this one looks like he's just put in a window for himself, shaney - if it steams up much more he'll be able to write a contact phone number on it for you
Saddish story today - an old friend rang up for a chat and mentioned her son... she married an osteopath yonks ago, who turned out to be a selfish bastard and she divorced him (in the course of subsequent genealogical research she discovered that he came from a long line of selfish bastards, but too late now of course).
Anyway they had a son who was always a sweet kid but did have his father's healing hands and worked with him for many years. He has just fallen in personally and professionally with a lady osteo, and she has taken over his practice and sorted out his records and everything, and in the course of it she has discovered that his father was robbing him all those years, with the assistance of their receptionist. Poor guy (must be in his 40s now) is horrified; he challenged his father, didn't get a response, and has now basically divorced him. At least he is now starting to earn the sort of money he whould always have been getting.
Having had a loving father myself, I find that all really shocking. (My friend's pretty appalled too.)