)hand's over spade>>


Hi pixi....any good at cleaning pig pens..

Hi pixi - oooh loadsamoney!! Does that mean you can buy best dripping with jelly on the bottom?
Yes, we've been toddling around since the original thread but when it got to about 1900 we had to move 'cos we were clogging up the ab we have to be Biddouins as jno has labelled's very tiring at our age so we could do with some young uns to do the cleaning & shopping.

right, I am off to an exhibition. Then I shall go to Work. Maybe I will stagger back here when I get home around midnight, but I expect you'll all be tucked up under your duvets. IAP, very impressed to see you managed to swap one made of terylene for one made of gold, but isn't that quite heavy? I'm thinking Fort Knox in Goldfinger.
ps pixi at a casual glance you will of course not understand what's going on in Biddybank. But if you devotedly read every post, and look at every picture... you will still not understand and you'll have wasted a whole morning. Also, there is a risk that senility can be transmitted via keyboards, so you should probably wear gloves while typing here.
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Morning Biddies!

Hi Pixi, glad you found us. We have to move around a bit to please the EdB, but Robinia always leaves a note about where our next home will be.

Vinny. The cuppa was great. Sorry I turned down the massage, but mornings are not my favourite time of day!! Having said that, I was up at 7.00am today as we had to be at the vets early for her to supervise Willie's first insulin injection.

I'm feeling a bit better today, although I didn't sleep well! Like Robinia I had nightmares all night, mine were about leaks and flooding and gangs of drug dealers taking over my house!!!

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jno. I am sure that Moira is very nice. Unfortunately, though, when she reads the news her blandness and tone just makes me so annoyed that I don't actually listen to what she is saying.

And I was blonde all my life until recent months when I thought I would try something new - so I am now a mixture of blonde and brunette, (i.e. scatty with intelligent moments) Is that OK? I am very proud to say I have only got a tiny streak of grey - quite good going for a 90 year old, eh!

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The new edit system on our profile is racist! So many places have been left out. I'm not filling it in anyway, it's not compulsory!

I'm not filling it in either (I like a bit of rebellion anyway)

gessoo your nightmare sounds like a normal day in Ibiza.

I'm blonde with grey streaks, soon to be replaced by brown streaks and I'm only 22!!

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