Now that JK Rowling has officially named her next book who do you think is the half-blood prince?? I initally thought it could possibly be something to do with Neville Longbottom, but have since remembered that both his parents were wizards therefore he is full blood. Anyone any suggestions as to who it could possibly be??
Shut the **** up drama geek. It's not Colin Creevey, he's a Muggle-born, sh!tface. That rules out Dennis too.
It could very well be Dobby. His dad could've been a human or something, that's why he's taller than the other elves and that's why he likes clothes.
But if it's not Snape then I will belt myself in the head.
The Half blood prince is clearly Colin Creevy. He only said his dad was a milkman to stop everyone gawking at him like they do to Harry.
Of course, that'll make his brother a half blood prince as well, but who really cares about him?
This is a stupid topic and has been going on too long. Has anyone read past the first page before going somewhere else?
well it could be dumbledore or a new character. It can be harry because the title is harry potter AND the half blood prince. There are lots of posibilities of who it can be but i dont think the prince is a minor character in other books
I agree with sds because, if you remember, all the books up to book 5, the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher had an important role in the book. The Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher is probably going to have an important role in book 6 eg. The Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher might be the Half Blood Prince.
I think the HBP is none other than...
Remus J. Lupin! JKR has said that Remus Lupin is one of her favorite characters, but you notice that he seems to get conviently overlooked. If he is one of JKR's favorite characters why isn't often in the spotlight. And also what does the J in his name actually stand for? And why doesn't he touch Harry? And what is the running bit with switching spells? In the 3rd book why did he go funny when Harry told him that he heard his father from the boggart? I got a theory going. See if ou can figure it out. If you want to know what it is read the Ultimate Unofficial Guide to the Mysteries of Harry Potter. On the note of the HBP, JKR has also mentioned that he is a half blood. Now why would she say that?
Has it occured to anyone that Aragog was introduced in the CoS? It was very old, and probably close to death, so a new "prince" might have taken over the clan of Spiders.
I doubt that Harry and Ron would like another trip to the very same spider that wanted to eat them. And i think JKR might make the HBP a human (so no dobby!)
Have none of you been to rowling's She specificly states that Mark Evans is a nobody!!!! She only used the surname because it's common. I personally think that as rowling says it could be a pure-blood, but at any rate it's looking to be some minor character, example Dean Thomas...we know very little about him except that he was raised by his mom and step-dad and that his dad was killed by death eaters because he wouldn't join them...all this time it is assumed the Dean is a muggle-born when it's obvious that he is a half-blood. If that's not who it is then I think is could be a girl...nowhere does it say that a prince has to be a man.
ok I agree with the riddle or justin idea but i ahve a question. I GoF when hp tells dumbledore that voldemort can touch him. it says" For a fleetinf instant harry thought he saw a gleam of triumph in dumbeldores eyes"Has ANYONE thought of what kind of clue this could be?
hmmm... COULD that gleam be a clue. Was there another prophecy concerning the HBP? The HBP is suppose to help Harry in book 6 right? Then if there was another prophecy that included HP and the HBP do you think the HBP would come after Voldemort came back into power? i hope some of you get wat im saying.
i fully agree with DonPan, Pickle and Magic_freak. i think is would be a new character and it will make the story so much more interesting.....i find flip's idea that dumbledore could ne the half-blood prince very interesting..i really like this idea. keep me posted on new theories!
not sure about this but it just popped into my head....what if the half-blood prince is sumone's ancestor? like the story of this ancestor is reborn into the 6th book? it's just a theory!
well.....people have been the HBPis this person from the 'chamber' but it could be no-one from the 'chamber' but sumthin harry learned or discovered from the 'chamber' could play a big role in the 6th book. u never kno......i totally agree that mark evans is a no-body! and that tom riddle is not the HPB sionce he IS voldemort. when i read misty95's comment it gave a idea.....i really need to re-read some things over...does anyone hav any ideas about the mirror sirius gave harry b4 he died? i mean,is this thing gonna play a big part in the 6th and 7th books??