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sexyrussian | 19:28 Tue 13th Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
170 Answers
If you go to the Doctor and he tells you you are pregnant can he ever be wrong? I just wandered. I have not been told I am pregnant by a Doctor by the way.I don't care how many answers I get to this question as long as I get one good one because I need to know. Thanks in advance.


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LOL, maybe you should have jumped up and down afterwards or done it in the bath. You can't get pregnant then, either ;o)
Question Author
Then you don't understand about Medical degrees.We don't just learn that quickly.There is at least 6 years of lerning left for me to do.I have not been taught reproduction yet and therefore how can I know anything about it?

ruskie i think you may need a huge shovel to dig yourself a bigger hole! and maybe stay there for the time being?

just a suggestion!

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I can understand some people on here being nasty but you know hat my situation is and you still are nasty to me which is very cold hearted of you. If you had been through what I had been through I would not be nasty to you.

Because you are 18 years old, for crying out loud! med student or not you should know..if you weren't taught about it then get on the PC and educate yourself.

Your stupidity beggars belief & quite honestly I don't know why I am wasting my time with you. My 9 year old is better educated than you.

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Anyway I am not digging a hole I have given an explanantion for everything no lies have been written.I think it is just you not liking me and looking for ways in which you can ''prove'' I am lying.It won't work.Anyway I am feeling quite sad now actually so am going to leave until tommorow.For the first time ever on AB I actually feel really upset by the comments. Whatever you think of me no one can say it is alright to make me feel this sad. I hope you stop and think next time you post something nasty.What you say does affect and upset who it is aimed at.GoodBye.
At the risk of giving you yet more attention, how can you even say that no lies have been written when this post began with "I have not been told I am pregnant by a Doctor by the way"

for some weird reason this person thinks having a grandchild stops me working? DOH, plus on one thread this person pretended they did not know me and said they thought I was a man and so i said I was, in a sarcastic sort of way that a million and one other people would get, but not this lame brain, talk about exasperation! it is so boreing now, the only relief from this joke would be to find out who it was, i still think it is marge but it could also be one of the other clever lot.

SR said he/she didnt know what title to give this post, what about.... A load of bollocks !!

I still think some of you are being judgemental and unfair. What started out in innocence has become very grimy. Loads of cuddles are called for.

bet you've no credit left on that phone eh whiffey lol told me u were on the pill that nite we did it

What chance is there of your baby being healthy, when you are on Class A drugs?

Do your parents intend administering heroin to the poor little mite?

You do surprise me when you say you are 18, I thought you to be 12!!

Actually for a while she's been 19, but there you go!
I can certainly smell someone's pants on fire

right russian. IF you are pregnant (no such thing as a false positive Then your doctor will ahve told you to start taking folic acid immediately.

Stop the illegal drugs. Social drug taking still makes you a druggie and affects your child.

talk to a social worker about getting the baby adopted. Your parents have enough to deal with judging by your 'my hard life' story the other day. I think that if you want to go through with the pregnancy then this would be the fairest start you could give that child. Oh and perhaps you should find out if the phsycological problems that you and all your siblings face is a hereditory condition

Or she could *gasp* have a termination!
Oh my god sexyrussian would NEVER have a termination. You should know that by now. I was thinking this morning she Kinda reminds me of Shabaz from Big Brother. He was always making up crap and making people argue with him and amongst themselves then crying when they had a go back to make the public think he was being picked on when really he bought it on himself. Yet there was always the odd mug who would feel sorry for him and say the others were Bullies. sexyrussian It makes me laugh non of your posts ever add up. You should know by now you�re not pregnant I mean you haven�t been sick have you. Oh by the way I don�t like you. :-)
oh my god. totatally cheered up my morning
christ , there is some zoomers in this world eh?
i have never laughed so much at a post on here !

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