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finding out sex of child in a scan

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poltergeist | 17:37 Tue 21st Apr 2009 | Body & Soul
106 Answers
well my wife today has just found out that she is going to have a boy. I am actually really dissappointed and now not looking forward to it at all.

I just cant imagine having a son and never ever wanted one. my wife doesnt care either way. Is there anything I can do to overcome these feelings? I really just am flattened buy this


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squad how can you be so flippant about a life? velvetee for you to even suggest that makes my stomache turn. I would never take the life of another human. I wouldnt even hurt a spider although I really hate them. I always catch them and throw them outside.

You see behind this good looking, playboy, womanising, loaded, super witted exterior lies a really genuinly nice caring person.

I am trying to warm to the idea of having a boy but the whole idea really does freak me out. does ANYBODY have any advise please?
Yes, I have some advise.....GROW UP!
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im 31!
-- answer removed --
You sound like a child! Either accept the fact that GOD GAVE you this child or leave mother and child'll be much easier now than later.
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wizzard its years actually. but I did find your reply rather funny. lol
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USAlady I dont believe in God though.
God had a son and look how that worked out.
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apparently he was gay (according tio this book I am reading)
God was gay?
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no sorry his son, Jesus.
Yet again poltergeist you prove that this is a wind up...!!!
Are you worried your own son may be gay?
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actually yes that is one of my biggest fears. ummmmm mind your own business. you are a nebie on this site. act accordingly
Name it Cecilia and dress it in girly clothes - it wont know the difference till its too late.
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but at wehat stage will it be too late?
Why does it matter if he is gay?

when its old enuf to thump you!
You should read your replies and you would know that I am not a newbie on this site.

I think most people on this thread would back that up.

I'm off bore me :-)

I'm off for me tea.....

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finding out sex of child in a scan

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