well, looks like a little side tracked conversation has gone on half way through this post, but ill just say what i came here to say, the leg it quick out the door.
beauty IS in the eye of the beholder. All that that really means is, different people view beauty, well, differently. okay okay okay i know, 99% beauty is always going to be seen as good looking on the outside. but this is the way our world works. fact is, like it or not, if your whats seens as a geek, dont go expecting girls (if your a guy im presuming...) to throw themselves at you. if your good looking, then expect it. truth is, looks get you what you want. even if it is a group of shallow friends.
of course, weve all heard our parents say, its the beauty inside that counts. let me correct this once and for all. thats such a full of crap statement, it is now, and it was when my mum said the same to me when i was a kid. at school, you look different, your a freak, even if its not your own fault, its playground common law. and when parents say "its whats inside that counts" their lying to stop their kids getting depressed. (...that didnt work then...) good looking gets you things the easy way, hence everyone wants it.
if your ugly, expect problems. look at my life! although dont actually, cuz im a...erm...well, ya know, a "unique" example, so i dont count.
anyway, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but everyone knows the unwritten rules about whats concidered beautiful or not (the same sorta thing with fasion really), so chances are, everyones views are swayed by, well everyone else. (good ol' group/social psychology eh?) confused? and lets be honest, who "really" wants to admit they fancy the geeky girl in the corner reading a book? no one! (even if they secretly do! - like me!)