Dawgs, romans, possums... Yeah I know what you mean about doctors
Woofy and
jno, I worked for many years in an allied health profession and I can only say I don't understand where they come from. I've met some great ones but A LOT of them seriously lack the ability to really "meet" another person. I remember one I met as a patient who was extremely arrogant. Eventually during that visit I gave up all hope of normal communication. When he asked me (after half an hour) if my intestines had ever fallen out, I rather thought that was... you know... the sort of thing I would
probably have thought to
mention, had it happened! By then I was already so tired of his snotty attitude that I simply couldn't resist saying "Noooo...? No, I'm almost sure I would have remembered that...?" He had a medical student with him in the room who struggled hard not to burst when I said that...
Why can't you chat the barmaid up from Sunday,
Vinny...? Is that a new law? This nation is going to the dogs! (Your nation, that is!) Is a buffer not allowed to do anything these days?
law, schmaw!
No more body painted trunks
Robinia, the AB menfolk are getting
just a little too jolly (Hope the animation is working, it's a bit random, ha ha ha!) / I'll keep my fingers crossed for Tarquin restoring your music this weekend.
medical record bloopers Says there that "the rectal examination revealed a normal size thyroid",
Neti - what you must have gone through yesterday! Don't know Mr Hashimoto but
Shaney sounds confident so you should soon be fine.