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maple syrup products

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woofgang | 10:17 Wed 16th Oct 2002 | Food & Drink
1936 Answers
does anyone know where I can buy maple sugar, cream and butter from a uk mail order company? I know I can get it straight from Canada and the US but the p and p and customs make this very expensive.


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Good morning...another lovely sunny one. What a relief it was when those awful high winds finally eased.
Funnily enough I've watched far less television these past few weeks than I've ever done.
I don't know if you remember me telling you about Lucia, my cousin's daughter, a couple of years ago? She'd had 3 liver transplants, taken part in the transplant games and was the youngest person to receive the BEM for her work with transplant awareness. Sadly, following her fourth transplant, she died at the weekend. Beautiful girl.
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Robi I am so sorry. May her memory become a blessing.
oh, that's sad, Robinia. She seems to have made the very most of her time.

Woofgang, special mention for you:
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gosh I didn't realise I had run as long as charley's Aunt!
Morning all
That's very sad Robinia. Such a lovely girl too.RIP Lucia.
Overcast here atm but it was glorious yesterday.
You deserve a medal Woofy.
Hope you're all ok.
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I thought there must be people on here who have been here for longer but maybe they didn't want to be in the puzzle.
Morning all....yes we sometimes forget that people are sadly losing their lives to so many other things as well as the virus.

Oooh, it was hot from the off this morning. I've been down mexico way for my BP and blood test. The receptionist had been dubious about the bloods when I made the appointment, the nurse today couldn't understand why. Don't these receptionists keep up with what's happening? Tut. There was only me waiting, just as well, the seats were not 2 meters apart. Of course I wouldn't dare suggest they'd been measured out by a man ;-)

Here since Halloween (haha, that figures) 2003, one user name.
We haven't got to start curtseying to you as well have we woofy?
Hello biddies. No, no, curtseying to woofy. It's my niece who is the important mayor and if no one is curtseying to me well then!!!
I went out for a walk and a coffee today. Gbf and I sat 2 metres apart but on the same table. Wearing masks is mandatory bit a lot of folk werent. No doctors or blood tests being done here yet! If we are in need of medical attention we have to phone the health centre and a doctor calls back and decides what to do. Luckily we havent needed to. Did I say I had heard from the hospital and that I dont have breast cancer but if the pain is still there I have to get in touch with Mexico again
I cba ! Still waiting for Trauma specialist to remake my appointment that was cancelled.on March 17. I'd waited 13 months for that one!!
Anyway enough about me. How are you all? I am still being as cautious as I can with wiping gates and doors etc with alcohol!
I've got better uses for alcohol. I have been weeding and pruning (in the garden, not the house) and hoping my crumbling teeth hang on in there till the dentists all come back from wherever they've gone.
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a respectful head bow will suffice :)
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good grief, and they've got to remember the Alamo.

To woofy I will do this only once!!
Good morning...sunshine and blue skies again. If we don't have any rain soon the grass will be yellow and crisp in a month's time.
I've actually watched tv this week, a crime drama, Little Boy Blue, I didn't see it first time around. So sad, Stephen Graham was very good (and rather nice).

Here you are woofy

(Pre-mating ritual apparently...Bloomin' heck I'd be too dizzy after all that. )
Morning all
Lovely day.
I can't curtsy Woofy ,my knees don't go but you can have an award instead.
I watched that the first time round Robinia.Stephen Graham is a very good actor. Hope you're all well.
Well hello! I thought it was Wednesday all day!
Am sick to the back teeth with taxes. They want to know every little pittance I receive! Honestly what I get for a year is what some people spend in a week ! Mr N should legally return on Sunday so then I may get free medicines! But maybe not as everything changes from day to day here. Most people like my longer hair but I cant wait to get it cut.
How are you all doing?
Mr N is not legally or illegally returning on Sunday as he hasnt gone anywhere. He is retiring!!!
another gorgeous hot day, my tan is working its way from mahogany to plum. I have't done anything else but I might try tesco tonight. They're sending me desperate emails offering two fillet steaks for £7 and other once-in--a-lifetime bargains.

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