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"The Farm"

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netibiza | 12:32 Thu 19th Oct 2006 | Film, Media & TV
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Anyone know if this reality show will be back on Ch 5? I know I'm sad, but cannot get BBC or ITV so have to rely on Ch 5, and I do get so engrossed and enraged, really get carried away with it all.


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11:03 Wed 04th Jan 2012
you wouldn't have wanted to be in the front row where I was, they got a lot of chat from James Corden and some got dragged onto stage to help him lift a trunk. Another one also was but turned out to be a plant (you could tell as she had flat shoes) but ended up doused in water and sprayed with fire extinguisher foam. At one stage he wished he had a sandwich and somebody threw him one - I think that was genuine audience interaction as he was frantically improvising for several minutes.
Woop... congrats to your son and his beloved Lofty .
I wish I could marry mine off :)

Great British Railway Journeys was fab .They showed lots of Yarmouth and did a bit about the body snatching and the lovely Ernie Childs was interviewed .My brother knows him quite well. I've got one his commemorative mugs that he did for the police .Talented man .

Endeavour was good too .Hope you enjoyed it Jude .The actor was very good He had all Morse's little actions off pat .Hope your sister has a safe journey .

Trust Neti to be whistling at a man in tights :)

Oight Oight folks .
giant congrats to Lottie Junior and Lottie senior, future Mrs Lottie Junior and current Mr Lottie senior.
Neti I am glad you had a good time at the ballet. jno, I like James Corden but find him patchy....thought that gavin and stacy was sweet though.
Have just taken the dogs out in Severe Weather as they haven't been out for quite a few days due to poorly claw and fireworks. Not very nice but they loved it and we are home safely.
Thought the new Sherlock episode was brilliant and we are watching Morse tonight. There is a new series about legal angels starting Thurs from the Ashes to Ashes man, not Gorgeous Glenister, i mean the writer, also a drama series about midwives that looks promising.
Sis goes home on wednesday so it will be quiet here. I don't mind, I have the next tranche of work to do.
Anyay time to get some kip, have just had a cold stuffing sarnie for first breakfast as i was starving.
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Good morning biddires, up and at 'em. Have lots of cleaning and washing and ironing to do today. Weather looks fine, still coughing blood but only slightly.

Have a good day folks x
Morning Biddyfriends. Really enjoyed Endeavour except for ½ an hour when I nipped over to watch Mrs. Brown's Boys. Sooo funny. I still managed to keep up with Morse. They say there isn't a series arranged but you never know.
Congratulations to Lottie Jnr and his Gf on their engagement. I hope they'll be very happy.
Don't knock youself up Neti with all that hard work. I'm off to Tai chi and a pub lunch today with my 2 friends. Then have to go to Boots for some bits and bobs. I still have some points on my card from before Christmas so I may get a good deal on toothepaste and emery boards.

It's absolutely blowing a Hooley! is that write Woofy? and it's been raining since i got up at 6.30.

I hope your day is going to be ok and the weather better than here.
See yer later 'gater(s)
bit blustery out there, biddies sailing through the sky outside my window. Maybe it's just Mary Poppins trying to get to her next job.

woofy, I'd never seen James Corden as I watch almost no TV (a legacy of 30+ years of shift work), but he's quite dainty for a big unit.

Congrats to the Lotties. I don't really understand how marriage works these days as it seems entirely optional. I'm not objecting, I'm just not sure why people do it, but I suspect "because our parents did" is one answer.
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Hija was in desperate need of funds, so am sitting in a pavement cafe having a coffee. Back home soon. Lovely sunny day.
Morning all...yes Jude, the weather's absolutely filthy, I didn't want to get out of bed this morning, it's so dark.

neti & jno I'm glad the two of you had a good time last night but that tutu over jeans isn't a good look...

Yes, it's good to have the teatime railway journeys back on, I enjoyed the trip. That swing bridge would worry me a bit tho!
I must have enjoyed Endeavour, I stayed awake for every minute of was a long way round the houses to get back to the obvious though, Columbo would have had her sussed in the first five minutes :o) I'd like to see some more, I thought the DI (Roger Allam - had to look his name up) was great, they'd make a good team.

Right, I'll fetch a bottle of wincarnis for the cleaning fairy...You'll probably be receiving emails later...
sunny dave just posted this

Not looking good.
spelling deffo optional Jude. Yes jno he has a certain cushiony charm doesn't he? (Corden)
DH and I got married because you had to be able to show a marriage cert to go to sea as a wife (married to the person you were travelling with) as there had in the past been a certain amount of arriving on a ship as one person's partner and leaving with someone else. TBH I think the parents would have been shocked and displeased if we hadn't but it never arose.
Still wild here but we are going out for lunch later.
PS i think that Benedict Cumberbatch is okay as eye candy too......and as for Lawrence Fox well!!!!!!!
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Oh dear, I appear t0o have started my spring cleaning.

We got married after 18months together cos no one else did it in those days, and it pleased the parents!
Hands off Lawrence Woofy ! He's mine all mine ..
Yes I'm looking forward to Call the Midwife having read the books Miranda Hart is playing Chummy .The lady who wrote the books only died recently . Shame that she won't see her book televised .

What a grim day .I had to go out and it was bldy awful .I had the most awful nights sleep too, which is unusual as I sleep OK mostly .I could not drop off and when I did something woke me,then I got an itchy eye for some reason ,then a sneezing fit .4am and I'm roaming round the kitchen making tea !

The swing bridge is good Robinia .We have a road here named after Sir Morton Peto.There's also a car ferry across the river at Reedham which is fun !
I thought we were going to need a ferry to cross the road here shaney but it's brightened up for now. The wind's still too wild to go to the shops so I'll see what tomorrow brings, there's nothing important I need anyway. I can have 'ferrero rochers between after eights' sarnies for tea...and chocolate orange for afters. :o)

well we're approaching capacity, best blow I your mail...
spoke too soon, we've just had a hail storm...

Thanks neti, you can take down the decorations in here now x

.....<swigs a babycham & shuffles quietly out>
Thanks for having us down on The Farm Neti..
I'll be soooo glad to take me wellies off xx
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Shoo the lot of you, look at the state of my farm. who was supposed to be looking after the sheep? all mixed up with the cows they be. Arrgg! Begone!
Thanks Neti, sorry about the cow muck on the carpet......
Whoops, I think they have all gone somewhere else....................... better check
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I have to do it, the 1,000 answer, goodbye.

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