Food & Drink1 min ago
Hi all, as some of you are aware this is my first pregnancy and I am seven weeks gone, aside from sleeping enormous amoutns I feel pretty ok, apart from my appetite has dropped when I thought it would...
What is the likelyhood of my baby being early? Apparently that Mylene Klass was 3 weeks early and that was her first baby too....My boyfriend has been doing some work away recently (not staying over,...
Hi How can I increase my energy levels? I am 8.5 weeks pregnant. I go to bed at 10pm - 6:30am. I still dont feel that this is enough though! I feel exhausted! I keep yawning!!! HELP!!!!!
Hi all i am 7 weeks pregnant and feelin very down. I am really glad to be pregnant but i am constantly feeling sick from morning until night. I am finding hard to enjoy my food although i am still...
Hi, weird title I know. My wife has been feeling sick everyday (she is currently in her 9week of pregnancy) and is worried because yesterday and so far today she is not feeling bad at all. Should we...
Is the hormone that makes a pregnancy test read positive present all through pregnancy? Will a test read positive if you are pregnant no matter how far gone you are?
Hi all me again just thought i would update people my 17 week scan came back clear for spina bifida but i had my 20 week scan and baby harvey has a cleft lip. Just wondered if anyone else has had this...
Afternoon all, this is a bit complicated but it follows on from something ojread2 said in another post. I am currently on a career break from the civil service which commenced on 1/03/07. I receive no...
Hello, i'm about 9.5 weeks pregnant (I think! dating scan in 10 days) and i have a bump but i think it's cake!! i have gained a few lb since discovering i'm pregnant and i suffer bloating too (bit of...
Anyone heard of this before? Sounds quite worrying..... uestion446472.html
Hello I am now 18 weeks pregnant and my bump is still not very prominent at all - can this be quite normal? I know everyone is different but it does make me worry that possibly the baby is not growing...
Hi all last two days been feelin quite bloated and like a melon! only today had a bad day, cannot get comfy at all at my work desk and also keep having to take deep breaths as feel stuffy and...
Hi, All the books i have read say sex is perfectly fine all the way during pregnancy.....however i have also heard that orgasms my make contractions begin and semen can weaken the 'plug'.......what is...
Is anyone intersted in giving birth standing up?? It kinda makes sence - as gravity is moving down anyway - and ur standing up!! My birth classes REALLY helped, totally calmed my nerves - im due to...
Ok as you all know most probably, I'm 7 weeks pregnant. My boss asked me today when I was going on mat leave! Then proceeded to say, when I said I'd be coming back, "Come on Kate, we both know you...
Are pregnant on here and how far gone are you? I'm 7 weeks today.......
Hi,I am nearly 7 weeks pregnant, and apart from slightly sore boobs and cramping i have no major symptoms. I felt quite sick about 5 days ago for a week, but feeling not too bad recently. Is there...
I have just had my first scan and it still hasnt sunk in! lol The babys growth is "spot on" as the man doing the scan put it. It was either very well behaved or very lazy as it barely moved. The man...
im 14 weeks pregnant and this morning suffered a scary moment...i was on the packed train to work and when standing i started to get faint and rather vision blurred and started to feel i was...
Tomorrow I am having my first antenatal bloodtest along with my first scan. Normally with bloodtests, you have to starve yourself up 14 hours before, is this also the case with antenatal bloodtests? I...