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legend760 | 01:13 Mon 10th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
104 Answers
is beauty in theeye of the beholder?
ive heard it said many times.
but people nowadays seem fickle.
they count looks over love or honesty in my opinion.
what do you think ?


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petal why say then ?

seems daft then

no matter
My opinion of you legend is neither here nor there is it? So of the two hypothetical women, you'd chat up Quasimodo's sister would you?
and you misread my post, i said chat up, not chatting in general, there's a difference. Also i'm perfectly calm thanks, though you appear to me losing it once again with me.
I chatted up Quasimodos sister once...miserable b!tch had the hump
Question Author
boo obviously youre a very vain and shallow person.

thankfully am not.

thats the difference

a flutter of eyelashes and a smile dont turn me doll.

im not that daft
I never said they did, however that's not what your question asked.

Yes looks initially attract me, as I believe they do with everyone, however.....listen carefully now....I said its your personality/ what you have inside that keeps that attraction going long enough.

If you see that as me being shallow then that's your problem not mine, but I think you see it that i'm deliberately disagreeing with you for the sake of it and you feel the need to defend your corner.
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not at all.

boo youre entitled to your opinion.
if i was swayed by looks id be up the @rses of the office staff from monday to friday.

but a giggle and a smile dont win me over.

thats why i argue so much.

i hate the kissy kissy sh1t u get on here.
sorry i look deeper than a photo.

its about the person .

so think what u want .
its ok to be wrong boo : - )

lmfao- again, i forgot the golden rule, silly me! Your opinion is the only one that's right, everyone elses, especially womens is wrong.

You'd think i'd know that by now huh?
and office staff? thought you worked part time in a bar?
Question Author
sorry boo .

but my opinion is exactly that .

dont attempt to force your bigoted opinions on me.

you know nothing of me.
you assume.

well youre wrong ok

so take that thought and mull it over.

dont ever presume to know what im thinking.
feel free to ask.

but dont try to force your opinions on me .

ok boo??

Question Author
offivce staff on here dimwit.

if i was won over by looks would i clash with the blonde squad ?

get your facts right

and there we go....i managed to get you seriously annoyed within a few minutes......


you're so predictable legend it's quite amusing, on a scale of one to 10, how annoyed are you now???
Question Author
not at all

im actually on msn laughing at how sad you are

no back up tonight eh .

silly boo

thought she had me sussed

how wrong can you get lol
i have got you sussed- thats why you dislike me so much and because i've got you sussed, it's also why i dislike you too.
Question Author
ive just been told.
how can someone say that when youre always defending womens looks .
regarding size and not being fat.

but then boo knows it all .




knows fk alll

thats better

oh need to go pee now im laughing too much
hello, B00, not trying to give a sensible answer are you? Silly girl! And do remember AB Rule 273: AnswerBankers are advised not to disagree with the person who starts a thread as it only upsets them, especially when it's the Red Bull talking.
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jno you got a valid point?

or just here for the brown nosing ?

feel free

boo needs all the help she can get


put her back on track

think she needs red bull herself lol
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boo youd struggle to susss a 2 piece jigsaw darling
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btw jno if you actually bothered to read the thread youd see boo is exactly the shallow kind of person im on about .

women are so nasty about looks.

the fairer sex my @rse

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