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Robinia | 20:20 Fri 20th Oct 2006 | Gardening
588 Answers
A friend (who has been a veg grower for years) has had a crop of potatoes that are semi-transparent & too hard to eat after cooking whether boiled or slow roasted.
Any ideas as to what the reason might be? he doesn't remember the variety name, they weren't his usual choice. Thanks.


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So glad you've got da dogs there with you tonight Woofy - and your sis on the phone, I'm imagining. True, Robinia, when somebody's had surgery you really need to see them and touch them to believe that it's possible they've been under and open but they're back and they're talking and their skin is warm... it's too strange, and so our psyche just won't take it in any other way. I'm kind of hoping you'll be allowed in tonight Woofy but maybe you won't?

Lovely pictures on that site Lottie. Britain is a beautiful place.
Good news Woofy. You'll soon be able to see Him. Don't worry about not being able to cry. It will come eventually and then you will feel better Take care of yourself.x.

Sorry Shaney UC not on tonight Golf apparently that's not a sport I'm into.. don't know what I'm going to watch. Probably do a sudoku or two.

The ironing is done Hurray!! 5 pairs of trousers and the rest.

What lovely pictures Lottie. It looks a lovely place to stay. I really ought to sort out a proper holiday for myself. The last time was to Corfu about 4 years ago but I'd be happy going in Britain instead of abroad. Till I'm off to Buxton and Castleton on Wednesday on a Bus Trip. Looking forward to a day out. Going with my Big sister.
"You'll soon be able to see Him."

Now this would be a good time for a small H, Jude... unless you're talking about God, in which case I do hope things aren't that bad for poor woofy!
Oh Woofy ,I'm sure all will be well .My thoughts are with you .Keep trucking old girl and hope for the best xxx
Yes Robinia it's nice to have a private room and all that and I was grateful for the private health care that I had but when you have a life a life threating thing heart attack ,cancer then the NHS pull out all the stops .I remember having to call an ambulance for Mr S.with the prostate palaver .
He was on the verge of kidney failure and they were briliant .Yes of course once he was diagnosed we went off to St Anthonys so it was done quicker instead of him having to walk about with a catheter for sx weeks but we were paying big bucks for it :-)

I'm just really disappointed at their handling of our situation at the moment .
Also the fact that were very insensitive as they knew we were using them for treatment ( as we had infromed them ) but still insisted on ringing up at all hours tryng to sell us even more healthcare . Medical screening etc .That really cheesed me off .
It's Irish jno you wouldn't understand. Says Myself to Herself and that kind of thing. Never mind jno, Jude, she's just bitter cos Elvis didn't kiss HER;-)
I could go tonight but he's under deep pain relief which he will struggle up out of if I am there. So much as I want to, i will wait until tomorrow. He knows I called and that I know that he is alright so he will rest now. You are absolutely right about the see and touch thing...not going off on one but I reckon that's one of the true bits in the bible when Thomas says he won't believe its Jesus till he sees and touches him. The boys are being stars, sis is on holiday in the US. She offered not to go and I have all her hotel details, she said she'd fly home if I needed her. I am going to phone and leave a message at her hotel in a mo...might be able to email actually.
Kit I'd love that avatar please but don't expect it to appear in a hurry!!
i'd better eat something
Yes Woofy look after yourself and try and have a sleep as much as you can.
I've finally managed to go back a page and see what's actually happened, woofgang, and sounds as if the worst is over - you're not really needed at the bedside while he's under, so you might as well get some rest yourself.

I could send for sqad if you like...
...OR you could take a hike, jno;-) (Lille? When?)

I've emailed you the image, Woofy, 128 pixels large, the size it displays at in the profile. You don't have to resize it, it will display at 64 pixels next to your posts. I'll take mine down when I see that you've put yours up:)
Mr LL is watching Spooks which I don't like, so seized the opportunity to come on here!! Wanted to see how Mr Woofy is doing and am so pleased it went well. Hope you get some good sleep tonight Woofy. I expect Mr Woofy is sleeping away now. You will be needed by him much more come tomorrow and the next few days. I know how much you will want to see him though. I will be popping in tomorrow to see how things are going. Take great care xxxxxxx
I agree with Lottie Woofy. Thinking about you.tonight.
Have a good night Biddies and Hippies everywhere!
He's in the best hands Woofy . I hope you have a quiet and restful night .Tomorrow is another day and I'm sure all will be well .Big hug xxx

No UC tonight Jude ..tut ..Golf is much more important than Paxo grilling a load of stoodents apparently ;-)

I've just caught up with some teevee . Downton Abbey. Maggie Smith is just brilliant as the dotty old dowager duchess .
And .. dear old Norman Wisdom has passed away . I saw him at the Wimbledon Theatre many moons ago in a farce with Britt Ekland .Great old trouper .
"Mr. Grimsdale! Mr. Grimsdale!".
good morning all, walked the dogs in the persist again...back to bed now.
Hiho, up early (by my standards), ready to take my hip to town.

I'm afraid I never did like Norman Wisdom much, even when I was 10 years old (which seemed to be his target audience - even then I was always amazed to see adults in the cinema). He did do one serious Hollywood movie, The Night they Raided Minsky's, and he was rather good in that. The Albanians loved him, the way the French love Jerry Lewis, but I was never very Albanian myself.
Morning Biddyfriends. All the best with your hip Jno. Woofy - hope you had a good sleep and you find DH 'on the up' when you go to see him.
I am off to Tai Chi this morning then the usual lunch with my friends. One of them is bringing her husband because she has to go to the hospital this afto and he is taking her.. She had an op on her finger and it isn't getting better as well as it should so they have got her in for today.

Have a good day everyone - thanks for your company.
Have to go - see yer later 'gater(s)
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Morning each, back to normal weatherwise by the looks of things, grey and damp.

Hope you had some sleep woofy & hubby's had a restful night. Take care of yourself & eat as many emergency dinners as you can stomach, keep your strength up.

I've never been a Norman fan either, I didn't find him at all funny...however he came across as a lovely warm person & I preferred him as a serious actor.

Mind how you go with that hip jno, it'll be all that limbo-ing under lav doors to avoid paying a penny wat did it.
Hi Folk

Agree with both of you jno and Robbi. I never found Norman funny at all, but he was a lovely person and a very good serious actor. I am afraid his humour just grates on me and gets on my nerves. However, they played 'Don't Laugh at Me' on the radio this morning and it made me feel very tearful. He certainly had a very nice singing voice and the sentiment in that song is heart rending. He was part of an era that will soon be completely gone and forgotten and was part of my youth.

I am being all sloppy now................ :o(

I am off to Lidls, Morrisons and the animal stuff suppliers. Then I am determined to get out in the garden - yesterday was rainy and dark or damp and dark all day. Mr LL came home and enquired if I had put the bulbs in!! I was not impressed.

Thinking of Mr W and you Woofy. Hope you both had a good night. Will be back in later for your news.

Mornin yokels..
Good luck woofy.I loved norman wisdom..loved his films...cant wait to see all his old funny films again.Lovely part off the country lottie.I reckon most countys are beautifull.I reckon the games are going pretty well in india..apart from the weighing machines that knocks off pounds(thinks...ideal xmas pressy for the biddys hehe.!)robi can have the one that weighs over...:O)oooh the suns trying to come out.
think ill have me chiminea going to night,have a few lemonades and look at the stars...lovely jubly.(:O)
Hello all. Just been reading the last couple of pages.

Hugs woofy, things can only improve from now on xx Prayers for you ( yes I am a believer!)

Hope all other biddies are hale and hearty.

mr N looks well with a couple of kisses of plaster on the kneecap but he's scarpered out of my way today as I'm washing and cleaning everything like mad!

I have a cold on the way, feeling all snuffly with a gravelly throat (thanks to Canadian bro!)

Very warm still here and yes I'm sweaty again! Oh I did so enjoy the cold of England and even the rain! Don't know where Henry has got to, food processor survived the journey.
hello all and thank you for the continued support. I have slept and eaten and normal service has been resumed. The ward (intensive care) say he is doing really well and I am going in later today. The boys are being little angels, I reckon that they are cooking something up for later myself. Vinny that sounds where near dry enough here to do that :-( Kit thanks for the avatar, will have a go at putting it on tonight.
I never liked Norman Wisdom's films either but he was a great icon and another bit of my childhood gone
I heard these guys on R2 this morning I think they might be the next big thing...yes that really is the Red Army ensemble..that rumbling noise is Lenin rotating in his tomb

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