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cunningham flies again

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DaSwede | 16:08 Mon 31st Dec 2007 | Arts & Literature
503 Answers
(This is a rerun of a question I asked a while back in the main category. Didn't get any replies there - could it be that the real buffs dwell in subcategories only? Sorry to be such a pain in the proverbial but I really want that poster - if indeed it exists.)

I used to own a black-and-white photo postcard from a Martha Graham production where dancer Merce Cunningham comes flying through the air in one giant leap. A woman (Graham?) sits at her desk in a jaded pose studying his flight toward her as if she were assessing his flying techniques rather than anticipating his company. Cunningham's body is cram full with energy, he's like a spring just released; looking at the picture you feel he must surely bounce once he lands.

I'd love to have this photo on my wall as a poster but haven't been able to find it. I'm good at advanced googling but search engines do provide different results in different countries - so if you're in the mood for some googling and you don't live in Sweden...


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O ! Just when I was sure that Vinny had finally gone senile and was lost on the moor... unable to find his way back home to the biddies... it turns out he's been rubbing shoulders with the cr�me de la cr�me all along.

Oh don't worry about where to live, Neti, you can all come stay with me! I've got plenty of room! (Not.) And if my place won't suffice, why then you can all live in that little old lift you and your husband saw last summer while in Stockholm, remember? The one by the water that was built in 1907 to be used by dock workers but which now serves as studio to a famous painter and singer - remember? It's the tiniest studio ever, but very cute, don't you think, and close to where I live, so we can all have afternoon tea at your place, and Chas can have meatballs from McDonalds - it's true - and Woofy's lads can both have a drink. And your cats Neti could have some of that fermented Baltic herring with their tea?

the one about the hippy and the nun

(Al-Ikea, he he he...)


have fun you two
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Ha haha ha ha ha ha, mercy, Robinia, you are cruel - my non-existent muscles ache from laughing... My only experience with BDSM was when I googled for long rubber gloves, because I really hate it when dirty water gets inside your short rubber gloves when cleaning the floor. Well I can tell you the search hits I got weren't the kind I'd been looking for - and this was at the library where people are always hanging around behind you waiting for their turn and staring at the screen...

(BTW I loved the cute walking table as well.)
Question Author
(Don't know what we'd have to do to be sent to the dungeon! Except for over-posting.)
here, Robinia, can I just get the bread rolls out of that basket before you....erk
Morning all, another bright cold start to the day here....tort is getting fed up with having to be indoors.
OH has finally put in his intention to retire notice at work....last day will be 13th June (dancing) It will certainly take a lot of stress out of his and my life!!
Catch you later!

Morning people...
lovely sunny morning.
The EDs spared me the dungeon.I did Explain that im not use to drinking wine with becks and I promised not to tell any more jokes that robinia had sent me..! phew..that was a close one..!!(:O)
loved the Hippy joke kip..did I ever tell you about the lady from johanna....there was a lady from johanna,who do any trick fer a tanner.she layed on her back and ...bu66er...the door bells going....catch yer later dudes....>>>>>(:O).robi hehe..!
Gutentag...yep it was frosty here woofy

haha, that is a bit like me this morning Vinny...I feel a bit leaden. I've finally started to see I've done a bit in the garden... but I've started to feel like I've done a lot.
Bloomin gardener's got a bad back which is very inconsiderate, tut, so I'm looking for a sub...any offers?

mmm, silly question

hey-ho Robi, if you want a job my pace I should have it sorted by Sept...just in time to down tools for xmas.

time flies

Hi jno those are lovely, makes me feel as though I was actually there - thank you.
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Ring-ring-ring! Have I come to the AnswerBar? Yup.

Read something nice on the internet. Usually when I google for singers and actors I remember from my childhood and youth I learn that they're dead and died gruesome deaths - you know. Haven't thought of The Onedin Line for, what, thirty years? but something made me think of it and I found that Peter Gilmore and Anne Stallybrass eventually became a couple in real life too - aww, I wish my mother had known, she liked them both so much.

Great pictures as usual jno, I love the composition of the last one, with the tall man. The one with the pyramid looks almost unreal! And the one with the girls is lovely too - what's the event? Outdoors school?

Funny day here, doesn't know if it's shining or raining, so I think I'd better go out before it doesn't know if it's snowing or hailing.

Hi Neti, I see you there!

Ooh lovely pics Jno is that Hapsetshut 's temple that was on whispering Dan last week ?
I hope you went in and burnt some incense ....
Black as your hat here and any minute now I think the heavens will open .Did a mad dash to get my washing in .
Hope you are all well .
Gardening Robinia ? Can you come round here ..three square and futon thrown in and as much tea as you can drink .
the same, shaney. You see all these sculptures of a beautiful lady (with a beard strapped on)... but they've recently identified her mummy and it's in the Cairo Museum, labelled '40-50-year-old woman, obese and with bad teeth'. Actually it's barely recognisable as human, being mostly covered with a shroud and doesn't look obese... by my standards!
Kit, I'm not sure what the event was - a school picnic or something, perhaps. There were a few adult males present, but whether teachers, fathers or what, I don't know
oh poop ....I went off to find out if that was the Happytut temple & I come back to find jno's put down the sudoku & beaten me to it....they're beautiful pics - it must be quite some holiday travel album you've got!
Got a bit carried away, as you do, & I found this pic during the search :o)'s erm Tofu or somewhere, I expect you know.......hang on I wrote it down....temple of Edfu.

no gardening today shaney...had 10 mins but the flesh was weak....and then we had the mother of all hailstorms an hour or so ago! but I'll gladly come & have a look at your garden in exchange for 3 square & tea on demand.
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What!? I'm in the Cairo Museum?? I knew I had to be somewhere...

How sweet is that bird, Robinia, I'm putting him in my tumblelog file for future use.

It's been a sad time in Sweden recently; a while back two very young children (one and three) were murdered by their stepdad's ex-girlfriend (she tried to murder the mother as well), and last week a ten year old girl was abducted and murdered by a stranger. Today there's been a "roll call" spreading via blogs and text messages throughout the land to keep a candle burning in the window this evening for the abducted girl who was found yesterday. I see lots of candles from where I'm sitting now, including my own - Swedes are great ones for always having a supply of candles; I think you'd have to search through thousands of homes before you found one without a candle stash...

Sorry to put a damper on things but this has been on the nation's mind - I wanted to tell you about it.

remember me but forget my fate

AfternoonEveryone where are you all today. Sheltering from the rain I expect.
They are lovely photos Jno. You really are a great photographer. I am getting into digital but I'm a bit hit and miss. I still haven't worked out how to put them on here.
I've been to Tai Chi today. It really relaxes me and I end up yawning for the rest of the day but I have to keep awake to watch the second part of Waking the Dead tonight.
Not much to do this afto so I might go and tickle the ivories for a bit.
Hope you are all keeping well, see yer later :o) xx

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aaaaahhh... that feels better... I've booked a couple of holidays, that always cheers me up... Prague and Sicily over the next couple of months. <gets out camera>
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Evening, dawgs. The Belle of the Ball has been in, I see, and our travelling photographer. The cameras are getting smaller aren't they, jno.

I got the funniest mail from my eldest sister today; she's been dyeing her hair red for... twentyfive years? thirty years? ...and now she's changed to ash blonde and her husband can't find her anymore when they've split up at the shopping mall, ha ha ha - any suggestions on how to solve that one?!

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cunningham flies again

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