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swedeheart | 14:40 Mon 09th Nov 2009 | TV
518 Answers
I'm a Swede living in Sweden but we do get to see a lot of your British drama series and shows, Parkinson being one of the popular ones over here as well. I was just wondering, how is he and has he been up to anything interesting after the final Parkinson show?


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shaney, I actually got to have a chat with Dapper Dan, about the weather and what if anything were they doing with the Cutty Sark (which was just outside) - I thought, well, if Dan Cruickshank doesn't know what's going on with a national historic monument, I certainly don't; but he said they don't seem to have done anything with it since he saw it last autumn.

And here he is...

I couldn't hear his speech very well but it wasn't really his fault, he had a microphone but it was about 6 inches shorter than he was (he's not specially tall), plus there was some sort of audioanimatronic Henry VIII burbling on in the background because nobody could find how to switch it off.

So a very interesting day there... Kit, I'm sorry to hear the sounds aren't clearing up and I hope somebody finds something. If they start talking in voices I suppose you could take up a sideline in prophecy or become an oracle or something.

Apparently King Croesus asked the oracle at Delphi whether he should go to war with the Persians, and she answered that if he made war he would destroy a mighty empire. So he went off to war, only to find that the empire he destroyed was his own. Very delphic. So that's your classics lesson for the day.
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Shall I be known as The Rattling Smurf Oracle, jno:) Actually I'd love to work with tarot cards as a tool for self-knowledge but (most) people want cheap predictions. Love the Croesus story and the point that it makes about the prophecy being not in the "cards" but in the interpretation. That's how I see it too and that's why working with oracles has everything to do with self-knowledge.

Looking forward to receiving my packet, Shaney. We're expecting more snow (insert profanities here) so I won't be going out for a couple of days now and I may have to pick it up at the tobacconist's, which is what our country has replaced our postal offices with (don't ask). So what I'm saying is it may be a while before I get to thank you for it. But really looking forward to it!

G'night possums.
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Correction: Message, not prophecy.
Oh dear Kit, so sorry, I don't really understand the problems that you are having but they will clear up in time I hope! Once the Spring arrives, you'll feel chipper.

How's jno? hungover ?
You see everyone, If the jehovah's Witnesses delivered the mail, Kit wouldn't have to go and get it!
Croesus was very rich wasn't he? and I could have told you that story jno!!
he was as rich as Croesus, I believe, neti.

I was given a couple of bottles of beer brewed in Greenwich in what used to be the brewery for naval pensioners but they were so heavy I gave one away to a Yeoman Guard. Would have been very chharitable if he was a Trafalgar veteran with a pegleg, but he was just a retired London Blue Guide; but I expect he'll enjoy it just the same. The other bottle is sitting on the table (it has a cork rather than a cap, very grand). So no hangover yet.
Ooh, how lovely Jno .I expect he was very nice to talk to. I see he's on the news today in the big picture ,trying on a tudor helmet .We often used to go to Greenwich when we lived in London .That and the Science Museum were firm favourites .They've done nothing to the Cutty Sark since the fire ? What a shame .Perhaps they have to raise funds or something or are waiting for a Lottery grant .

C'mon Kit .Chin up .One doctors opinion isn't necessarily the right opinion .Perhaps the further tests etc may reveal the actual problem and then they may be able to help you . Don't despair .Do you have a friend to go with you in all that bad weather ?

Lovely sunny day here so far but it's stll not all that warm out of the sunshine .
yes, he was very nice, shaney, and me a mere mortal too. This is him and the helmet (taken by me, a few feet away from the proper photographers)

Apparently there was some sort of armoury and tiltyard nearby, nothing naval about the helmet.

The Cutty Sark is still covered in plastic and I couldn't see anyone there. I don't know what they're up to. They did find it wasn't arson at all, just a careless workman (as usual).
Absolutely lovely sunny springlike day here! No need for jackets or cardi?s or anything for that matter (Ooops - sorry forgetting I'm not in the 1970's) Even I have to admit it's gorgeous!
Getting very nervous, my child (!) has to get a train, 2 buses and 2 flights to get here, what's the betting she'll miss one or the other. She's not renown(should that have a k in it) for her sense.
Where's robi? I hope she shopping for 'andbags and not suffering from a biddy ailment!

Cooeeee Robi!!!
Oh yuk, was doing that Archery game and the man's whole head came off, disgusting!!!!
A'noon all...Here I is, I've been to the dentist for a clean & polish... <<<ting!!>>>

Wassup neti, missing your daily thwacking? Don't tell me you're starting to enjoy it? I'll have to make it harder & when you're not expecting it. I thought the archery would be right up your street :o)
Actually I saw on the biddy timetable there was a history lesson today so I've been hiding round the back of the bike'll be in big trouble jno when Vinny sees you've been giving beer away.

Now don't despair Kit, shaney's right, you can't give up on one doctor's say so.... trust me, when the weather changes your head will clear & then I'll sing to you...there, you're feeling hopeful already eh?

I'm despairing big time stylie....the cake shop's had a fire!! And they're closed until further notice, aaaggghh!!!
Welcome robi - I had images of you flying to Perth to hurl rather large hailstones at it so as to discourage anyone from emmigrating there!!!
Yay, daughter has arrived on the riht flight at the right time, most unusual! I cooked a Roast Lamb dinner with all the trimmings, but she was too tired to eat, she's been travelling isnce 8am ,so twelve hours in all!!

Still Mr N and I enjoyed eating it!

Off to bed to watch yesterday's corrie and Coach trip, well done me!
Morning tout...well how freaky was that in Perth? I've obviously got more clout than I thought ;o)...for anyone who didn't hear about the storms...

Dull & damp here at the Derby ranch...all cstrds...and left over roast dinners... gratefully received.
dull and damp here too, and my Nero Express doesn't appear to be working so can't print off last night's Eastenders, but will persevere. If in doubt, give it a clout!!
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Hi all, I'm around but seem to be needing some time off, so bear with me possums.

Sunny day here http://www.webbkamero...amera_eriks_640_1.php
eek, the Curse of Robi... can you just dry out my lawn if you've got a spare moment? A simple Vanishing Spell might do it.

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