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swedeheart | 14:40 Mon 09th Nov 2009 | TV
518 Answers
I'm a Swede living in Sweden but we do get to see a lot of your British drama series and shows, Parkinson being one of the popular ones over here as well. I was just wondering, how is he and has he been up to anything interesting after the final Parkinson show?


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Morning tout...what a grey day, cold, (fridge temp) dark & this is summertime?

Now Sweedie stop fretting...I think they have to suggest the worst case scenario these days but it doesn't mean it's necessarily so. I can understand that falling down more often than your official allowance - ☺- might suggest something serious going on but I think your own conclusion seems more than likely to be the right wat jno said. And like wat neti & woofy said stay positive , keep calm and carry on.

....unlike myself, who's far from calm...I won't bore you with the details, it's boring me to distraction, my demanding neighbour's 'doin' me 'ead in'. And then I feel guilty on top of it all for not being sympathetic...aagghh!

Anyhoo, I enjoyed Candlewick to Pork Pies last night, pity it was the last one, I wonder if there'll be any more? Ooooh, that Fisher Bloom, yummy... I just found out he's only 27 - shame on I. I was glad it wasn't all about Emma Timmins, she 'does me 'ead in' as well... ☺
Morning all
Cold grey day here and hang on to yer vests 'cos snow is on the way .
I don't exactly feel on top of the world ,and won't bore you with it either.
Come on Kit ,we're all rooting for you .This doctor only "thinks" you may have something .You think otherwise so hold on in there and KBO.
No packet yet ? I sent it off via airmail on the 22nd clearly addressed ..I have the postal receipt in front of me .I hope it hasn't got lost .

Yes Larkpies was good .I shall miss that on a Sunday .I wonder if they are going to do another series .
.I watched that thing about Enid Blyton .What a horrible woman .
No wonder I didn't like her books as a chld .I preferred Just William :)
Take care folks ,over and out for now
Morning all - I gave up on Lark Pies weeks ago, it was boring!

chin up swedie, we won't let anything nasty happen to you.

Just been to National Police to get daughter a replacement Residencia (permission to live in Spain) took 3/4 hour,, 3 yrs ago we had to be there at 5am and were lucky if we got a number (only 40 given out) to be seen by 1pm. things are looking up!
Obviously Sweden needs JW's as postpeople too!!!
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Thanks everyone. Just to clarify, it isn't just the falling, it's *the way* my hearing is impaired, as well. But nuff said, I won't be wanting to talk about it a lot.

When I logged on there was a question in Latest Posts called Further Hamster Issues, ha ha ha, the title sounded like something John Cleese might have said when reading the news in Monty Python:)

I'll pick my huge Grand Central Station poster up today and take it to "the framers" (sorry don't have the patience to look for the right word) and ask how much it would cost. The sun's out and most of the ice is gone so I won't be needing this company today :-D There's a small university town in the south of the country that reached 19,3 degrees Celsius the other day, breaking a 257 year old record. Is that a good thing or a bad thing, we never know these days do we.

I loooooove Just William, Shaney! Don't worry about the packet, our Postal Service is Notorious. You know these stories you read from time to time about letters being delivered 37 years later...? ...well next time you read one, make a point of noticing which country the story takes place in...
Morning Biddyfriends

I agree with everybody else Kit you stay POSITIVE. Thinking about you.

I actually watched that Candlewick Green thingy last night and I thought it was ok.. Only ever seen it once before when that comedian was in it. Can't remember her name.

My Colitis is settling down a bit now but daren't go to school because of having to rush somewhere.!! It's a bl00dy pain. Been in all weekend but managed to walk to paper shop this am.

I'm quite lucky with neighbours Robi. Mind you I have just bumped into one of them and she looked dreadful and told me she was feeling really rough. So we are a right pair. She is a good bit younger than me though.She said she kept being sick to I asked her if she was pregnant. I wont tell you what she said. She's had 5.

Dismal rainy day today. We've been forecast snow (I just typed snot instead of snow) this week too about Wed. I think.
Dylan said in one of his songs. Some people feel the rain. others just get wet. So that's what I think every time I go out in it.

Off now to cook my pasta and carbonara with extra ham.

See yer later 'gater(s)
I feel the rain and love it!

Poor jude, are they going to cure you, if possible.

Now this Camberwick Green, isn't that a kiddies prog!

Sorry folks a delightful day here, sunny and breezy with no humidity, such a change!

...and yes Kit, the framers is the phrase I would use, or maybe picture framers, but fine! You certainly use all the correct English words and phrases, whereas I, am now beginning to speak backwards as the Spanish do, which is strange cos I must now be thinking in Spanish!
Just googled Camberwick Green and yes it's a kiddies prog. I now feel very much like a foreigner, all confuddled!
That was Dawn French Jude .She played Mrs Arliss and ended up in clink .
I think you have to have watched the whole series right from the first one to appreciate it .
I've just seen on the internet that there is to be a new series ,but only six episodes .
I don't think the BBC realise what a gem they have .It could run and run really .It's another Poldark /Forsyte saga .

Your stomach sounds as bad as mine Jude:) Hope it soon eases off .Nothing worse than having to keep dashing in and out .Have you tried Buscopan ? I find it calms it down .
Keep trucking Kit :) If it doesn't turn up soon I'll have a chat with my postie .
I've still got some Just William books.
PS Woofie .Hope you've got your shoulder pads ready for firing up the Quatro on Friday night :)
my Stortford Sis - the being formerly known as my Sydney Sis - arrived for lunch yesterday with her man in his Porsche, so she seems to be doing okay. She still looks utterly chic and 20 years younger than she really is... so much for genetics, then. She says the immmigration officer at Heathrow gave her a hard time, warning her not to work and saying 'We'll be watching you!' Sis just raised one eyebrow and said 'I have NO INTENTON of EVER working', but apparently they weren't impressed.
She sounds fabulous, a real diva! Is she tall and willowy and trailing long scarves and wafting D&G perfume!
no perfume but the rest is true; the scarf was narrow red and white stripes, she is the slimmest in the family, and her hair is the darkest, although nature's work in this area may be chemically assisted, I did not ask.
Well this has been the dreariest day...

I loved Enid Blyton books, shame she wasn't as jolly in real life although I got the feeling she was cold & unfeeling 'cos she'd had to grow up quickly, be responsible & had never been shown how to love. Only those who were there really know how she was, we all tell it differently after the sister saw my mum differently in some areas.

I'm tall & sticky trailing a wooly scarf & wafting Domestos :o)....and I'm wearing my winter diamonds today
Oh you are such a diva Robi!!

Will someone please please explain about Camberwick Green, befoe I scwream and scweam until I'm sick (quote)
I was trying to be a bit funny Neti. I can't always remember the name of that programme. I still can't. Is it Candleford or something....Dawn French that's is couldn't think of it.

Shaney I'm on Pentasa for my Stomach and it's been under control for ages so I don't know whether it's what I've eaten lately as I've been having lots of veg and fruit which I have because of this diet I have to stick to. . Sorry folks for goin on about it. Wont mention it again. It's just so restricting.
Very true actually Robinia .
My Mum was lovely to me ( apart from her dire warnings of "don't you dare bring any trouble over this doorstep ") but her and my sister never got on .
They were too much alike and would argue black was white even if old nick was standing in the doorway.
Truth to to tell they were both a couple of divas in their own time .Very concerned about their appearance and both extremely vain .
I can remember my mother making remarks about people :)
" Oh goodness me .. did you see her hat ...It looked like a pimple on an elephants bum ."

Camberwick Green was a childrens programme Neti years ago .
Windy Miller and some other mob ,Trumpton or some such place .
Doh! smacks self on head, you mean Larkpies again! I was so looking forward to downloading a new prog. Jokes are lost on me I'm afraid!! <<stomps off in waft of Rimmel Muget de Bois!>> I can do the diva bit too!!!
<smacks neti on head>

> > > > >
I'm off to bed now to watch the box for a bit see y'all tomoz!! x
Now now Neti ..don't go flouncing off bigtime stylie chucking yer pegs around ..We were only kidding .Though I did hear a rumour that the BBC are thinking about making a new series called Westenders .....
You thwack one side Robinia .I'll creep up behind and thwack t'other side :=0)
Anyway Neti dear you'll be pleased to know it's freezing cold here and tipping it down .
Anyone watch Blood and Oil ? I thought it was quite good .
Biddybedtime for me .Have a goodnight all .

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