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finding out sex of child in a scan

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poltergeist | 17:37 Tue 21st Apr 2009 | Body & Soul
106 Answers
well my wife today has just found out that she is going to have a boy. I am actually really dissappointed and now not looking forward to it at all.

I just cant imagine having a son and never ever wanted one. my wife doesnt care either way. Is there anything I can do to overcome these feelings? I really just am flattened buy this


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well my wife today has just found out that she is going to have a boy. I am actually really dissappointed and now not looking forward to it at all.

poltergeist Tue 21/04/09 16:37

Not half as disappointed as your son is going to be when he finds out he has you as a father.

You sound like the "kind" people who hearing I had a second son said oh sorry it's another boy - grrrh -
Question Author
ya but 2 boys!!! now that really does suck. how did that make you feel?
Over the moon to have a healthy baby - I lost one from a cot death so I know how precious children are.If I have another child which I probably will I won't care one iota if it's another boy.

Children are a gift from God and you don't choose the sex.
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but I like to cuddle etc like my mum used to cuddle me to make the child feel loved and its ok to kiss girls etc but like with a son you cant cuddle or kiss it right or it will turn out gay or something??

anyway I just think having a boy is better for the mum but having a girl is better for the dad. Its all to do with bonding see. mums preffer sons and dads preffer daughters. thats the case right? I mean like my dad never kissed me when I was young and if he did i would have been uncomfortable but my mum used to kiss me.

does anyone know where i am comming from here?
I don't think you know where you are coming from !!
You really are quite pathetic.
It can only be hoped that your current wife takes your son and runs as far and as fast as she can.........

You are one truly oddly warped individual..........

Kiss your son and get a poof, or don't kiss him and end up with a sad-sack stalker who has no idea of how to have a proper grown-up relationship with a woman unless he's paying for doesn't bode well, does it ?
Perhaps if your dad had kissed and hugged you when you were young you wouldn't have such a blinkered view as you do now. I've got a girl and 2 boys -are you saying I Love and prefer my sons to my daughter? You should count your blessings that your having a healthy child-although I feel sorry for the poor little thing if he's going to grow up with his dad not hugging him " or it will turn out gay or something".
Poltergeist most parents love their children unconditionally. My hubby kisses and cuddles my sons . Not sure of the "gay" comment no it won't nake them gay and even if they were gay - wouldn't change my feling sfor them.

Not sure where you are getting these thoughts from.
This whole thread is a wind up - its what Gravitate does.

Gravy - you don't half talk a load of sh1t - have you really nothing better to do? How about getting your nursery ready -

Pale blue for a boy mate.

Enjoy the next 20 years pmsl
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well I would just preffer a girl. i mean jack its true just imagine if my son did grow up to be me?! I guess thats what my biggest fear is. a womanising spoilt immature man who has no morrals at all and only cares about his own gratification. I mean if I had a daughter she wouldnt be like that right?
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hiza I am in Hong Kong my wife is in Fife currently trying to sort out her visa. we dont even know where we are going to live yet.....
Too late now. Enjoy your Son ROFPMSL.

No she'd stay a spinster for sure!!!!
We all know you're in HK ya t1t.
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hiza why dont you go smoke another spliff and come back when you can try think of something apart from loser with 5 o's.

-- answer removed --
I aint havin a son though am I pmsl.
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t1t? well I have never been so insulted
Why don't you have a vasectomy...........?

I realise that it is already too late for this particular little boy.......but it would certainly mean that he would be the final child whose life you could screw up..........
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no I should hope not hixa with that foul mouth of yours. you should wash it out with soap!!!

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