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Large people on planes.

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flip_flop | 12:13 Tue 30th Aug 2011 | Body & Soul
187 Answers
I popped over to Budapest at the weekend to see a friend who is working there, and on the flight I sat next to a lady who must have been at least 20 stone - she was huge.

In addition to taking up her own space, her size meant she was taking up probably about a third of my space as well, which made for an extremely uncomfortable flight.

This isn't the first time this has happened to me.

Should there be a booking condition whereby if you are over a certain weight you have to purchase 2 tickets - and if you don't, you don't fly?

The current situation is not fair on those of us within a 'normal' weight band who are made to suffer because some people can't control their eating.


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Hi em,
I have been playing golf and other healthy outdoor pursuits because now the kids are back at school up here the weather always improves.
Really Rich. When did that happen and what airlines?
"would you expect him to purchase a seat which had extra legroom? "

Where are all these "extra legroom" seats?
I wish people that slept on planes and fell all over you would be charged for it as well, and I wish that people that fidgeted on planes would be charged extra, and I wish that people who expelled wind on planes would be charged extra, and people that insisted on talking to you all through your journey......................................
"Where are all these "extra legroom" seats?"

Emergency exits and front of rows
hi loftylottie,
some years ago ... EasyJet for one.
Extra leg room in first class, business class, (where these exist) or at the front and near the emergency exits at the side otherwise. And often there is not even the opportunity to pay for these seats or book these seats - it is first come first served.
I think fat people should be charged more, if they weight 20 stone and I weigh 12, that means they are already carrying 8stone more than me onto the plane before baggage allowance. if my baggage was a kilo over I would still be carrying less weight than the fatty so why should I get charged? As for excuses like thyroid problems etc, you only get fat by consuming more calories than you burn off so if your thyroid is not helping you burn calories then help yourselfand get your fats arse off the sofa, put down the snacks and go for a jog!!
Rich, so you are saying that with the kids around its gloomy, oh ho.
""Where are all these "extra legroom" seats?"

Emergency exits and front of rows

Those are seats which just happen to have extra legroom for other reasons.
Really? I didn't know that. I have never been confronted with anybody measuring me up though. How embarrassing.
Yes, but they now charge extra for them as "extra legroom seats"

As I've said on this thread, I've had to pay that charge as I don't fit in "normal legroom" seats.
Passenger weight is calculated by the number of passengers at an average weight which takes into account thin and fat and evens itself out. No big deal.
"I think fat people should be charged more,.. etc etc etc"

How exactly would that help? Like I said before charging people extra for being overweight is not the same as charging people for excess baggage. And the person paying more would be just as overweight ...
Depends on the airline Chuck. Some airlines don't even allocate seats - it's like travelling on a bus.
"Yes, but they now charge extra for them as "extra legroom seats"

And, surprisingly, most people don't want to pay extra for them. Like I say, much of this discussion smacks of "he's fat, she's got children, "he's too tall" lets punish them. ...
^ I agree
Ickeria, you know what, it doesn't, but being wedged between two morbidly obese people on a plane was no fun, and neither was having to suggest i move, because sitting on the outside of the aisle didn't make any difference.
Aren't there are rests between the seats?
^^^ arm rests

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Large people on planes.

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