If you really want a relationship then you're off to a running start Bob. A single woman in your shoes has a much harder time of it because more women want relationships than men, so they have to lower their standards and even then they run the risk of being shot down. A single man who wants to settle down has their pick! I understand why you've been doing the one night thing - it gives you company, sex, physical intimacy and boosts your ego for a short time. But if that is now leaving you unsatisfied then maybe you are ready to move onto something more serious, but you have to be over your ex first. If you're not and you rush into something you run the risk of hurting someone else and that's not fair. Work out if you are thinking about her because you miss her, or because you miss a relationship. Meantime steer clear of sex and like others have said, work on having meaningful friendships with women. When you are meeting women you're interested in beyond sex don't harp on about your ex and don't come across as desperate. Take things slowly, allow yourself to be a little vulnerable but don't turn into a whinge slagging off your ex - no girl wants to think you may talk about her like that further down the line, nor do they want to compete with her. Good luck and don't be too down on yourself - we all do what we have to to get by at times.X