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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 16:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
11:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
lol jno, I might get an empty well licked cup and a few crumbs.
Morning each...oh dear woofy, hope you feel better soon. Bouts like that are hard enough when you live on your own but when you have pets it's even harder. At least Charlie was a 'go with the flow' chap, a lazy day suited him just as well as a busy one.
The weather's undecided but set to be horrendously wet later. It's probably just as well, I need an easy lolling day myself, I felt so lousy I went to bed at half past nine last night. I might just have the strength to do some online shopping :)
yes Robi, its a blessing that mine are happy to lie around and not do much as well. Actually they have a naughtiness bonus today. I have tied the garden door back to let them come and go and if they bark in the garden I won't be able to hurry out and stop them. The worst fun so far was putting their breakfast down without being mobbed or getting stuck. They do seem to know though when all is not well and apart from wanting to lick me better, they are very well behaved till they sense that I am feeling better. My back is clearing up quickly. I am swearing much less today than I did yesterday.
Pets do know when we're not firing on all fact I'm sure charlie could smell pain, particularly in my elbows and wrists. He'd snuffle and lick them and they're not the areas dogs tend to lick as a rule.
Looks like it has the potential to kick off in cb in the hypocrisy thread (haha, plenty of that about)....I do wonder what the hell they're all on about sometmes and how do they have the staying power to labour a point for bloomin hours?
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Oh dear ..hope you soon feel better Woofy .Funny how old injuries play you up in later years .Take it easy ,600mg and report back :)
It got out lovely as we wended our way there and back to Beccles but it's clouded over now .Well it would ....I've just put the washer on .
On the bright side I have lovely runner beans ,toms ,pots ,leeks ,cauli,eggs,bacon,sausages,steak,rolls ,pies ,cream and........... crabs :)
waaaah want fresh shellfish.......
Robi is that the QOM thread?
it's gone now woofy ...quite rightly too. (it referred to qom's thread)

shaney it might have been better to say you have crab rather than
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Lol..what's she going to do if she gets married and they have a row .Is Mummy going to go and sort him out .Mind you reading that, if I was a bloke I'd steer clear .Haha...nowt so queer as folk .
mmm, The daughter has her problems but I think she needs to grow up!
Hello I'm back again. No shopping today as we have most stuff and Mr N and hija will do some for her on Thursday. Mr N and I went out for brekkie and I had a lovley toasted croissant with ham and cheese in the middle, oh yummy, I have a need for cheese atm!

Still flaming hot!

Bought myself a silver and turquiose si¡big beady bracelet to wear at the the wedding and yet another clip-in decoration for hte head. I now have 4, one big floppy feathery thing, 2 smaller flower things, a turquoise bow with glitter, so will make my choice on the day.

All judt lolling here, mr N with the tv in the lounge, hija in her bed, and me in the bedroom with the fan on. I hope he gets better soon and plays golf, can't contain myself much longer.
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Grrrr.I'm fed up with our local rag.
They tell you everything after the event .
Just been reading that Heston Blumenthal was here on the market last week whipping up mushy peas and also there was a craft fair .Missed it all...tut..
ooh, did he do a lasagne, I'd have gone to Norfolk for one of his.
I might have done too jno... as you're all aware I'm not into cooking or cookery progs on a grand scale but I've liked the look of some of Heston's offerings.

Who makes up these laundry instructions? An ironing board cover, do not wash, spin, blah blah...well I've done both and its fine. What's the betting it's shrunk and doesn't fit now? :)
I remember in the 60's when I bought a fab dress from the market for £3, and it said dry clean only, which cost more than the dress, second time I washed it, fine no probs. We even washed Mr N's leather bomber jacket with no mishaps.

Just made potato cakes, scrambled eggs and bacon for hija, sweating!
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No just the peas apparently Jno .He was a big hit according to another more reliable local source .But of course you always get a moaner saying.....have they nothing better to report ..There's always one .
Some of them make Victor Meldrew look really good.Well if it helps the local market that's a good thing .
I just wish I'd known he was going to be there !
I like Heston.When his pudding with an orange in was sold out at waitrose and on ebay for hundreds, he was on Loose Women. He said "Its only a bloody Pudding!"
I stopped buying my local paper cos all they ever seemed to do was go on about wheelie bins and dog poo.
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Ours is just as bad .This weeks front page news was about a man who had lost weight . The headline was " The Incredible Shrinking Man " .On page two this incredible man goes on to say ..." I still have a fry up for breakfast "...I ask you :)
I flick through it for the hatches ,matches and dispatches .
Most of it is a load of twaddle .Some of the letters crack me up though and they've got an awful habit of printing a picture of people with an article and then not telling you who the people are .Sloppy journalism .
Hi All. My favourite football team lost today against Leicester. They're just up the road from us and there'sslways a special atmosphere when we play them.
Love our local paper and have it every morning.I do the puzzle page while having breakfast and like to finish them all before starting anything else.
Hope youe feeling better Woofy. Pets are sensitive aren't they I remember both my dogs were. Especially our 'Lassie' Collie. She would never leave the pram side when Steady was in it. I really believe she would have had anybodyif they tried to touch him.

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