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Robinia | 20:20 Fri 20th Oct 2006 | Gardening
588 Answers
A friend (who has been a veg grower for years) has had a crop of potatoes that are semi-transparent & too hard to eat after cooking whether boiled or slow roasted.
Any ideas as to what the reason might be? he doesn't remember the variety name, they weren't his usual choice. Thanks.


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That has me confused too Shaney, why slow cooking in a le creuset would be ok and slow cooking in a slow cooker wouldn't...oh okay, have checked the link, you'd need to boil the red kidneys first.
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Good morning all...hope you're all as well as... Sunny & calm out there, hope it lasts. Garden's sopping wet though, I've got some nice late flowers but they'll all be soggy & rotted before long.

tut tut shaney, you really should take your own container you know,

Better dose myself with buttercup syrup & totter to ye olde shops...on second thoughts, I'll forget the syrup & just go & cough over all the so and so's who were spreading their bugs over me 10 days ago.
I wish M&S was only down the road, I was looking at their food on the website last night, it looks lovely, I don't blame you for stocking up woofy. During the first yr my brother went into hospital I think I lived on 'emergency dinners'.

Here's something to make you smile, I hope you can see it on your planet Kit
grrr... just spent 10 minutes in a Tesco serve yourself queue behind a man who checked through a vast pile of goods and didn't put a single one in a bag, then decided to put them in the bags before he left the machine, then couldn't get the bags open and spent forever pathetically scratching at the top of them while those behind him had steam coming out their ears. Did I suggest he just put everything in his trolley and GO and sort out the bagging somewhere else? No, I was too polite. But obviously my ice cream is now half melted.

Robinia, that potato thing must be in a slow cooker, it's not going to load until Tuesday so I'll have to look at it later.
Morning all. Lovely day except I had to go back to town to get my bluudy specs sorted again.
How did you do that spud thing Robi I tried but couldn't find anywhere to type stuff in. give us a clue.
Having a funny lunch today. Salmon, chips, peas and cheese sauce. Just fancied it.
Have to have the man back to my blind as it opens properly but doesn't close. Tried to sort it myself but no go so they are coming all being well this afto.
Have a good weekend everybiddy .All good wishes to Mr S and DH.
I should have said my blind doesn't close properly. It sounded funny otherwise.
Robi I love it, gonna make them for all my friends.
Our nearest m and s is about 30 mins away by car...not a huge journey but not worth going for only a few bits. Its in a shopping precinct in southampton so we ususally wait till we have a list of stuff to get.
PS the mcCain simply gorgeous chip in a silver foil packet are the nearest thing to deep fried that I have found,,, yummy but quite heavy on the fat.still.........
PS jno I tend to growl at people in a wonders
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Sorry, it does seem a bit slow sometimes but it's worth waiting for, you should have left it to download while you went to Tesco jno.

Jude -
click where it says 'create your own parade'
then there's a message board....if you use your cursor to pull down the red beads you can scroll through the options quicker...
Continue & put in a message
Cont again & choose 4 potatoes
Preview & then send it to a friend or if you just want a link send it to yourself.

Hope that helps, haha

I'll keep a look out for those chips woofy, I've not seen those yet...but we are a bit behind the times here, shame the prices aren't.
Evening biddybankers - yep potatoes allowed on my planet Robi:) Do you guys have almond potatoes where you live or are they just popular oop here in the cold? They're yummy

Methinks things have gone slack around here, I don't know why Vinny is allowed to keep his avatar, Miss? If he's having that then I'm having this, so there (what yer reckon, Jude? Does Depp do that?)
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ooh, I say Sweedie, I've been so foggy headed & bleary eyed I hadn't noticed Vinny's trollop, tut...I think we need to throw a slanket over her. Can't say as I've ever seen those almond spuds
No Kit Depp wouldn't flaunt himself like that. That's why I like him. Deep and meaningful!!! mmmmm!
Thanks Robi got it now. you know what I'm like. takes me a while to get these things. Hope you're feeling better today.
Yeeeaah right... You've got some intellectual cultural drool on your chin right there Jude;-)

Shame about the no-almonds Robi, buy them should you see them.
Yeeeah Just look at those eyes Kit!!!

For Everybiddy
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lol Jude, well done, it's funny intit?
I'm coughing better today thanks, managed to get to the shops & back without a choking fit, it's so embarrassing.

Off to watch merlin, even if it is kiddy nonsense, I love it.
Robi I used to watch Merlin all the time. Just watched it today because you reminded me and I think I'm going to be back into it. Really is a good series. Good over evil and all that!
Everybody hold your peelers! I just spoke to a friend on the phone and she has informed me it's not almond potatoes I like, it's 'asparagus potatoes', a Danish sort. Wikipedia doesn't have an English entry on it. They say in the Swedish entry it's called Asperges in French but I just get a lot of Asperger syndrome suggestions when googling for that, or dishes with asparagus AND potatoes, but this delicious potato is called 'asparagus potato', nothing else. So if you're ever in Denmark... Perhaps you've had it at your French friend's house, jno?

Saving your potato parades, Robi and Jude:)
Just Google Aspargeskartofler Kit :)
I think they're a bit similar to our Charlottes or the German Bintjes.Waxy potatoes .
Evening folks .
I'm just toddling through on my way to bed because I'm bushed .It's been a muddly day today for some reason .One of those days where I seem to have been messing about achieving nothing .
I did get some lovelyfruit and veg this morning though and I'm a happy little Shaney 'cos I've got Brussel tops .Don't tell Vinny or he'll be wanting them and they are mine ...all mine :)
We popped into Tescos this morning after the market and I got a trolley shover behind me ..You know the ones ,who push you in the back and legs and chuck their stuff on the belt all over your stuff because they're in such a darned hurry and haven't five minutes to live and huff and puff as if the world is coming to an end .Rude gits .
Ooooh I'm glad I got that off me chest .

I love those potato men Robinia .
Hope you are all OK .Take care Biddychips and have a peaceful night .T.Pip for now .
Wakey wakey...toast is served.its been persisting down all night ere.I saw sprouts in teskies for £1:40 for a small bag...but got a big bag at lidl for under a quid.luv the spud thingy robi.gonna turn the box on and watch the saint..da da da da da da da....!:O)
Morning all, well I went to see Gerry and the pacemakers (a fat little troll bouncing about on thin legs) pj proby who should have been pensioned off years ago, the searchers, they were Ok, only one of the original group, and chip hawkes from the tremeloes, he was good, but we rocked in the aisles and had a great time, never seen so many old people in one place in my life! and they all looked much older than me!

Have run out of money and will have to spend today squashing and packing all my spoils!

Hope you are all Ok and fit and hearty. Will catch up soon.

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