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cunningham flies again

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DaSwede | 16:08 Mon 31st Dec 2007 | Arts & Literature
503 Answers
(This is a rerun of a question I asked a while back in the main category. Didn't get any replies there - could it be that the real buffs dwell in subcategories only? Sorry to be such a pain in the proverbial but I really want that poster - if indeed it exists.)

I used to own a black-and-white photo postcard from a Martha Graham production where dancer Merce Cunningham comes flying through the air in one giant leap. A woman (Graham?) sits at her desk in a jaded pose studying his flight toward her as if she were assessing his flying techniques rather than anticipating his company. Cunningham's body is cram full with energy, he's like a spring just released; looking at the picture you feel he must surely bounce once he lands.

I'd love to have this photo on my wall as a poster but haven't been able to find it. I'm good at advanced googling but search engines do provide different results in different countries - so if you're in the mood for some googling and you don't live in Sweden...


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morning neti and keyboard isn't where it oughta be should be somewhere warm & sunny on a desk by a window with a stunning view instead of the one I've got now....cold wet & windy!!! aaaggghhh!!! Charlie's clearly not himself either.
Have you seen Kit's space-saver keyboard?....<she seems to have a thing about rubber>
Yes, it's the very same Nottingham/Robin.... I saw the armadillo a while ago, I can't make my mind up about it. I thought it looks more like a giant woodlouse, haha.

thinking of opening up a 'watering hole' for despondent biddies
You can buy those keyboards in pink in England - am going to get one.

Yes defo orange alert here, oranges flying everywhere in this horrendous wind, and now the rain has started. Went outside in me slippers and now they are wet! Sitting here with soggy feet, which is silly as I've at least 3 other pairs of slippers.

Now pick the typos out of that jno!! :-)
I know, my keyboard should be
on a ship in the Caribbean
Morning people...
nice and sunny ere medears..!
just drove down to the paper shop and someone nicked me car and left the wheels yo (:O)
Ive just created another Im having me breakys, later >>>(:O)yo
this pink neti??!!
my concentration's not good at the best of time, I think that would be too distracting, 'specially with my �2.49 orange tan clashing.

<checks to see if Vin's telling porkies>.'re 5C warmer than we are & if you take the wind chill into account it's probably 10 degrees.
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Dawgs. It's so sunny here I had to draw the curtains (my window faces south.) The alcoholics in the park have never been happier. They don't bother passers-by, just sit on their bench and get louder by the bottle, and 99 percent of the time they're amicable with each other so it's very okay.

I've seen that keyboard Robinia but I bought another one, one that wasn't wide - it's better ergonomy. And I bought a laptop stand and a loudspeaker - so my desk has quickly turned into a construction site for my at one time space saving laptop. I knew that would happen, there's no way I could ergonomically use a laptop otherwise, but it's still practical to be able to carry it with me to the internet caf� when it needs service. Neti here's a self correcting keyboard for you so that the jno person stops picking on you ;-)

Look at you Vinny, you've gotten comments. I like the one with the chaotic perspective and the fishing boats a lot. I think you should continue to explore that style, and by that I don't mean "learn perspective" but quite the opposite: violate it unabashedly to serve your purpose. Never think of it as a lack of perspective but as a means to express something. (You did want opinions, didn't you... he he... just ignore me otherwise.) You're marvellous with colours, I noticed that even way back when you posted "space flowers" you'd made at an interactive Jackson Pollock site. Google for Walasse Ting, if you don't know hiw work already; I think you'll like his colours.


a'noon Kit....
I found a sign for your door :o)
can you direct me to Vin's pics please? this puta's way too tidy, I can't find a thing

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Not enough room to swing a cat...? There's not enough room to keep a cat! help!

here comes the sun

oh thanks Kit I'll label it properly this time...
Save as: Vincent van Sprout

and yep, I agree love the boats that's my kind of art, despite living in beigeworld I Iike pictures with lots of colour.
I've been browsing for ideas to revamp my boudouir, Tarquin did it for me last time....
a nice fresh outdoorsy feel I said, tut

Mornin Blossoms...!
oooh didnt wanna get up this mornin...its so cozy in me memory bed.erm....forgot what I was gonna say....oh yeh....thanks fer liking me boat pic. I read a comment saying most of them peeps are useing a pad and a mouse pen....? cheating bu66ers..!! and all Ive got is a jumpy mouse thats goes right when i wants to go left.its got a mind of its own yer know.I know...a workman always blame's his tool...hehe..!Ive sent away fer an optical mouse...if that doesent work I feed it to nextdoors cat...(:O)
yes kip...i see where yer coming from ??wat she on about..Im currently exploring the contemporary surrealist weetabix movement discovered by the secret custard tart society.Im also joining that well known "fad
art renaissance traditional "club.Better known as "F A R T " hahahahaha...! I better do some good drawings...that robinia will be watching me like a hawk..if anybody sneaks in a rating of 1 I know who it is hehe..! well this wont get the baby a new bonnet....see yer dreckly.(:O)
Vinnyhas a hallucinogenic mouse - suits you sir!!!
morning people... never mentioned the birds you were sharing your bed with
...another great pic you've added. I've joined the Classical Romantic Art Programme, I'm surprisingly very good at it.

<hang on, he didn't mention his sunny weather>

oh dear, looks like you'll be needing this today
don't worry, that's just the name of the shop

> > > > > > >
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Eeeeeek! I've got a bird dropping a foot and a half long on my window! Is that auspicious? When I was a student in Gothenburg my mother had come to visit me for a few days and as we were walking between shops a sh- ...well, you know what kind of bird - flew over my head and shat right on top of it and my mother GRHS said "that's a very lucky sign". Yes, I did feel selected. Head hunted. / (RTFLMAO at Vinny's bird bed, Robinia!)

Dawgs I just thought of something. Our secretive Jno clearly is pining rather badly for Sicily. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Yes friends I believe jno to be none other than: ...someone you do not wanna mess with

I'm still dreaming of Robin Hood... Robinia and Jude did you grow up close to where you're living now and if so was it a big deal for you as kids, I mean did you go on school outings to the Sherwood Forest and things like that.

Morning Peeps hope you're all ok today. I'm off to Tai Chi then to lunch with my friend. Then we're doing a tour of the Charity shops in my area. There are 3 and I think we'll be there for some time as my friend has a 'thing' about them. I've told her they are not as classy as in her area but she is not bothered. She's a Charity shop Junky.
Kit I have lived in Derbyshire all my life and have never been to Sherwood Forest which is in the next county (Nottinghamshire) but I have been to Nottingham many times. Especially when it had better shopping centres than us which was a nuymber of years ago. Even so I think there are people who still prefer to go there than in Derby, but I like the new Westfield Centre in best.
Well I'm off now see yer later 'gater(s) :o)
Mornin blossoms..!
Tiz a lovely day ere again...shoosh robinia...we dont talk about yesterday....hehe..!
I got me optical mouse yesterday....the next door cats playing with it..!not fit fer perpoise..cant bloody draw with it..still..its saves me takeing me ball out and scrubbing it..(:O)that wallasse ting is good kip. when i buy meself a mouse pen i will experiement...i cant sphell terday i kant. have a nice time jude....(:O)
later dudes>>>>whoosh.yo
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Morning dawgs. I held my breath and cast a spell before drawing the curtains aside this morning but the little souvenir was still there. Can any of you weather freaks see any rain in Stockholm's near future...? 'Cos that might save me some trouble...

Did you notice how skillfully jno evaded my accusations of being The GodfatherMother yesterday... Maybe I was wrong... Okay, let's see... she got herself some brand new bling again last week... yes, yes I'm sure of it now: jno is Da Pulp!

All this talk about painting and colours brings back memories of a fun "painting" device I saw as a child when on a trip to Spain. It was a huge machine operated by a street vendor, there were three spinning discs for three different customers painting at the same time, and there were large plastic bottles to squeeze for paint which you aimed at the spinning disks... oh I wanna do that now! The colours dried quickly and looked lacquered and you got a passepartout and everything - it was great fun; do they still have that in Spain, Neti?

And Jude had a good day at the charity shop, didn't you Jude, and she changed her mind about them not being classy enough. look what she got for the bathroom

"...taking me ball out and scrubbing it", why did you have to say that, Vinny, I can't get this song out of my mind now and it's driving me mad

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(PS jno the paper bag is because you're so secretive.)

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