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Robinia | 20:20 Fri 20th Oct 2006 | Gardening
588 Answers
A friend (who has been a veg grower for years) has had a crop of potatoes that are semi-transparent & too hard to eat after cooking whether boiled or slow roasted.
Any ideas as to what the reason might be? he doesn't remember the variety name, they weren't his usual choice. Thanks.


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Still having neighbour trouble Woofie xx I can't see an end to it!!
Afternoon all, am sitting at Gatwick airport waiting to board my flight home. I thought it was at 19.30, but when I checked it (and luckily I did) it was 17.30!! Have spent every penny I had on my last coffee. Food processor packed snugly into luggage and only 8gms overweight so was OK, Henry the hoover was in Madrid airport last time I tracked him.

Will catch up on all the posts during the week.

Welcome back Lottie, hope you had a good time!

Had an absolutely wonderful time with family, memories to last forever!
Welcome back Lottie and welcome back home (soon) Neti! Is Henry in Brokevac Mountain the sequel? And what's happened to George????? You haven't... have you?

Robi 'gog' is lolspeak:) "Goggies are our friends" is a common cheezburger theme
Woofy I'll cede my wolf avatar to you if you promise to use it - would make a nice break from the jelly men;-) Shall I send it to you?
Hi All. Welcome back Lottie. Glad you enjoyed your break. We saved you a spud.
Hope all goes well Woofy. Nothing worse than waiting for someone you love to have surgery but just remember we are all with you and thinking about you both.
Safe journey home Neti. what lovely memories you must have. So pleased for you.
The weather here has been really lovely compared to yesterday. Even got my washing dry. Just the ironing to do now. Not my favourite occupation.
Went back to the Dr. as requested by him and he said my blood test was it was either a very minor flare up of colitis, (but not likely) a bug of some sort or stress. Take your pick.:~)

Shaney going to see if I can get me brain in gear for tonight's SOTDs,

See yer later 'gater(s)
Hi Neti, if you are still on line. So glad you had such a wonderful time.

Hi Swedie.

This is where we were walking on the moors

Cottage was only a couple of miles from here.

This was the local pub where we ate - just brilliant and so friendly.
Looks lovely Lofty .I've never been to Yorkshire I've always fancied going to York to see the Minster and the Shambles .The furthest north I've been is Tain for a fortnight when Mr S was working there.
Hope you are feeling refreshed after your break .
Have a safe journey home Neti .
Not good weather here at all .Dull and dismal and raining on and off .It's not at all cold though and am sat here with the back door open .

Keep calm Woofy ...he'll be OK xx
my back door is finally shut as the doc has given me the all-clear on that one. Tomorrow I'm off to see a physio about my painful hip. Got to cram in as much as possible by the end of the month as that's when my Bupa's up for renewal and I have to start paying a new excess. Lottie, that all looks lovely though I really don't like going out in the cold. I hope you had a good time.
Well all I can say is that some people have a bee in their bonnet about London Mayors .I feel like blowing a raspberry at that guy the dog . ..or give him a bloody great bone to chew .or better still make him go round and round on a bendy bus for evermore .

Are your hips painful Jno ? I do sympathise .Mine scream on a daily basis .We just went down the High St to get a few things and I have job to walk . I should use my stick really but I feel silly .I get an awful lot of pain in my groin as well .Mine is rheumatoid though not bone degeneration .

As for Bupa ..we've cancelled ours .After the sigmund ology that Mr S had they told us we had used up our budget for surgery for this year in spite of paying the excess ( which we expected under the terms of our policy) and initial consultancy fee ourselves we had no other option than to be transferred to the NHs and we were shelling out nearly two hundred quid a month .
I am right in thinking too Shaney that you have been more impressed with the treatment under NHS than in the BUPA hospital?

BUPA, in my opinion, used to be OK. It was brilliant when my Dad was ill. Mind you his company paid the top whack and he got home nursing for a year under BUPa. However, he two major operations were done quickly and he got brilliant treatment under the NHS.
Computer playing up - I hadn't finished.

It strikes me that the NHS are really good for urgent and life threatening things, but private health insurance may well be better for the more trivial things that you just want to get rid of quickly.
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<drops down in chair>...ooph, at last a sit down.
What a glorious day, sorry it wasn't the same for you shaney. I didn't feel too lively but this sunshine's been a real boost & I've done a bit of snipping. Got some washing dry too Jude, halellujah. You sound a bit like me, I never know where my official 'algia' ends and another ailment starts.

Stay calm woofy, hope you have some news soon.

Welcome home Lottie, this cold's a real nuisance but your holiday sounds and looks great. I've been to York a couple of times, it's a lovely place, I felt very much at home in the Shambles :o)

Safe journey to you neti and Henry too (I'll be working on his biog shortly, hehe).

Oh heck, Dis Swede, Dat Swede, everywhere another bloomin Swede :o) if I'm not easily confused enough. Love the gog & friend, what cute pics.

♫ bop a lupa, jno's in bupa....♫...good news about your back door.
Sod the bloody computer.

Anyway, jno glad you have got the all clear on one problem and now for the dodgy hip............
Lofty I had a hysterectomy on Bupa and Mr S .had his prostate sorted.No problems .
I think the minute you mention the word cancer they get jittery because it's ongoing treatment .
They refused to pay for my bone scan too .
We had this as a perk from Mr S's company and when he retired we kept it up .Money down the drain .
We've had excellent treatment so far from the NHS.
Yes Lofty and Ps ....I had the knees washed out on Bupa .
As you say for non threating conditions they are fine but i have said before ,have you ever seen a Bupa ambulance ?
Okay he's out of surgery and it all went well. The urology surgeon phoned me, lovely man. I am going to give it a bit longer and phone intensive care to find out about visiting. Still need to know what it was they cut out and how much the kidney will recover but so far so good. I am completely numb can't even cry.
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I've got mixed feelings about NHS v private. I can't fault the treatment I've had on the NHS but most thankfully I've only been an outpatient for the past 20 yrs. What I'd hated, loathed & detested about being an inmate was being on a ward with everyone else's ailments in full technicolour before me. Nowadays the modern wards are even worse, small bays with beds too close to each other & clutter all over the place, no wonder there's a problem with hygiene. I live in huge fear of having to go & stay in hospital & if it means a room on my own, give me private care please. :o)
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Oh that sounds like great news woofy but I understand how you won't feel any relief until you've seen him. You'll be fine. xx
thanks all

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