When they went into the house to arrest the man they thought was the murderer and he was watching that old film there was Kent and Stockman but who was the other guy ?
Good.....afternoon here...dogs slept in till gone midday today and therefore so did I and they have gone back to sleep again.
I think its a shame about the olympics. personally I don't give a teeny weeny fart about any sport and even less than that about the olympics but there are loads of people who do enjoy it and its being trashed for them which is a shame and its costing the taxpayer which is criminal.
I've just come back from the hairdressers in the rain and wind ....
I'm getting a bit fed up with this Olympic overkill now .
I think I'll go a push the vacuum cleaner round ..I need the exercise :)
I get all the exercise I need going up and down the stairs all day trying to remember why I went up there.
As for my hair I've given up. It went independant after I stopped the hrt and I never realised how many different ways there are to look like I've been pulled through a hedge backwards.
rainy here but only summer rain. I have hoovered and steamed the living room and hall and put the first set of seat covers in the wash. The phone has just rung. A well spoken lady asked to speak to the sky TV subscriber and when I said it was me, she rang off.....whats so wrong with me that I cant even get a scam phonecall these days?
Sis is back next tuesday hence all the cleaning....she says not to bother but she doesn't know the full horror........
I've ironed a few things( gave up on the vacuuming ) but I can't stand for ever doing it so am having a sit down and a cuppa .I've got one of those ironing seats but I may as well be perched on top of Mount Everest .It's useless and I feel all wobbly on it .
How anyone can iron sitting down is beyond me .
Hello, it is so hot here today that I can't be bothered to do anything. Am just laying on bed in cool room, I didn't even go out for a coffee, its like walking into an oven out there. Have managed to wash and change two beds but that's it. Luckily there is some corn beef hash flan left over from yesterday so Mr N can eat that with a salad, just too hot to cook. Wish I was in England! Sister didn't seem over enthused when I suggested it!!!
Got to move stuff around as am getting the new infinity broadband service and an engineer comes....need to clear off stuff so he can get to the hub and get rid of the archeological cobwebs
I like the olymics and love the athletics, wish I could be there.
I don't know why GB ever thought it would gain from hosting them, my bro in Montreal said poor old Canada was paying off it's debt for years after they hosted it!