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London Museum

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shaneystar2 | 17:41 Sun 24th Jun 2012 | History
1347 Answers
I'm reading a history mystery and in the book the protagonist is invited to look around the house of a lawyer .It's stacked to the gunnels with various artefacts statues ,paintings etc .It reminded me of a museum somewhere in London that was in a private house but I can't remember the name of it .It's bugging me :)
Any ideas as to what it's called ?


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You could have popped over here for a cuppa during the night Robi. I was drinking tea and eating biscuits at 4.00am, after laying awake for about 2 hrs. BBC news is very repetitive at that time of day. Went back to bed at 5.30 to have stupid dreams about being stuck on a large flat roof on top of a factory and needing a chair lift to get me down. I needed to be in your fitness centre Robi!! Dream also involved a large icecream which somebody brought up to me on the roof - and which I promptly dropped.
Toothache is now more in my nose than in my tooth.

It's a beautiful morning out there - it won't last!!

Wild nights are a thing of the past these days (except in my ridiculous dreams!)
good afternoon all. It must have been a night for not sleeping....not me, the dogs. Anyway i didn't mind cos we all had a long long lie in which was lovely. I think there might be some sense in this "rest" lark.

Keep taking the tablets Lottie
Of course there's sence in rest woofy. I know if I'm struggling a day of lolling does more good than 600mg of heaven help me pills....
Lottie if I'd known we could have had a wincy pyjama party...cheese and wincarnis might have given us some interesting dreams :)

The traffic in my area going towards and away from the city is horrendous, I bet it's pandemonium in Westfields. I won... drum roll ...a jar of Aldi luxury mincemeat in the charity shop tombola...can you put it on a jacket spud?
*shame there's no sense in my spelling!
ok, where are they?! I had 17 badges yesterday and now I've only got 3.
consider yourself lucky, most people are down to two including a 10-year-service one that nobody has earned. You must be one of the few actually entitled to a marathon badge. A lot of gnashing of teeth in the Ed's section as if it really mattered. And to think I spent 28 years on AB without any badges at all, but try to tell that to the young people of today and they won't believe you.
we had a lovely holiday in Bilbao in October, but there's something to be said for going there in good weather
well I have earned the 10 year badge!!
went off to morrisons and bought some cooked chicken for tea and a bottle of bolly for 25 quid.
Hi Folks, I have also lost many badges, ( even the precious gardening one!!)

Did too much today, I changrd the bed sheets, put away boxes of linen and cellular blankets that we are donating to a charity as they were blocking hija's room, I waited for an hour in the stupid bar for food delivery (when all and sundry were in another bar having whoops of joy and fun!) Mr N went to his golf lunch,and I struggled to get into the storeroom cos he has blocked the entrance with his tools, I found one huge bag with xmas decs and one of the trees, but then felt too bad to do anything about it, so ate two slices of hazelnut spongecake and a cuppa and lay on the settee for the rest of the pm. Just had 2 boiled eggs and some newberry fruits. Mr N has gone to bed in the clean bed grr, I like being first! so am in front rrom with fore on watching tv. Tomorrow is Cancer Fayre day, and we have to support it, so hopefully a light lunch and whatever else.

*front room with fire on*
I have 3 badges inc the 10yr one!
Also just eaten Carr's water biscuits (an xmas treat so will have to replace them at £4 a packet!) with blue cheese and Haywardes sweet pickled onions, and many newberry fruits, so now feel sick; am I pregnant now! don't think so!

that's it, cards are posted and I ate and enjoyed dinner.
Oight, oight, All I have left is 2 badges for 5 years and 10 years service. My life is in ruins ;o(!!
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Oight Oight from me and nearly good morning .
Went early to farmers market , came back and made bacon rolls for the window boarder upperer .Had beef casserole ,red cabbage and Pfannis for dinner.Picky and Mr S played cards while I messed about and put the Christmas tree and decorations up and now I'm puffen orf to bed .
am sat here drinking mint tea and swallowing paracetamol because the stomach upset is back :-(
Good morning all, stomach settling again...apparently this years D and V version, can and does go off and then return quite quickly.
Morning all

aww woofy, you must feel wretched, I am slowly recovering, but was shattered yesterday.

pfannis for dinner, nah! gave that up years ago! :-(

Poured with rain in the night and I had left all my washing on the line as was too tired, but it's sunny again now so hopefully it will all dry.
oh that's a shame, woofgang, and I don't suppose sitting up awake half the night helps matters at all. It's bright and sunny here but not very warm, and the ground is wet, so good weather for cold-blooded sunbathing ducks.
Woofy I'cva asked sqad but he may not get back to me. Am taking amoxicilina 500/125mg (penicillin) is it ok to have a glass or two of wine? Not inte3nding to partying or anything like that!

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