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cunningham flies again

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DaSwede | 16:08 Mon 31st Dec 2007 | Arts & Literature
503 Answers
(This is a rerun of a question I asked a while back in the main category. Didn't get any replies there - could it be that the real buffs dwell in subcategories only? Sorry to be such a pain in the proverbial but I really want that poster - if indeed it exists.)

I used to own a black-and-white photo postcard from a Martha Graham production where dancer Merce Cunningham comes flying through the air in one giant leap. A woman (Graham?) sits at her desk in a jaded pose studying his flight toward her as if she were assessing his flying techniques rather than anticipating his company. Cunningham's body is cram full with energy, he's like a spring just released; looking at the picture you feel he must surely bounce once he lands.

I'd love to have this photo on my wall as a poster but haven't been able to find it. I'm good at advanced googling but search engines do provide different results in different countries - so if you're in the mood for some googling and you don't live in Sweden...


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Well ...this is it Jno ..I am always in a muddle as it is ....let alone having my mangel wurzels an hour ahead of my dumplings . Plus I tend to dither in the High Street because the library clock is always a couple of days out when the clocks change.
morning all and a belated happy to Daughter of Neti. In the nicest possible way I think that Norfolk is in another time zone...we visited a couple of years ago and fell in love, we plan to move there next year. We live in Hampshire now and it really is getting built up and nasty.
wasn't yesterday lovely? (in the UK) We spent the day in the sunshine walking the dogs and working in the garden, tortoise went outside for the first time and enjoyed the sun on his back.
DH is back at work today and theree are HUGE black clouds overhead...oh well I guess that normal living has been resumed.

Talking of images, does anyone know if there is a picture of Michael Flatley's first entrance in Riverdance?. I love that amazing way he just explodes onto the stage.
IMO he and jean Butler are still the best ever but for my money Maria Pages (who did firedance in the original show) blows them both put of the water
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Hi Woofy, I had a quick look for photos/posters but can't find anything like what you describe. If I were you I'd turn to the official riverdance homepage to ask, and if they can't help with the photo itself I'd ask if they remember any great newspaper coverage from any of the tour cities and then I'd call that newspaper and ask to talk to the photo editor.

You're moving to Shaney's corner of the world! The lunches you'll do!

There's a tree outside my window with a green textile "girdle" on it, wonder if that means they're going to cut it down...? A long long long time ago I wrote a play which was filmed for television and I went to visit on the set one day. The scene was a hotel room and there was a yard outside the window and a tree, and just as they were about to start shooting two men arrived to take the tree down. The director almost fainted as that would mean having to start all over (as the tree was visible on previous shots from earlier on in the week.) His assistant managed to get it postponed and you know it's so strange, when I think of that day I think of the tree every time, not just the actors and stuff, but the tree that lived those few extra days... Another time I saw a teve programme about an oak that was something like a thousand years old and quite hollow but alive; children would go for picnics inside it and it was a very beloved tree which housed memories of older generations as well, people had photos of their grandparents sitting under the tree. The next day I googled for it and it turned out that it had now been struck by lightning and lost a third of itself; I was at the library but nearly started crying. I like trees.

...and so does scaredy bear

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(PS didn't mean to portray myself as a playwright or a writer; I have written some stuff but not much and not for the last hundred years or so.)
The are logging at my end of the New forest at present. On froday i visited a part that had been harvested a few years ago and it was AMAZING. The young saplings and grass were leaping up and the pld stups were covered in the brightest green moss I have ever seen. I will try and post a pic
here they are on flickr. The photos don't really do the colour justice the green was much brighter really

the greenwoods
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The lads were busy! Love the one where one tail points up and the other one down!

Mrs Mop here ..Crikey how long does it take to tunnel in here this evening .Had to do some serious household engineering and cooking today as my friends are coming up from London tomorrow for the day .It's been a lovely day here ,quite warm and wall to wall blue skies .Hope everyone is OK ...lovely pics Woofie gorgeous woofers .So you are thinking of moving to my neck of the woods? I'll swap .. I like Hampshire ! Seriously it's not bad here although when we first moved back I was homesick for London. In spite of growing up here as a child I never lived all my life here and it was a bit of a culture shock !
never mind, shaney, you're NFN now...
Mornin peeps..
dark out there init.
just read on the news ,Tescos have for sale Whistling Carrots.
successful development of a 'whistling carrot.' the carrots had been specially engineered to grow with tapered airholes in their side. When fully cooked, these airholes cause the vegetable to whistle. bloomin clever or what
♪♪whistle while you work♪♪
catch you later..(:O)
Yeah Vinny April Fools!!!!
I fooled the Manageress of zuperbug...I asked her did she see the news this morning..superdrugs been sold...she said funny enough they were talking about that a couple of days ago.She said I wonder who's bought it..!
I said Poundland.what..your joking..nope..from 9:am this morning everythings a quid..Are have a couple of bottles of that 30squid aftershave.....! she called me a lying ba*******d
hehe..! (:O)
lovely sunny day again...they reckon its gonna be the Hottest summer on record....lovely jubely...
yo (:O)
Blimey..the EDS actually done a blog..!
the ab will be turned off at midday untill tomorrow for essential kidding..!!!!..(:O(
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NFN - normal for Norfolk! (Found that on my trusty AcronymFinder.) What have nor-folk done to deserve that epithet? (Shaney, jno, anyone - tell me please.)

Does Tarquin know why biddies upgrade, I wonder...

Great band, Vinny, new to me. I don't know how many YouTube-links tagged "posted by Vinny" I have in my Yahoo by now, must be a hundred, and this one's going there too.

Don't remember if I told y'all last year about a legendary April Fools' joke here where it was announced on television that it wouldn't be necessary to buy a colour teve after all (this was in 1962), all you had to do was to pull a nylon stocking over your old teve and hey presto, you've got colour. As hoaxes go, this one was very well done. I'm sure my dad must have been tricked although I don't remember him running through the place in search of a nylon stocking, more's the pity! Another favourite of mine is when it was announced you would be able to switch the traffic lights to green, using your television remote control, and apparently there were a few arms sticking out of car windows that day, clicking away... rather like I did just now, looking for that Ed blog... Robinia where are you, there's someone here needs thwacking!

Not that Spanish Harlem is in Spain, but here's neti dancing
That's more Caribbean than flamenco!!

It's after midday here, so I can't be fooled anymore. In Spain the fools' day is 28th November - Day of the Innocents.
OK Vinny I checked the Ed's blog and it's not there. But it's too late to get me!!!!!
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But it's still you, Neti, Caribbean or whatever!

The morning paper where my eldest sister lives had an article about a driving school that encourages people to drive drunk on one special supervised occasion, to learn about the effects of alcohol on driving. Hoax. Another one was that stay-at-home-partners of people who go on the Finland boats (between Stockholm and Finland) will be able to see what their partner is doing via an individual web cam that will zoom him or her at all hours. All you have to do is to register their mobile phone number with the ferry company, and there you go, your own private reality show. (The Finland boats are known for passengers drinking and screwing around.)
erm..okay..i was kidding..netti .but this is true..The ibiza parliment has stated anybody matching there clothes pegs to the colour of there clothes will be kicked off the Island pronto...!"a goverment spokesperson said..."we got anough nutters ere already we have" hehe..!
morning kip well it was when i started this post.. good old band they are..I like Mr skin to(its one of there tracks..)(:O).
....but, but, but I'm one of the original nutters - I'm allowed to match pegs, says so on my official document, I'm allowed to live here and I'm allowed to match pegs - orden de ajuntament de Eivissa - SO THERE!!!!
Ummm Kit I was on one of the Finish ferries from Stockholm - screwing around indeed!!!!

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