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swedeheart | 13:40 Mon 09th Nov 2009 | TV
518 Answers
I'm a Swede living in Sweden but we do get to see a lot of your British drama series and shows, Parkinson being one of the popular ones over here as well. I was just wondering, how is he and has he been up to anything interesting after the final Parkinson show?


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well my sister's just emigrated the other way - maybe that's demigrated - at least I think she has, she hasn't answered my email to say if she's arrived. I've explained to her that there are few kookaburras in Hertfordshire and she thinks she can cope.

My face has deswelled, so I hope to go out and see Dan Cruickshank live tomorrow morning in Greenwich, though this will mean getting up practically before I go to bed, Greenwich being a long way. I will report back on whether he whispers in real life (won't be able to hear him if he does, of course, and he may be drowned out anyway by his whirring hands).

Sleep well, biddies.
Smurfs?! who mentioned smurfs?! grrrr... I'm gonna have dippety flamin' day whizzing round my head all night now...hopefully it'll drown out the tinnitus. Sorry you're having trouble Sweedie...but all the same I'll be back to play the blue horrors to you first thing tomorrow...
(yes, it is the grandmonster gang)

Oooh hope you don't look like a deflated balloon jno...enjoy yourself in Greenwich tomorrow & in the meantime....hahahaha...mean time!... have a good night.

<oh how they'd miss me if I emigrated...
oh no, I'd still be here wouldn't I?>
Nineteen hours of labour! Robi, that must be horrrible, I had 25 mins, honestly. Luckily it was an Easter Sunday so the roads were clear or I would never had made it. Only two contractions but they did hurt!! I still had my jumper on!!

Morning all, very polleny day nhere, revolting . everywhere is covered literally in yellow powder, yuk, will have to get out of my bed and tackle it !!!
Morning neti...and all. Yes it was along job with the first but second time around was quicker - about 3 & half hrs. I thought that was brilliant but 25 mins is taking the biscuit,, have some pain ....<<<thwack>>>.

Hope you can see someone about your ears today Sweedie, that would drive me potty, does it make you dizzy too? Not more snow?!....oh yes, had a look at your webcam :(. Bit parky here & there's a stiff breeze up the back end, I hope that white stuff or neti's yucky yellow dust doesn't come this way.
The yellow stuff is mixing with light rain rain and is becoming such a mess. Hopefully the rain will become heavier and wash the damned lot away, as I can't sweep and washed all that expanse, have just done 12ft round the house so arn't bringing it into the house! Daughter arrives tomorrow and she has a bad allergy to pollen!!!!
<<<<thwack>>>> back at yer !!!!!
missed! I was bobbing up & down to some trance music :o)

I'm just trying to imagine...the snow AND the pollen coming here together....!!!
well that would be yellow snow, and we can all remember what that denotes from our childhood days, yuk!!
Ooh do give Dan a whirly wave for me Jno ..I see they have opportunities to sample the beer ,no wonder you were up and off so early :))
Lovely day here so far and quite mild .My garden thermometer says 20. Mind you it is in direct sunlight ,out the front the wind is still chilly up the lokes .
Hope you are all OK .Nothing new here at Shaneytowers .Same old sore leg ,achey hips and a few Golden Syrup moments .Toodlepip for now .
JW's as mailmen...what a great idea, two birds with one stone
yes woofy but imagine the lectures you'd have to listen to, just to get the gas bill!!!
Did anyone see "Five Days" it was on a couple of weeks ago but I've only just caught up with it. Quite good I thought, once I had sorted out who was who (or whom whatever!)
Yes I watched it Neti .I t was quite good but not as good as the first one .Too many loose ends .
Though Anne Reid is great .If they want someone to play a dotty old dame she does it brilliantly .
Dotty? I'm getting just like that, loved it when she put the teapot in the fridge.
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Evening all, been to see a "preliminary" ent doctor today and he wasn't happy with the development and situation I described. More tests and doctors on Thursday. (No not dizzy, Robi, just a little when going from upright to lying down, but that's negligible.) He didn't give me much hope:'''(((((((( God damn the municipality politicians for not opening their purse to keep the streets clear of ICE. **** them all the way to **** and then some.
Well it's been a cr4ppy day here, wild, windy 'n wet...just brightening up now. Had my hair cut & it's lost the plot, better see if Vinny's left any Brylcreem lying around.

'Didn't give me much hope'...oh heck Kit, surely there's something to make you feel better? In the meantime (jno not back yet?) line all of your politicians up one by one & take aim...

(s'funnier when you miss the apple & get the man)
That games gone on my favourites Robi. What a cr*p day today. I was all set for a walk but didn't go in the end. Went to school as usual but drove there.
Come on Kit lets have you back on your feet. and keep your chin up. You must be feeling awful I know and hope the ENT specialist can sort you out.

I'm off now so Take care all see yer later 'gater(s) x
Ha ha I love that game, never seen it before, I got to level 7 and then the arrow went through his head, I laughed so much!
Yes well I didn't realise you had to hold down the mouse to get him to draw back the bow and then fire and wondered why I kept getting "you missed " .
I've just wasted ten minutes of my life :)
Your packet is on it's way Kit .Sorry to hear you're still not feeling well. I hope they can sort it out for you soon .
The lovely morning here soon degenerated into cold and blowing a gale and rain's on it's way from Derby :)
I've taken to carrying me vest around in my handbag :0)
I stared at a crossword earlier for about half an hour wondering why I couldn't finish it . South american indians are ,of course , Incas not Icnas
I'll be chanting Rock, Paper, Scissors at this rate :)
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Sorry to be the party pooper but I really am sad. He went out of his way *not* to give me hope.

Oh well I guess it's Kermit.

(Ha ha I saw that in some cr@p movie on the telly in the middle of the night, the hero was trying to convince the reluctant heroine they were destined for each other. He meant 'Kismet':)

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