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smelly carpet shampooer

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woofgang | 22:38 Tue 30th Jun 2009 | Interiors
996 Answers
I have a bissell carpet shampooer which is absolutely the bees knees. It is easy to use and really gets my filthy dog-defiled carpets clean again. The only trouble is that while I do clean it after use and let it dry in the air before putting it away, it is beginning to smell, I guess because some dirty water is always left inside it somewhere. has anyone else had this problem and found a solution to it please?


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My torso wobbles whether or not I am dancing.
yes... the rotation of the earth is enough to set me off
Afternoon folks
Hope you are all well ...ish .
Extremely warm here but lovely sunshine in between the downpours ! It was like a sauna in the hairdressers .Then I slogged to Morrisons and was doing a sweaty Betty round the aisles .I think the whole town was stocking up after the celebrations ,it was packed .Now it's clouding up again .
Lovely pictures Neti ....and hope all goes well for your BiL .
I do all my dancing in private these days as I don't want to frighten anybody..

Lol Robinia ..Sam Cams hat was awful .It looked as if she had a currant bun on her head .
Just back from Gatwick with sister. We got the bus back and when the driver put on the brakes, an old woman fell backwards and elder sis just managed to stop the head from crashing to the floor. Well of course, that held the bus up as the driver had to call for an ambulance and she insisted she was Ok so spoke to a nurse via telephone and they still insisted on an ambulance, well by this time another bus had pulled up behind so we all deserted the old woman and driver and got on the other bus ( having had my pleas for a brandy all round for the shock totally ignored!) Pouring with rain, just washed hair, having a rest cos going to the theatre tonight!
Ah, jno, remember when the earth used to move?? now it just rotates.......
Heck neti, it's all happening around much longer are you over here for? Will you make the news before you go back to sunny Ibiza?

Speaking of spinning earth I had a look out in the early hours of this morning to see the transit of Venus but it was way too cloudy.

I think it's been warmer out than in today but the showers have spoiled it.
oooerrr, i think it's thunderin! Run for the, better not....
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If I get up a good torso wobble I can make the earth move whether it wants to or not!
I met a group of Venus transit observers this morning who were obviously all feeling incredibly virtuous because they were up and about so early...the funny bit was I was on my way back to the car to go home...their crestfallen poor little faces when the realised that they weren't the only folk up and about!
well, sorry to see two ABers have split up but I really do not think NoMercy deserves to have poetry inflicted on her


If you find me writing odes to anyone's aches and pains you have my permission to shoot me.
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lol jno, from bad to verse.....Oight oight all
Oh Gawd . William McGonagall strikes again .Pass me the gun Jno :)
Bed time for me .Oight Oight folks .
Just back from Jimmy Cricket show, am ashamed to say i enjoyed it. Sis and i were the youngest there, and jimmy kissed us as we were passing the door on the way out.
Morning all...looks like the only thing in the sky to observe today is thick grey cloud...tut.
It's a shame when any relationship falls apart after hopes have been set for a happy future....but I'd prefer to wallow in the words of the wombles than have an ode dedicated to my troubles.

Enjoyed Lewis last night...and still they both went off home alone :o(. Apparently a new series goes into production this month...lets hope they don't change their minds.
Morning (or not) all.

Rushed to town to get haircut, which still looks the same! Ordered flowers for sis and B-i-l for next Wed, anfd completely forgot whatI went to town to get, a cordless doorchime with two receivers, bells or whatever, as in Robert Dyas I get a third off or something, so will have to trot back and it's raining now :0)

Looked at eyebrow dyeing kit, but am not too sure what the result will be. Have noticed an awful lot of white eyebrows apearing and hate it! Bought a thin pair of kids tracksuit bottoms from Primark as they are perfect for when I get home, well in the autumn actually.

Money situation looking very grim
, will have to tighten belt around this rather large and inflated stomach!!
Money very short now,
Don't panic Neti ..I'm emptying my piggy bank as I type failing that we'll have a whip round for you .I'm sure I've got a spare ten bob note somwhere :)
Hope you folks are all Ok .Lovely day here ,warm and sunny but I don't think it's going to last .
They're dropping like flies round me lately .Just had a letter from the daughter of one of the elderly ladies whom I inherited from MiL to say she has passed away.
I didn't see Lewis as we had company so I'm going to watch it later .
Pip Pip for now .
oh dear, did neti's bob run out in the meter, she seems to have been cut off mid sentence? :o) I found a bit of change in my pocket earlier...hth

It's cold dark and damp here...actually I need that change back, I daresay the bloomin heating will go on before the day's out.

Awful isn't it shaney? I really can't get my head around my neighbour not coming back, I keep thinking of things I want to ask or tell her.
Euro lotto is an obscene £126 million tomorrow if that's any good to you neti.
Yep got my ticket Robi, and thanks for the piggy bank offer shaney.

b-i-l says he can feel his leg getting warmer, he has 3 stents across his groin, we are hopefull!!
eyebrows, yes, I have them too neti - but all in the left eyebrow. And I try so hard to be a nice balanced person.
Ashually jno (yes it is past the yardarm!!) I seem to have more white eyebrows in the right eyebrow,can';t be the sun over here shurely! hic!
Am still waiting for 10/- notes from Norfolk!!

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