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swedeheart | 14:40 Mon 09th Nov 2009 | TV
518 Answers
I'm a Swede living in Sweden but we do get to see a lot of your British drama series and shows, Parkinson being one of the popular ones over here as well. I was just wondering, how is he and has he been up to anything interesting after the final Parkinson show?


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Very warm here, in fact my wide wedding band is crippling me, as I usually change all jewellry to silver in the summer, as wedding band in silver is bigger, but bit early tis year. been a bit naughty with credit card for daughter's birthday, so will have to hide the evil deed from Mr N. Just been for long walk with daughter and then coffee, very nice and acceptable but it is getting a bit too warm for my liking!
Sorry, I should explain that I wear gold earrings, watched rings etc in winter as it a warm colour and switch to all silver in summer as it's a cooler colour! Bit like the pegs really, I NEVER mix the two - can't stand it!
New neighbour at back is drilling up his whole terrace (small as it is) but the noise is shaking my old house,unearable, and daughter is trying to have a siesta cos she's out partying tonight - she may bump into jude!!!!
actually, it might make more sense to change the spouse for summer rather than just the wedding ring, but I suppose neti has a man for all seasons.
Well I did used to have a different man for all seasons, but all things must pass!

Damned drilling has gone on for 3hrs non-stop and sounds like he's into my back bedroom wall, but I can't see until Mr N comes home and I will send him up on the roof!

You'd feel at home with all this drilling jno!!!!
Thanks Jno still can't do it when I save it it comes up in photo gallery so I'm obviously doing something wrong cos I want it in Documents Never ,mind you all know what Depp looks like don't you and maybe yoiu don't like him as much as me like you don't like footie. Derby won 1 - 0 toda\y.

Nothing on the box tonight so it'll be sudokus and crossies. Not going out my Colitis is playing up I'm sorry to say. Just eating toast.
Have a good night everyone and don't forget Spring forward with your clocks.
Jude I don't have a photo gallery so I don't know how it works, but is there any way you can click on it and have a 'move this file' option on the LHS of the page? If so it should open up a range of possible places to move it to.

neti, don't mention the drilling.... ooohh...
Evening all, am clean and tucked up in bed watching downloaded English tv progs. Daughter's gone out all suited and booted to party the night away (eat your heart out jude!!) wish my daughter would stay in, she also has stomach probs, and was at the docs yesterday but a few pills sorted her out. She's so slim at the best of times and was wasting away and not eating, but is ok now. Her face was looking so drawn and thin and grey but gorgeous when going out! (deep sigh, I remember those days!)
Am watching Formula 1 - after having just picked up daughter from her night out (12hrs). Hate this clock change, no more early dark nights. grrrrr!!
AB has not changed the clocks it is actually 09.16!!
Silly me, AB has changed the hour, but I'm still an hour ahead and I got confused cos I'm allowed to be cos I'm a biddy!!!!
Morning...well I think it is, computer was 5 hours ahead when I switched on! I've been feeling out of sync with myself for a few I'm completely addled
It's noon here and I am completely shattered! and it's too ruddy warm.
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Hi possums, how you doing. Well if I had read your posts I would know - I'll just post this first and then I'll have a nice cup of Mighty Leaf and catch up.

I'll cut to the chase: The ENT specialist thinks I have a tumour. I don't think so myself, I still think my hearing problems are somehow related to the spectacular fall I took, but it's not a great feeling having a specialist think otherwise. Now I know you will all be wanting to say Kit they have to rule it out, that doesn't mean that's what they actually *think*. True. But he made it clear that this was indeed his hypothesis and when I pleaded for an alternative scenario to hold on to, he couldn't or wouldn't give one. So there will of course be a whole procedure thingy now. I would explain better except that would entail googling for the English terminology of everything and I really want to avoid doing that lest I see something I don't want to see. I'm like an ostrich when it comes to medical stuff.

Anyhoo, even though *he* wouldn't, I've given myself something to hold on to, and it's a suspicion I have that he bases his hypothesis partly on the fact that I've fallen four times this winter. He probably thinks that nobody in their right mind could do so unless there was some serious sh1t going on affecting their balance neurologically, while I myself feel absolutely certain that my falls can all be blamed on ice, poor core stability and no clampers on my boots, so there, you stupid doctor.

Shaney no shuttle yet!
Hi Kit, glad you are with us again. Don't worry too much about "tumor" - it covers a muiltitude of different things and most aren't serious. Just be upbeat and positive.

Mr N just made a super paella, and I've just made Krispie kakes but with cornflakes. Had to go to the rubbish tip and do a lot of re-cycling. I cannot quite see how washing out all tins and bottles and glass jars, then driving to the rubbish saves the world. IBut what do I know!
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Thanks Neti xx

Honestly this has got to stop
Hi all, Kit not going to say anything but Keep Calm and Carry On.
Kit, it looks like you've come up with a perfectly viable alternative scenario yourself: you slipped over on the ice. ENT people never do that, as they have big feet. Never mind, let them investigate. Even in the UK such things are investigated very quickly; in Sweden it must be pretty much instant.

Meantime, work on your skiing

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Hehehe jno, they do, rather! (Have big feet.) Will work on my skiing just as soon as I've perfected my horsemanship

Stiff upper lip :I and all that sort of thing, eh, Woofy. On another note (still talking to you, Woofy), I was watching a film last night and I was wondering if you've seen it, as you liked The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time and some other "Asperger novel" the name of which I've forgotten. The film was Punch-Drunk Love and although Asperger's was never mentioned I'm pretty sure that was what going on with the protagonist. Good film, see it if you haven't.
Just seen "The Green Mile" again, such a great film!

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