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legend760 | 01:13 Mon 10th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
104 Answers
is beauty in theeye of the beholder?
ive heard it said many times.
but people nowadays seem fickle.
they count looks over love or honesty in my opinion.
what do you think ?


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Lmao @ Boo.....

It's ironic how misogynist and myopic have a similar look to them..
lol yes agreed jno, but sometimes it isn't half funny to poke the wildlife with a stick ;-)

Agreed legend, you show remarkable respect for women and indeed anyone by swearing at them if they should, God forbid, have a differing opinion to yours. I would have thought by now at your age you could hold a reasonable argument without resorting to such language like a thwarted teenager, still- nevermind.

Perhaps Legend you might be lucky and actually find yourself a Stepford wife or girlfriend one day, I wish you luck, I really do.
Question Author
boo the male chauvanist female .

now thats a strange combination.

im guessing now.

she never really read the main post lol
Ahhhhh same old Legend
Posting BULL SH!T

Run peeps Run
He may just affect you

Question Author
hiya elvis how u doin?

not many posts tonight i see just the maddy stuff then here .

boo you really think youre something

read the post .
think about it.

digest it

then realise youve been a silly @rse
Question Author
you might be right boo .
if youre shallow

as you obviously are.

dont judge everyone by your standards

your poor attempt to look downn on me failed ,as youre three rungs below me.on a good day doll.
climb up and youll see npot everyones as shallow as you.

btw where do you get off on TELLING folk what they think??

who are you ?
Bloody hell Legeng, you've beeb ****** off by a woman. Let it go.......
Legend...again you accuse me of being the you really think it`s me...get a life ffs
that's "been peeded"
well yes, i agree it was somewhat silly of me for even attempting to hold a conversation with you, what was I thinking?

How on earth do you get i'm shallow when i said, several times, but i'll put it in big letters for you incase you missed it....


I'd put it in twinkly lights as well if i could, but I don't think AB is that technical, come to think of it neither am i.
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what stewey?

is boo a woman ??
i thought it was a guy !!!
oh my godddd

the views were so chauvanistic it passed me by

lmao thanks stewey
don't do it stewey, don't disagree with him!
Question Author

imagine you popping up

that quick too


boo you still there?

aint they turned the lights out yet ?

no fun without backup eh?

oh andy very good btw i loved your banter there

veryyyyyyy original
It's "Stewy"...........Didn't even bother to get my name right.
Question Author
thats cos i dont fancy you lol
I see that you've not answered my question I politely asked you earlier, or failed to acknowledge my point yet again made above (PS- in big letters, you can't miss them). It's far easier to attempt to put someone down with insults instead isn't it?

you also didn't answer how annoyed you are now on a scale of one to 10, go arrrn, it's at least eleven isn't it? ;-)
Question Author
im not annoyed at all boo.
im just telling someone how at your age you should be past this

but youre obviously living in a dream world.oneday youlll wake.

good luck

dont worry there will be plenty shallow backup tomorrow

sad sad sad sad
What time does "wind up legend "stop?

I'm ready for bed, thats all.
that's it?

Your not even going to pretend to answer or address my points? You're really crap at this aren't you? I don't understand it, you've been a member of several forums over the years (kicked from a few too- wonder why?) I'd have thought you'd have picked up how to verbally spar intelligently by now. You disapoint me.
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well stewey as far as boo is concerned it dont

shje will be on tomorrow with her little pals

all cliquet


at your age boo

really you should be more realistic

wake up booo

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