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Canadian Club Sherry Cask Whiskey

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woofgang | 15:18 Sun 18th Aug 2013 | Drinks
2086 Answers
Dos anyone know where I can get this mail order please, my usual supplier doesn't seem to have any?
Just to be clear, I am not interested in alternates unless they are also a version of Canadian Club, or (and I mean this nicely) opinions on my taste in alcohol.

Many thanks


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Morning all...I was thinking what a lovely light morning it was and then I realised I'd slept late. Jude should have set her alarm :) Neti, re the baby, you have mail. I mentioned it yesterday afternoon. thwack! ....for not paying attention... I think this will be my song du jour...
09:24 Sun 11th Jan 2015
Oh chilly now, lasagne was very nice as was the eton mess, am now clean andin bed! Absolutley nothing on the teevee, so watching The Americans series 4 5th episode! on laptop and also Stella, which I love!
I am having trouble keeping my eyes open, but that is normal these days as I seldom sleep more than five hours before being awoken by sore back, full bladdeer etc and then not getting back to sleep. I sleep on the train. I sleep in front of the telly. But in bed???

Anyway, I got out to a nice exhibition of 19th-century photography at the Science Museum and that wa about all I've done, but at least I left the house. Lasagne and eton mess sounds very nice, but I have enough trouble fitting through doorways already :-(
Lol Jno ..I know the feeling .I can't remember when I actually had a good nights sleep and didn't wake up feeling as if a herd of angry elephants had trampled all over me or that I had turned into a zombie .
It's turned a bit nasty weatherwise out there tonight .
We had a nice stir fry. Chicken and prawn sweet and sour with noodles all made by my own fair hand and a lot of help from Amoy and Morrisons ready sliced stir fry veg :)
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have chugged on with the spring sort out today supervised by the dogs with their eyes shut. Its tipping down here and Rab has decided that he really needs to go and hunt the garden. He is soaked to the skin and having a lovely time Shughy and I think he's mad.
Just watched "Still Alice" oh gosh what a moving film, all about altzheimers, made me cry!
Good morning everyone,

Haha woofy how is Rab now, still monstering??

Can't get over that film last night, didnp0t she just receive an oscar for it, it was so good, but a bit frightening as you start to think, oops yes defo got altzheimers!

Overcast here, do not want to do much at all.

Hope you are all OK.
White rabbits!...morning each. It's bright and breezy...oh no, hang on, it's coming over cloudy. It's going to be perishing tomorrow. It was wild last night, anyone hunting outside had to be mad. I couldn't get to sleep but it was probably more to do with the fact I'd forced myself to stay awake to watch Marigold Hotel and I'd gone past the tired stage. It was lovely, I enjoyed it.
Morning all
Bright ,sunny day so far .Hope you're all ok.

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morning all, Shughy decided to join him, they both got soaking wet so i had to stay up till they were dry again. Today I have got a mountain of muddy towels and settee covers to wash.
Hi all. Bathroom ceiling painted. Looks better now. I had my bathroom re done while I was working full time and all it needs now is either a new door or the existing one painting but I'm not very good with gloss so so. May. Be a jobs or my man wot paints.
Neti and Robi hope arms and legs are feeling better. And Shaney my leg ache now is always there when I wake up and only eases off a it when I've got up. I have to say this is the worst winter time for pains in my joints ut it won't stop me walking. Maybe not as far it I will keep going. Derby were rubbish yesterday but that was only one off. Over all they are good. Which team is Mr. A. Favourite Norwich or Ipswich. My great grandad who was in the British army in India was born in Ipswich.
Woofy you keep resting when you want. I know I sound like I'm on the go a lot but I do have lazy days sometimes.
And Jno hope you're doing ok with your eyes etc.

I'm watching Liverpool v Man City at the mo. I want Liverpool to win and they are doing at the mo.

Have a good rest of Sunday. I'm getting hungry now so off to find something. Laters Gaters!
went to Sainsbury's for some bananas (to stop cramps) and got a bit carried away... have brought home piles of food and drink, all to get a 10p petrol voucher.

But no bananas... Maybe I have banana alzheimers.
Lol Jno. I have my voucher for next time too. It's £1.06 here at the mo. What is it where you are?
Why can you only buy green bananas? As someone on tv recently said 'why do you have to buy bananas on Monday in case you fancy one at the weekend? I only like them when they've got brown speckles, I think there's one on top of the freezer that'll be ok tomorrow.

Crip weather, blowing a gale and lashing rain.
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wow, productive day! I have sorted the tortoise pen, ordered 20 (!) new 35 litre tubs to replant what needs replanting and tomorrow I will go order the compost. Most of the muddy washing is done and I have done a bit more indoor sorting.
Had a lazy cba day, we booked Mr N'd flight for summer and car, then went to local restaurant for paella, which I didn't fancy at all, but he did. Fell asleep in front of tv for most of the afternoon, that'll be the wine! Now just booked my return flight from UK but will do the other way tomorrow, I find we get better times if I book them separately!

Now just lollind around, waiting to watch cross Rail, the new underground being built in London.
same here, Jude, so 10p off is useful. I only had to spend £30 but I seem to have gone a little over budget.

heavens, has Crossrail reached Ibiza? I thought it was stopping in Shenfield.
Ooh no we don't side that mob over the border Jude .Mr S is a Norwich fan and they won 2-0 so are third now and not far behind you !
I thought they were playing yesterday but it was today .
We've spent a lot of the day going through some boxes of photo albums and slides. Hundreds of slides from the year dot by the look of them .We need an adaptor plug though for the machine so we can look at them on the screen then we may buy a scanner thing so they can go on the computer.That should keep me busy for about ten years :)
Goodnight bananas in pyjamas ,sleep toight .
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shaney does your printer have a scanner? if it has check and see if it has a slide scanning thingy, ours does but its well hidden
good morning everyone - it's nice and sunny today, I have the cushion covers in the wash already, so they should be dry in a couple of hours.

Normal day ahead, except I have to search for a cheapish one way flight to UK but including all the bits and bobs, we've all noticed over here through the years that it is always more expensive to book a flight from this end, even though they are charter flights and are coming and leaving here anyway so why we have to pay over the odds I'll never know. Just paid £90 for one way from UK to here but they want nearly £200 for here to UK!! and the return flights are from different companies and I will NOT fly Monarch which was offered to me!

My scanner does not have a slidey thing :-( I hate missing out!!

Hope you are all leaping about with the joys of nearly spring!!
Yay just got the flight, BA are the best from this end, but was so expensive £37 for luggage, but I went onto another site and got the same flight with luggage for £17, so both flights together are less than £200, well pleased!!

I dread doing it as I get confused with times and dates and airports and coming and going!!

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