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finding out sex of child in a scan

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poltergeist | 17:37 Tue 21st Apr 2009 | Body & Soul
106 Answers
well my wife today has just found out that she is going to have a boy. I am actually really dissappointed and now not looking forward to it at all.

I just cant imagine having a son and never ever wanted one. my wife doesnt care either way. Is there anything I can do to overcome these feelings? I really just am flattened buy this


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I am spoilt and want everything my way. I alreay have a 12 year old daughter that I havent seen for 7 years. Maybe I just wanted a replacement her?
Think of all the childless couples who would love to be in your position... with either a boy or a girl...

I don't envy your wife and new son's future with your current attitude...
how would you have felt if ur father thought that about you when you were born?
even if you havent seen your daughter in 7 years how could you replace her? shes not a piece of furniture
listen up everyone.........this is all made up nonsense!!!!!
''I am spoilt and want everything my way.''

mrs-o- i know i am just incredibly bored and putting off doing revision!
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lol its not made up?!?!?!?!?!? ffs
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I am gravitate and I never make stuff up. its just some of you cant see past doing the laundry and dishes everyday. There is a BIG world out there you know??????!!!!!!!
Yes there is.

Such a shame most of yours is inside your own head.
Yep - a big world - that would be better if you weren't in it.
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lmao. what 'friendly' people you all are
I reckon that once you have a healthy baby in your arms you won't care what sex it is gravy!
Even if you are having negative thoughts about this try and keep them from your wife,she is not going to take it well I can assure you!!!
the gender of your offspring is decided by the male, appreciate what you have created. you already have a daughter who does not need to be replaced, she is still around, you could even try to get involved in her life? Im sure she must wonder about you

I think you have a lot of growing up to do first though, I know its not what you want to hear and although there is a big world out there you should be putting your time and money into the people that matter most, your wife and child, not wasting it on prostitutes

If you dont do it then history could repeat itself and you drift away leaving another child fatherless because you are not grown up enough to deal with real life.
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ya I have told my wife I am really happy about it...
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cazzz what on earth have I said for you to suggest I use prostitutes?
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you should just be counting your nlessings that you have a healthy baby on the way and that at least you can have a child, think about the many couples out there who are desperate for a baby and cant.
in your previous threads, you have said on numerous occasions that you pay for sex

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finding out sex of child in a scan

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