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cunningham flies again

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DaSwede | 16:08 Mon 31st Dec 2007 | Arts & Literature
503 Answers
(This is a rerun of a question I asked a while back in the main category. Didn't get any replies there - could it be that the real buffs dwell in subcategories only? Sorry to be such a pain in the proverbial but I really want that poster - if indeed it exists.)

I used to own a black-and-white photo postcard from a Martha Graham production where dancer Merce Cunningham comes flying through the air in one giant leap. A woman (Graham?) sits at her desk in a jaded pose studying his flight toward her as if she were assessing his flying techniques rather than anticipating his company. Cunningham's body is cram full with energy, he's like a spring just released; looking at the picture you feel he must surely bounce once he lands.

I'd love to have this photo on my wall as a poster but haven't been able to find it. I'm good at advanced googling but search engines do provide different results in different countries - so if you're in the mood for some googling and you don't live in Sweden...


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Evenin peeps.
Everybody okay....!
its bin a hard days night and im cream crackered..time to chill yo later dudes...(((*_*)))
Question Author
Evening, dawgs - is this an upstart that I see before me? Did you do the posh carpets, then, Vinny? Were they... different...

Ha! I know who Whispering Dan is, Jude - but only because Shaney and jno talk about him all the time. They're obsessed with bones (ossuaries, cemeteries) and W.D. does teve shows about... bones. dem bones, dem bones

I didn't know what a mystery shopper was, though, Jude, but the moment I looked it up I thought to myself "that's probably what shop staff think I am" - I'm always asking completely impossible questions. Don't know why I do that, must be some kind of anxiety disorder. Like: Please tell me something that will make it possible for me to believe that these shoestrings won't break tomorrow. (No I don't actually say that, it's just a metaphor but there's some truth to it.)

Doctor Zhivago, yes... do y'all remember the ice palace? "A house filled with frozen beeswax" according to Wikipedia... I was a bit young at the time so when I think of that film now it's mostly the music I remember - and the beeswax... I thought it was magic.

Poor you, Neti - but don't these things take a while to kick in? Actually I'm just guessing so you mustn't trust me. But it's worth asking the question, it might set you at ease. I've been given BP medication and the nurse says it often takes six weeks "for the body to change". <I wish it'd perform a few more changes while it's at it>

I'm going for a shower now before it's way too late so good night everyone.

Good song here, click VIDEO, and next Let It Fall

Mornin dudes
Another fine day in gotham city..! apart from it being overcast..: yep kip..her dirt was a much posher dirt than you normally find in a peasants carpet...laced with fine wines and caviar .odours off once upon along ago parties.Under one of the oak tables there was scribbled jno wos ere....nooooo it cant be....!
Actually..the mother drank like a fish and swore like a trouper.I noticed the daughter wasnt drinking..she said i dont drink..would you if your mother and father were alcholics...oooh arrr..!.....the mother use to be a head hunter and travelled to 260 countrys.....I looked on the walls fer shrunken heads,but didnt see any..(:O)I wont be rushin back there....the mothers a patronising pushy i wanna talk about me i know everything person...yuk..!.
catch yer laters>>>whoosh>>(:O)
Question Author
Howdy, dawgs. Dawgs...? You there...? Vinny I think we're on a desert island today... Here, you inflate this and I'll have a look around... No wait there already is a palm tree... hang on, there are some carvings, could it be "jno wos ere"... no, no this seems to be the one place jno hasn't been... but someone's been here before, wouldn't you know it...!

Jno and/or Shaney, what's the name of that wooden church with all wood and no nails, I know it would interest my youngest sis and her boyfriend. I sent them your photo from the one in Oporto, jno, but you can never get too many churches without nails. No nails, is that intended as a "courtesy" to JMan? (I'm not being blasphemous, it's a real question.)

Here comes the blasphemy: Did you hear about the dyslexic atheist insomniac? He used to lay awake at night wondering if there is a Dog.

Going to to town to see if I can find something to wear for next weekend (the theatre, The Master And Margarita) - and a bread bin... it's all glamour, kids. Trouble is, every time I go downtown I see five new things I want and can't afford. Yesterday I saw these snack bowls called Handful (for your typical coctail party) and they fit so perfectly in the palm of your hand, you know, like some stones you find on the beach... I want them I want them I want them. (And the life to go with'em.)

Hi Y'all. I posted and answer yesterday about winter honeysuckle but today its vanished....I didn't think it was reportable....
Anyway I hadn't touched mine since I had it (about 4 years and it was hetting big but thin and spindly. Last September my nice young gardening man (married with 2 kids) and I did a slash and burn around the garden , including the honeysuckle. I got very few flowers this year but the bush has regenerated into a lovely thick mass of green shoots and leaves so I would say go for it.

I have been busy making a website of the boys so the lady who bred them can see how they are doing, its here if anyone is interested.
What a lovely website woofy.
the dawgs are magic.! (:O)
evening heck intit cowd? there's a right raw breeze up the back passage & I'm fed up with it.....grrrr.

thanks for the h/s advice woofy, but quite when I'll ever get anything done in the garden I've no idea.... your post was probably gobbled up before the whizzy thing reached the printing office...will this site ever be sorted I'm wonderin'?

Lovely website you've done....if Chas finds out he'll be expecting to have his own DogBlog. I think he'll be moaning about the weather too, he hates the wind but he seems to have taken a tip from his friend in the fashion business

did you remember the bread bin Kit......? that what Swedes call organic?

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Aww, the boys are irresistible (including the third one) - and you are a good writer - you've done that before, haven't you, Woofy About your honeysuckle post disappearing, the thing is we report anything with the word "honey" in it. Did we forget to mention that, honey? ;-) Actually we may have gotten a bit overly zealous this time...

I did indeed remember the bread bin, Robinia, it's this one but now I'm too tired to unpack it... I had an American penpal who travelled through Europe and dropped by to see me as he was passing through. This was a hundred years ago when my now long gone cat was young. He called her a "meatloaf", meaning she was striped the same way. He said it was an American expression - but now I learn you have Loaf of Bread-cats in the UK... Anyway, seeing my new bread bin on the internet like this I fear it may look like a peanut from outer space to y'all, but it's very well made, heavy and stable, and the top rolls so smoothly - I don't think it will ever break. <At least not tomorrow.>

Shaney you'll be interested to know I visited a shop called Tiara today... classy name, huh. They only sell clothes, though. / Thanks for the church, I'll read the article tomorrow - all out of concentration now.

dogblog vs. catblog (I've posted it before but it's still funny.)

Kit!!! where did you find that pic of me and the laptop???

<gasp!> paid how much for a bread bin Kit? could have had mine, it's the one I had as a wedding present back in the middle ages. I keep light bulbs in it now....

I wonder if that was designed in Nottingham?
'Where does the bread go?'
'It guz in ee'
Morning all - been rushing about trying to find something out for dotty hawkes and it's taken me ages!

Woofy that dogblog is lovely - what beautiful doggies. I'd love a dog, but Mr N says they are very tying, and it's not easy to nip off on holiday leaving a dog.

Lovely sunny day here, although the rtesat of �spain is having tornados and dreadful rain and wind storms. We are on Orange alert but it's lovely.
orange alert neti? haha...does that mean an influx of tourists with fake tans?
Hi there hope you're all ok today. Lovely web site Woofy I wish I was that clever on a computer.
It's a bit cold outside but my washing is blowing in the wind which I like to see just hope the rain stays away.
Had a good night last night. An entertaining couple singing to backing tapes even so they were not too bad they have 2 daughters who came on twice in the night and do a bit of singing. I much prefer live bands cos all you need with backing tapes is a good voice. I like to see good musicians.
Bumped into my plumber who I haven't seen since last year. I complained he didn't answer my texts and found out he is on his third phone since the number I have. So heaven knows where my texts went..
Tbag is coming over tomorrow so I've been busy cleaning up. Just got me ironhing to get out of the way. I'll do that while listening to Derby play West Ham. No I haven't given up on the Rams even though they're going down.
Have a good weekend Biddies see yer later 'gater(s)
Question Author
Sorry I'm late, dawgs, I've been trying to reach the Guzzini brothers all day and they have now confirmed that Italy is indeed an annex to Nottingham. Light bulbs in the bread bin, Robinia, is that a kitchen secret from - your granny? I don't blame you for gasping but I had to buy one that would fit in between the cupboard shelves, there's no room in my kitchenette to keep it anywhere else. This is a bit like the one I would have wanted if I didn't have to choose the between-the-shelves-solution. At least I didn't buy the Armadillo...

BTW Robinia is "your" Nottingham the same as Robin Hood's (it would be, I guess)?

I wouldn't trust a tradesman who changes his cell phone that often, Jude... What does the man do, drop'em in the loo?

Read the article now, Shaney, thanks, here's a graveyard smash to show my appreciation - enjoy! <man these are some sick biddies, better humour them>

Yo Pop-pickers.!
whats cooking..
I cleaned this carpet fer this ole bird today....she was about 104...lovely old black and white photos of her hubby on the wall.She started talking about the war...he was away fighting the germans....and she was having a good time with the yanks...bloomin eck...she had more yanks than Eisenhower...I reckon D.Day started in her kitchen....!!!! good job that kip dont watch English TV...she would bu66er up all me jokes..she remembers everything..
keep on truckin dudes...yo must go fer a oliver twist>>>whoosh>(:O)
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Meaning I'd say Oi, I heard that joke on Benny Hill...? (He he he.) And what's an Oliver Twist; I've learned by now that when I don't get what you people are saying it's often rhyming slang so I googled along those lines - is it "pi$$ed" / beer? 'Cos that would render a whole new meaning for me to the name of a pub around here... I've always thought Oh how nice to honour Dickens by naming a pub after one of his characters... but I guess that's not it! I actually ate fried potato peels at that pub a long time ago, can't believe the things I did just because it was fashionable... Yup I even wore leggings, which is not a great idea for a woman with no... er... black sea bass. (Hey I did rhyming slang! Work it out.)


"rtesat of �spain"? Good grief, what language is neti talking now, sounds like Swedish to me...
I was hoping no one would spot the typo - it's this spanish keyboard, nothings where it should be.


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