Disclaimer: All Answers found here should not be taken in the stead of legal advice from a solicitor.
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My ex was convicted of breaching a non molest order with violence .He received a suspended sentence of 18 months, a fine, and a restraining order was put in place .I had a non molest order also which...
Advice on a scenario please (very simplistic): Person A is charged with assaulting Person B and the case goes to court. During the course of the trial, Person C makes a complaint to be police about a...
I have called my insurers about a matter which i thought was routine, and they have appointed their preferred contractors to come and remedy the matter. On further inspection on the cause of the...
My partner and 19year old son had a fight my son started it but came off worse. I gave statements as a witness and even made another statement a couple of months before it went to trial stateing my...
I'm assuming bad character is determined and agreed before the trial starts. What sort of bad character evidence would this rule apply to: "The court must not admit evidence under subsection (1)(d) or...
Vulnerable lady in her 40's has reported a taxi driver for inappropriate behaviour. On journey on 2 January driver drew to side of quiet country road and tried to kiss her whilst touching her upper...
I'm currently on police bail/under invsetigation for GBH (I was acting in self-defence) and this has been on-going for six months. However in this time I was recently also arrested and given a fixed...
Back in the early 80's when my brother was about 10 or 11, the mother of a local child complained to the police about what she called "inappropriate sexual behavior" with her 8 year old son. He got a...
Someone I know has been remanded for affray with threats to kill and criminal damage it's going to crown, he suffers with severe mental health problems and has been sectioned in the past, and has been...
a couple of weeks ago.. was drunk,met a chap sitting on a wall also been drinking..was telling him all his troubles ect...they started to walk up the road together ..this other chap kicked a back gate...
Do previous convictions/allegations affect the CPS's decision to charge a person or is it based purely on the evidence collected during that investigation the the person has been arrested for? Cheers...
We have been told by the IPCC we should get a solicitor that specialises in crimes against the police......we are pensioners and all we have is our savings to live on....is there an organisation that...
hi...i was arrested in june this year at work for theft by employee! i was questioned at police station,bailed to appear in 4 weeks time (july) closer to the bail date i get a call from solicitor its...
i have been charged for perverting the course of justice, my boyfriend was on bail. At which time he stole my car, I reported it stolen but did not say I've had contact with him and that he had been...
Friend has just had an acciedent at work were he has lost a finger . The company want to keep running the machine I thought that before it can be used someone from Heath and safety from the council...
Assault on 25 year old female by similar aged female, no provocation, didn't defend herself or hit back. Female was jumped from behind by second female, pushed to the ground kicked and punched in the...
I was recently busted for growing weed. When police searched my attic, (no weed up there) they found my bb guns and seized them. They would be illegal to buy now but not before 07 and i can prove they...