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Robinia | 20:20 Fri 20th Oct 2006 | Gardening
588 Answers
A friend (who has been a veg grower for years) has had a crop of potatoes that are semi-transparent & too hard to eat after cooking whether boiled or slow roasted.
Any ideas as to what the reason might be? he doesn't remember the variety name, they weren't his usual choice. Thanks.


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Morning all ... just how much more can it rain?! My garden's squelchy & that doesn't happen very often.
I'll just pass the hat round for you neti, someone's gotta support these geriatric rockers.
What were you doin' up at that hour Vinny, did my coughing keep you awake all night? It didn't bother me, I was awake anyway. Well I did fall asleep...and had a nightmare. Hope there's plenty of lurpak on this toast, don't want to be spluttering it all over shaney's candlewick dressing gown.
Oooh lovely brussel tops, I've not had those for years, I love leafy greens, I'm into sweetheart cabbage at the moment...('spect it's swedeheart in Stockholm).
Actually I ate today's dinner last night so I've no idea what's on the menu today.
Good 'Wet' morning all. chucking it down here too Vin. Every other day we are getting a real downpour. Just logged on to look up an anagram solver site I have and thought I'd peep in and see if anybody is up. You beat me to it Vinny. Didn't get up til about 6.30 today. I've just discovered Countdown is on Telly early in the morning so I sometimes switch that on while I'm getting up. Even on Sunday it's on. After that it's music all day.
I'm off out tonight to a farewell 'do' for one of my friends I worked with for 17 years. She has been moved to another branch after all that time. Wont be having much to eat at lunch time then.
Sounds like a rocking good night Neti. You have to laugh at all of us biddies having a dance don't you.I just don't care what people think about me, I just enjoy it.

Hi Shaney I'm a self checkout person. Because I used to work a checkout I've learned to ignore all the messages it keeps giving you like 'choose payment' and 'finish and pay'. So it doesn't talk to me like it does to some. So I'm in and out in a flash.

(You have email Kit)

Have a good day all. See yer later 'gater(s) x
Hi Robi, you have just reminded me of my dream, I dreamt about Elvis. Can't remember all the details just that he was saying goodbye to me and kept giving me a kiss.Just a quick kiss on the lips but he kept going away and then coming back and kissing me again. Funnnny or what. I have now idea where that came from.
Can't ignore the warnings in self-scanning Tescos, at least not ours. I suppose I should be flattered that it insisted an attendant confirm that I looked over 21, but I wasn't getting alcohol - all I was buying was ice-cream and the papers. Why do I need to be over 21 for that? If there's alcohol in the ice cream I wish I could taste it.
you need to contribute here, Jude...

its the newspapers that do it jno, they are to sinful for the kiddies. It persisted down her all night, we walked in the persist, came home dried off back to bed got up and its still persisting. I have lake Windermere in the hole in my front garden again.
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Lovely Jude, I'd rather have dreams about a young Elvis than have silly scary ones

grrrrr...self service in supermarkets?! Never. Bloomin tesco spouting about making £50 squillion billion profit & then they want us to serve ourselves!! I want an assistant, a doorman & a taxi home.
Was it rum 'n raisin jno?... yuk...what's happened to neoplopiton? I never seem to see it any more, it's all this overpriced tom & jerry stuff.

Is it too early for chill out music? I don't want y'all to nod off over a hot stove..
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ooh, I was going to be gone but things are looking lively in cb, better start piling sacks of spuds behind the door, I feel a large amount of blackpool rock's heading this way :o) This site sure does highlight the hypocrites, big time stylie.
Morning all
Wild and windy here but it's dry at the mo'.
Is it me or is AB rather slow loading today ? It's probably me :)

I've never used those self service checkouts . Looks too complicated .It's bad enough on the normal checkouts when they wave your bottle of scotch in the air and shout "Alcohol"...
Thanks for the toast Vinny ....what happened to my boiled egg ?
Have a good Sunday all whatever the weather .
Question Author
Here you are shaney, do you want fries with it? (compulsory in here)
Yes ..that would be naice Robinia .I could dip mai frais into the igg .

Why don't they leave that poor kid alone ? She's obviously from round my way .In fact very close to round my way .She knows far too much about the area and the Sea Cadets to be an imposter .She's a bit off the wall but at least she doesn't pretend to be a war hero :)
here you are, shaney, jump in

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Agreed shaney, I haven't a clue what she's talking about sometimes because I miss some of her episodes, haha, but she seems to do no harm.
Well I've lost interest in this day & it's only lunch time...I think I'll have egg 'n chips + the saucer sized mushroom that's lurking in my fridge. Only my head knows it's Sunday, my stomach doesn't. Oh and there's a huge lemon drizzle cake that's beckoning.
pah, just when I'm starting feel sorry for people it turns out they have lemon drizzle cakes in their fridge and I haven't.
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jno, take comfort in the fact that it'll probably make me cough my eyeballs out
that's one of my baking specialities, you make a Dr Oetker lemon cake in a lined solid bottom flan tin (not a non stick one) then when its cooked, let it cool slightly then take it out of the tin, take off the lining, put in back in upside down. In a jug stir together the juice of 2 or three lemons and about 5 heaped teaspoons full of granulated sugar. You want about a third to half of the sugar to dissolve and the rest to stay as sloppy grit. Pour the mixture evenly over the cake scraping out the bottom of the jug and leave the cake to cool the rest of the way and take up the lemon juice. Result wonderful moist sharp cake with a crusty sugar topping.....I do a mean treacle tart too....
I've just eaten a huge piece of custard filled Brioche with a cappy chino and seem to have speeded up a bit .

I love Drizzle cake .I sometimes make my ma in laws one which is similar to yours Woofy but has lots of naughty butter in it .
8ozs butter ..unsalted
8ozs caster sugar
8ozs plain flour
teaspoon baking powder
4 large eggs
2 lemons
Cream the fat and sugar together add the eggs and beat well . Add the zest from the two lemons .Sieve the flour and baking powder into the mixture and fold in .
Put into an 8x10 greased tin and bake for 40 mins at 190C
When it's cold prick the cake all over with a fork.Mix the juice from the lemons with a tablespoonful of icing sugar and drizzle it over the cake .Serve with whipped cream and scoff .
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one mention of cake and they start turning into BiddyBeeton
Its the weather, I come over all Nigella when its wet and grey
The central heating is on and it's so stuffy, I want to open all the windows!! Sissy has packed all my luggage, including new food processor and blender and it's still under 20kgs, she's a blooming marvel, I was surprised how much a single 2-in-one duvet weighed!! I would love to live here in a little cottage and be all cosy and snug, going to Boot sales and cooking all this vast variety of foods! Guess what, I found some Vesta Beef curry in the £1 shop, so am taking a couple back to remind me of my carefree and poor(er) days!

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