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Single Malts

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Chipchopper | 06:22 Mon 05th Dec 2022 | Food & Drink
51 Answers
Is aged whiskey's significantly improved by great age ?
For example, I ordered a 12 year single malt from a supermarket, which was substituted with a 5 year, aged one, of a different distillery.
Should I feel cheated ?


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Wee Beastie makes a great old fashioned
A great old fashioned what? :o)
If I fancy something smoky I'll drink my whisky while standing beside a bonfire not drink that stuff that reminds me of the doctors surgery from years ago when they had bottles of all sorts about the place. :-)

A cocktail comprising whisky, angosturo, an sugar cube and a cherry with a lemon rind garnish
drMorgans , Thanks, I only know a few cocktails like margaritas and pornstar martini
drmorgan - there is a new version out now - a maple old fashioned. a good smokey peaty whisky, orange bitters and a dash of maple syrup - mix and servce with an orange slice

Pornstar Martini? Is that like Sex on the Beach?
It's quite the coming thing, Dr Morgans.
A maple old fashioned...oh, that sounds lovely and warming.

Nice to see you, red.
Cheers Pasta - it is lovely and warming and you only need 2 for a very good nights sleep!!
I could do with one now...not for sleep though!

My daughter and her partner were in Islay just over a week ago celebrating their 2 birthdays. A local taxi driver took them round 3 of the distilleries. I think they bought quite a bit ;)
I was there for the last 2 weeks!!
We could have been there at the same distillery lol
In reply to the OP I would suggest that the stock picker knows little about malt whiskies & has not applied store policy wrt the substitution so the store is at fault. Complain.
Red...they stated at The Machrie hotel...visted Lagavullin, Laphroaig and Aldbeg.
Came home via Aberfoyle in Stirlingshire to look at her late grandparents old cottage.
Sorry for diverting, Chipchopper.

It's the digressions that make this site fun, and the venomous spats.
Venomous spats should only be paired with snakeskin boots.

Where's Susie Dent when you need her; how can the same word mean a decorative gaiter and an argument?

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