read this book yonks ago but can't remember the author or title. it's about 2 girls who meet at boarding school and their families. The main character is sent to boarding school when her mother and...
I am really a Martina Cole virgin, but decided to give her a go after hearing her on Desert Island Discs. I'm currently reading "Maura's Game", and was quite taken aback to discover that there was a...
Hi how are you..? please could you help and guide me to the right answer? I was watching a movie and in that scene a boy tried to kill his mother and she want to protect him no matter what..someone...
William Brown (Just William) in one of the stories announces to his arch enemy Hubert Lane: "Whoever steps upon this bit of burned into a hen coop his house be turned". This after enticing Hubert to...
I am halfway through this and am enjoying it immensely, just as I have enjoyed all his previous stuff. The Dairies this time are from 2005 to 2015, and are full of delicious quotes. Recommended to all...
I have just started reading Catch 22. Looking at all the reviews, every one praises the book, but I think I must be missing something, to me it is a load of rubbish!
Does anyone agree?...
I am trying to source a book I read many years ago about a german drifter who went from village to village. He was very ill and did not have long left to live. I think it was set at the beginning of...
Which book begins: "It is a fact well known to the medical profession that doctors marry either nurses, other doctors or barmaids. During the most marriageable years these are the only females they...
After reading on Wiki about " Old London Bridge" .. I've just ordered "Old London Bridge ... the story of the oldest inhabited bridge in Europe" What have you treated yourself to, or reading?...
My mother suddenly recited a poem from her school days, pre-1944. I have searched Internet using different parts of the poem, all unsuccessful. She quotes the following, but knows neither author nor...
Recommendations please - anything from a practical sense of dealing with things like money and behaviour to fictional work that will entertain and inspire him. Tia
I am halfway through the "Gabriel Hounds" and are enjoying it immensely.
I am familiar with her Arthurian books, but can anybody recommend any others ?...
I used to be a huge fan of Robert Harris. I thought "Fatherland" and "Archangle" were fine, taughtly written books. But after reading his latest, "Conclave" I realise that there are a few hours of my...