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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 16:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
11:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
Dentist has scraped away all this plaque and it looks like my teeth are gonna fall out, shan't go again!
Neti when I go to the hygienist to have my fangs scraped, i take a painkiller first, usually ibuprofen, then paracetamol afterwards. By the time the pain relief has worn off, the sensitivity has settled. I go every six months because I like having teeth and couldn't cope with a denture.
bonsoir tout le monde, je suis back from le gai paree, tres nice and warm le whole temps, pas un drop de pluie, but did have un petit mal d'estomac un jour.
Bonsoir Jno......sorry about your petit mal but I hope itdidn't spoil your holiday.
Just watched a good win for England against Scotland.

Now it's oight oight all until tomorrow. I'm off out to meet my friend who used to live next door. She's a Scot - could be interesting!!
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Oh Bonsoir Jno. Bienvenue a nouveau.
Hope you had a lovely time in spite of the petit mal .I hope you've brought us a bottle of Soir de Paree to dab behind our oreilles.
Good day folk and welcome back jno, hope the tummy has settled.

Having a lay in and being lazy.

Oh woofy am never having my teeth scraped again, the gums are miles away from the tooth, looks awful!
yes, the teeth can take a while to grow back again, neti
Wish I looked that good jno! :-(
When we were kids someone brought us back from Paree, 6" glass bottles shaped like the Eiffel Tower with revolting cologne inside, we loved them, did you get any jno????
Bonjour tout le suis désolée because le temps est crip.
Bienvenue à la maison des biddies wasn't undercooked cuisses de grenouilles or les escargots was it or maybe it was simplement trop de vin?

Don't worry neti, your gums will settle, it always feels and looks strange but it'll be better in the long run. My gums are much healthier since I started having them cleaned regularly.

bonjour tout le monde, ici it fais bon, le ciel est gris mais il ne rain pas. On ne peut pas trust les froggies in the matter of l'estomac, foreign eau is dangerous. My spell checker is too clever. I started typing in french so it has decided to spell check me in french!
MDR* woofy

*apparently MDR is LOL in French :)
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Bonjour Biddeeze
Drizzly pleu.Hope you are all Ok though .
I suppose I'd better do something dans la maison aujourd'hui as le jardin looks a bit damp for the tete a tete.
Oh shut up the lot of you.
Yes Robi gums look better today, they fit the teeth now!

Big fiesta in Spain again another St Mary of something, but I managed to find a Chinese shop open a d bought a cover for new phone, its purple and orange, no choice . Also bought myself a windmill on a stick that we had as kids. Its silvery green and yellow and will stick it in a flower pot.
Oui shaney, you don't want a wet tete. :)

I love kiddy windmills, I had a rainbow coloured one outside the window...according to how fast it was spinning I knew how quickly the washing would dry. Next door have got a big one fixed to the linepost so I can watch that go round.
The windmill was on my bucket list.

This is a spanish tete (tit) cheese!
oh haha, and how many people put a jelly tot on the top?....

.....that would be just me then :)
That made me laugh out loud and am still grinning. Over here we KNOW it is cheese.
Good afternoon. A bit late today.Been to meet my Scots friends today and had a lovely Chicken Korma for lunch. Robi, we went above above M & S do you know where I mean. It was so quiet and air - conditioned. I went out at 10.30 and took my car for it'sMOT and service and then met my friend. I didn't get home til 4.00ish We ended up walking round all the shops, Womens clothes of course but I didn't buy anything. I don't know how I did it!!
Bro has informed me he may be be back tonight again. That's a bonus seeing him 3 times in a fortnight.
I wonder what MDR actually is in French. I'm going to look it up.
Laters 'gaters!

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