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cunningham flies again

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DaSwede | 16:08 Mon 31st Dec 2007 | Arts & Literature
503 Answers
(This is a rerun of a question I asked a while back in the main category. Didn't get any replies there - could it be that the real buffs dwell in subcategories only? Sorry to be such a pain in the proverbial but I really want that poster - if indeed it exists.)

I used to own a black-and-white photo postcard from a Martha Graham production where dancer Merce Cunningham comes flying through the air in one giant leap. A woman (Graham?) sits at her desk in a jaded pose studying his flight toward her as if she were assessing his flying techniques rather than anticipating his company. Cunningham's body is cram full with energy, he's like a spring just released; looking at the picture you feel he must surely bounce once he lands.

I'd love to have this photo on my wall as a poster but haven't been able to find it. I'm good at advanced googling but search engines do provide different results in different countries - so if you're in the mood for some googling and you don't live in Sweden...


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All this moving around ..Charlie going to live with Kit ..I'm busy packing to go and live with Robinia ..all we need now is Vinny to move in with Jude and Neti can move into Primark ................
Gawd it's like the hounds of hell here as your hat ,thundering and coming down in stair rods interspersed with great hail gobstoppers......after a lovely morning !
Tescos was rammed to the gunnels ..I hate going round these big superstores ..bah ....
I may go and waste my time watching someone wreck somebody elses front room .................
oh you're too late shaney you'll have to make do with you can make a nine letter word using the j and z can't you?....tut...I can do the 'rithmetic, with the aid of my trusty abacus.

I gave up on going out....every time I went to put my balaclava on the heaven's opened.
Well yes ...of course ..Jargonized ......which is a bit like that old ditty .
♫ I know a song that'll get on your nerves ..get on your nerves get on your ....♫ hahaha..............
oh poop that was too easy.....hang on...... 1...2...3...4....
hey, that's 10 letters! are the weakest link....

♫ ...get on your nerves....get on your nerves....♫ .. hehe

oh, btw Foyle's War on Sunday! :o)
Hiya All Foyles War Sunday thanks for reminding me. I love it.
Hello Dolly Good to hear from you hope you are keeping well.
I'm thinking about going out on my own tonight to my local haunt in the hopes that there are some people there I know cos my friend can't go this week. I've almost made up my mind but if it rains the telly might win!!
I hope you all have a good weekend. I think it's going to be wintery so keep warm all of you. See ya later gater(s) :o)

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Chas coming to live with me, that's great - but does he understand about the repercussions, I wonder...

Here's a brain teaser my sister emailed to me: How many people are there in this group? Count them immediately when you've opened the link, then count them again after they're shuffled: annoying

Well. who can I live with or with whom can I live??

Lovely day here, feeling a lot better, but still got bad cough (remnant of smoking days) and runny nose.

After watching "breaking into Tesco's" I decided to make a bacon, leek and cheese flan, it's fun, but got a smell of burned leeks, but I think they'll be ok. No idea what else goes in it!

Hope you are all Ok and healthy, where are we off to tonight then jude? She wears me out ,honestly.
bonjour...I won't mention the weather but my horrorscope says I'm going on the holiday of a lifetime...

<loud slamming of doors & clunking as drawbridges are frantically raised>

well, that's charmin'! I was only going to ask who wanted to come with me..the last one was such a hoot

oh well, until then a change is as good as a rest so I'll go & move the furniture around
ha ha Robi imagine eating your dinner and the table decides to go walkabout.
Morning Biddie Buddies Weather can't make up it's mind today. Sunny one minute then raining. My washing doesn't know whether it's coming or going. It's in permanently now!!.
Eventually went out last night after I had had a Baileys to help me make up my mind. There was a live Rock Band on. ( Not trad Rock and Roll) I was pleased I decided to go.
How agravating is that teaser Kit?
Hi Neti you can come and live with me then I can take you to my local haunt for a drink and a jive!! And if Vinny comes as well, as Shaney suggested, we'd have a ball!!
Haven't managed to get anything done in my back garden yet. Still hoping to do some this weekend.
Take care All :o)
it would be brilliant for a seance...they'd all poop themselves...hahaha
Im staying put now that Foyles War is on tomorrow .
Last but one ..Mind you I did read somewhere that Anthony Horowitz is in talks about a new series to continue it into peacetime after that Shaps guy axed as it was too expensive to produce .
Fine and sunny here but that cold wind all the time ...have a good weekend everyone ...I am the weakest link ..Goodbye !..Hehehe.....can you put my specs in the post please Robinia .....
believe me neti you really don't want to be anywhere near Derby - <whispers> footy result 6-0...yikes, the peasants will be revolting
oops look's Jude, kicking someone's at

yes shaney I saw Honeysuckle the other day (!) saying there were whispers about a follow on....I'll put you a bowl of stew in the post too if you like, I've got a whole cauldron full & me dumplings are HUGE!
(that'll have the hippy running in....)

Mornin people...
did somebody mention BIG dumplings..!
a load of people were injured last night.....they think it was a terrorist attack..... a bunk bed..collapsed.....there blaming Al-Ikea....hahahah..!! hello Dolly,hope your keeping well. got invited to the posh house fer a meal last night ,the two ladys that moved from windsor along with a few other people ive never and becks doesent mix....I told a load of filthy jokes....they said you must be a saggitarian...!how the hell did they know that...spooooky..! dont think they were to impressed when i told them its cleaner to eat your food off the road than many peoples carpets.....but it worked,im cleaning there's on wednesday..hehe..!
"wayne rooneys told he can play in the world cup if he gets a cortizone injection.Beckam said"if that fat fuc***rs having a new car,then so am I."(:O)Kylie Minogue robbie williams and Elton john were walking over a bridge.Kylie trips and gets her head stuck between the railings.Robbie looks around.pulls down her knickers and sha**** her senseless.He stands back and says to Elton "your go..Elton starts crying and sobs"my head wont fit through the railings!" hehe..!(:O)YO(((*_*)))
<looks the other way and pretends not to know Vinny...>
Ahem ......go and have a lie down Vinny ..what on earth did those women spike your drinks with ?
Have a dumpling or something .... I hope they only want you do the cleaning .......hahaha....they're a funny old lot those Berkshire horsey types ....
I think you'd better hand yourself in at the office in the morning mi laddo, it just might get you a shorter spell in the dungeon.

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cunningham flies again

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