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sexyrussian | 19:28 Tue 13th Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
170 Answers
If you go to the Doctor and he tells you you are pregnant can he ever be wrong? I just wandered. I have not been told I am pregnant by a Doctor by the way.I don't care how many answers I get to this question as long as I get one good one because I need to know. Thanks in advance.


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sexyrussian, you are without a doubt, the most pathetic, childish, twisted, messed up person i've ever known. The thought of a person like you being pregnant makes me feel sick - your poor child has to grow up knowing it's mother is you. And your poor parents too, not only do they have to deal with you as their daughter, but now your child too. You selfish, selfish person. You are sick and you need help. If you really are who you say you are then you need to consider getting some help. If you aren't then you should be locked up and the key thrown away. How can you even think about going into the medical profession when you don't understand the concept of conception and pregnancy - it's unbelievable.

I will never ever be responding to any more of your questions and i think everyone else would be better off doing the same.

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I have thoguht it over and have decided my parents will look after it.However I am considering telling them my parents are their parents and pretend I am their sister.That way it would be easier for them.And yes I am having twins.No surprise for us though I have two sets of twins in my family.
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Oh and whiffey you are just brilliant also you have communicated with the real me and know I am nice really. *big hug*

Oh yeah..screw with their heads even more why don't you? for goodness sakes you are storing up so much trouble..not only for yourself but for your children.

You know I told you mental illness runs in my family? my cousin went into depression & commited suicide after finding out his 'mum' was actually his gran and my natural father spent years in mental hospitals after finding out he was adopted. If people had told the truth then it may never have happened.

Get some real advice from someone professional ~ you are really far to immature to work things out for yourself!

Twins eh? you had a scan already?

lol @ "i'm having twins" That is very very funny!
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Well the tutor at my University says that by my stage in pregnany I should not have a bump at all but I do have a slight bump so he had a feel and said I probobly had twins.I was very upset but now feel nit so bad. It runs in my family so half expected it.
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I have talked to my tutors who said I could continue with my studies until 2 months before I am due and then I will have the baby back home in Russia leave it with my parents and get back to my degree over here.Having a baby needn't ruin your life and I will visit when I can.I know that my baby ould be mentally ill but the father has no mental illness in his family so the chance is reduced.That was one of the reasoms I chose him.
Arent you bored of all this yet SR
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Well I am stopping now.I have said all I need to say and have now fininshed.Judging by another post and the number of answers however most people are not.

Oh russian. You lie so badly its sad.

IF you are pregnant. No-one could say it was twins without a scan. If you are showing at 10 weeks then its either water retention of youre just getting fat as a baby would measure 1.5-2cms . Oh and good luck with finding a company to fly you to Russia (expecting 'twins') 2 months before due date.

Twins thats the funniest thing ever, and you've not even been to the doctor yet. Oh how can whiffey and Amykyle still be believing all this s**t.
I have a feeling that they may well be friends of the russian, it must have some somewhere.
I cant wait to see what she's putting on here 9 months down the line
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I am 2 months pregnant.I have not had a scan but the Doctor at Uni has had a feel of my tummy also there is a very good reason why I can travel but you wouldn't believe me so van't be bothered to explain.
I believe her but that is not the point whether she is telling the truth or not no one should be treated the way she is being treated.
NO you are right amykyle she needs "special" treatment!!!

No you�re right amykyle no-one should call a liar a liar at all and stop people who are going through these problems getting there point on here or try and help you stop looking like a mug at all. Because we are all such a bunch of bullies and she has never said anything to upset a soul or one single lie in her sad little life. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Wake up and smell the coffee.

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You are being VERY nasty.I don't care less if she is lying I care about the way you are being so cruel.

Y doesn't everyone just ignore it now!!?? It obviously doesn't take anyones advice seriously & this is the biggest load of c**p i have ever heard!

If this 'sexyrussian' is serious then it seriously needs to get some help coz it definately aint normal. I can't believe the things i'm reading. i think the words sicko, pathetic & completely f****d up spring to mind!

& as for this 'amykyle' talking about 'the way she is being treated' she is a nasty, pathetic, sick & twisted immature child. I think considering this, she is being treated perfectly fine!

I am noy lying sexrussian I just feel sorry for you.I care about the fact they are being so cruel to.I would never treat anyone like this.

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