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Robinia | 20:20 Fri 20th Oct 2006 | Gardening
588 Answers
A friend (who has been a veg grower for years) has had a crop of potatoes that are semi-transparent & too hard to eat after cooking whether boiled or slow roasted.
Any ideas as to what the reason might be? he doesn't remember the variety name, they weren't his usual choice. Thanks.


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We'll have non of that food porn in here woofy..

That's spooky neti, only yesterday I had a real craving for a vesta curry of all things. So what about when they haul you aside and ask if you packed your bags yourself as they whisk away your retro nosh?

I put my heating on for an hour but it made my sinus pop & I went dizzy so it's orf again.
The doves are developing webbed feet out there.
I thought the sun was coming out about an hour ago but no luck. It peeped out then went back behind a cloud. Just watched an old Kavanagh episode. A bit like The Reader film I watched the other night about War Crimes depressing but well acted and presented.
I've struggled all day with the Sunday Express Skeleton Crossword so I'm now going to consult my friend on line who always gets it right. 'Clever Clogs'. I saw someone on Q & P who has won £25 for it for the 3rd time in15 years.
After that I'm going to sort out what I'm wearing tonight.
Hoping all the activity will take my mind of Lemon Drizzle Cake Gggggrrrrrr you lot make me so envious about all the sweet stuff you can eat. Raspberry pavlova is my all time favourite. At least I do know what they taste like and haven't had to never ever taste them.
See you soon \neti.
Have a goodnight all - Later 'gater(s)
Its spookier than that Robi, I am having a pot noodle spate. The Golden Wonder ones are MSG free so I can have them. MSG make me feel like I have been on a 2 week bender...not that I ever have and i am virtually TT atm.
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Sorry Jude, I won't leave any then you'll not be tempted. Have a good time, wear ya pacamac...with something underneath of course :o)

lol woofy - even stranger! A couple of nights ago I REALLY craved a pot noodle. So I cooked a plateful of noodles in chicken stock (no msg), fried some mushrooms in butter & piled 'em on top, a good sprinkling of soy sauce & it was lovely! :o) I'll try the GW ones.
apologies if you all suddenly feel nauseous....not sure what these cravings are all about
Evening meine kleine Aspargeskartoffeln (that's the ones, Shaney!) I loove 'spetskål' Robi - that's what sweetheart cabbage is in my lingo. (Cf. German 'spitzkohl'.) I was heavily into them this summer but haven't seen them around for a while. But I love cabbage, period. I put it on my cheese sarnies instead of cucumber. Used to love cucumber but they aren't what they used to be:(

"Elvis has left the building. No, er, wait, he hasn't - he's returned to kiss Jude. Oh okay, he's left now. No wait, he's back ag- ...oh bugger it..." What a funny dream Jude. So now you've danced with Obama and been kissed by Elvis:-D

Listen church rats (that's would be you Woofy he he;-) did you ever make the connection... To be fair 1) I think Paul Simon has been the first to "admit" it, and to be fair 2) Bach didn't really write it either, it's based on a song called "Mein Gmüth ist mir verwirret" (translation please, Shaney?) by Hans Hessler, so it's been around. Here's another fine rendering
Roughly translates as feelings are all mixed up.
He's a mixed up muddled up kinda guy :-)
And I'm away to bed to dream of chips .Night all sleep tight .

Hope you had a good time Jude xx
Good morning its today and I am terrified. We leave the house around 10.00 positive vibes please. I won't have news till early evening.
Vibes and a cyber hug coming your way Woofy .Hope all goes well and that Mr W is soon on the road to recovery .Take care xx
Question Author
Morning...just a quick hello,
Oh don't be afraid woofy, the day's arrived, have faith that the best people are taking care of him ....sending very positive wishes for you both xx
mornin yokels.
loads off good vibes flowing your way from the westcountry woofy.and lots of (((hugs))).x
damp vibes from my part of the world, mushrooms growing on them, but all the best.
All the best with more positive vibes from Derby Woofy.
Question Author
Well I've got a cold (still) & I've been eating marmite so no danger of Elvis - or anyone else - wanting to kiss me, lol

Nice 'n sunny now the gog's cleared, just waiting for it to dry up so I can potter about & get some rays & fresh air.
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*GOG?!...hahaha...obviously my brain fog isn't clearing
thank you all. I am back off the ceiling again. He's been admitted and all is well...scheduled to go down at 13.30. Neither of us slept much last night.
Kit that tune I know as a church rat to a Good Friday Hymn called Oh sacred Head Sore Wounded.
Hi Woofy it's me - I was DaSwede before I was swedeheart but all da young dudes would pick fights me when I used that name, they probably thought I was a mean, American rapper... anyway, I kept it as an emergency account and I thought I'd flaunt my avatar here today just for you: A canine high-five, signifying the mood you and the lads will be in, later this evening:) Hang in there. Here's something to distract you, isn't this the site you've been mentioning? http://www.theanswerb...e/Question944376.html

Hi to the rest of yous as well. Had a good laugh at your translation, Shaney:)
Hi Kit, I remember you as daswede, weren't you also datswede as well? that picture, Shughy does that when I clean his ears. I am supposed to be cleaning and tidying but can't do it...had a bit of a sleep and some lunch...not expecting to hear anything till 18.00 or later.
I am back!! I was diligently reading through all your chat about an hour ago and then my friend phoned from Spain and we have been chatting and chatting and chatting and .....................................

I think I am up to date with you all, but first things first

Woofy, lots of love and good wishes for Mr W and yourself for today. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Shaney email.

Robie, I believe I have your ever lingering cold - it just keeps coming and going. Hope you feel better soon.

Neti - I saw your lovely photos. What a lovely family!!

Have had a lovely break in a super holiday cottage and despite some rather challenging weather we had a good time and we ate out every day - great. Thursday was absolutely beautiful. Warm and sunny and spent it between the top of the moors at Rosedale and the beach at Runswick Bay.

I love North Yorkshire!!

Jude, Swedie, Vinny, Dolly, jno - love to all you. Will be back soon. I now have a solicitor to phone.

oooh Lottie who are you suing??

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