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swedeheart | 14:40 Mon 09th Nov 2009 | TV
518 Answers
I'm a Swede living in Sweden but we do get to see a lot of your British drama series and shows, Parkinson being one of the popular ones over here as well. I was just wondering, how is he and has he been up to anything interesting after the final Parkinson show?


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Dry it out jno??? she's still a learner so you'll probabaly have floods and a plague of locusts!!!
Be back soon Kit, don't go getting miz all by yourself.

Now then, let me concentrate..... http://www.ourplanet....t-dried-rieverbed.jpg

oops...must turn down the regulo on me 'fluence

> > > > > >
hah, dring out lawns!! My front one has a pond in it and the back one you could use for mud wrestling which yesterday the dogs did!...supposed to be cleaning up today but its just too nice to work.
ooh yes, someone has her wand turned up to 11...
tut...some people are never satisfied, just swap your hairnet for a tea towel & your slippers for flip flops...there's no such thing as the wrong weather, just the wrong clothes...or sommink like that.
Wrong clothes is about right I've been over the border today for some retail therapy with my sis in law and it was sweating in the shops and blowing a cold wind up the lokes.Buenchico checked my passport as I crossed into Suffolk :)

I've come back to find Mr S baling out the ruddy drain yet again . And it's stlll a week until they come and do it .It's getting a bit boring now . We 're having to bale it out on a daily basis. We can't use the dishwasher at all.Put the washing machine on and it floods all over the place . I have washing up to my neck .
We're having to wash up in a bowl and chuck the water on the garden but I'm buggered if I'm going to go around without having a bath .
Pain in the backside .I shall be glad when they come and sort it out .
When these houses were built I don't suppose they foresaw ,dishwashers ,washing machines etc .And I suppose they only bathed once a year :)

Can you send a psychic message to my drain Robinia :)

Don't sit and be upset Kit ,come and see again soon . Good luck at the specialist tomorrow .
Ooh they've put cider up 10% .....if that doesn't bring Vinny out hiding nothing will .
Toodlepip for now
Ps .Very nice piccie of Dan Jno .As good as the BBC one .
<rifles through shaney's carriers>...any handbags in here? That's how we were last week, it was positively tropical in the shops.

You're all being quite a drain (oops, sorry!) on my powers today but I'll do my best, just cross my palm with cstrds....wish I'd foreseen the phone call I've just had...why does my neighbour always ring to tell me the ins & outs of her dodgy digestion just as I'm putting my tea on....?!
Afternoon each. Here I is!! Been gardening this a.m. Just a bit - getting rid of dead ends and stuff.Then this afto went for a walk with my sis and did a bit of shopping.We walked down the ring road to the next shopping area where my sis gets all her fruit and veg from. It's just a green grocers nothing else. we were out about an hour and half.
I've also been to the drs. about blood tests and I only have to have one every 3 months now starting May which Is 2 months but hey ho!

I worry about drains Shaney. I keep getting letters from Severn Trent asking me to take out some insurance on the drains round my house as they say my home insurance wont cover it but I think it does.But then I could be wrong. Will have to have a look. Hope you get sorted PDQ. Shaney.

Come back soon Kit.....thinking about you.

Is Birds shut then Robi I haven't been down there lately.

Off to get my fruit and yoghurt now so see yer later 'gater(s)

You want custard tarts, you can 'ave 'em! <<<splat>>>
Don't get me started on drains, wish I had some!!!
Well Neti you can have this one and your welcome to the ruddy thing .If you want to have scummy water and muck overflowing everywhere and the stink of it .Then have to mess about in the cold with a plunger and bucket every bloody five minutes Bah and grrrrrrr.
I think Jeyes Fluid profits must be the highest ever at the mo ' :)
Your insurance should cover your drains Jude ,up to the boundary .We've got a thing with British Gas that covers all pipework and drains .You just have to read the small print .

No handbags today Robinia :) My sis in law bought a lovely jacket and I came back with some knickers ,a cauli and some baking potatoes :)
Here ..have a cake ....
I'm gonna have a drink :)
Can I just interject here and mention that I do NOT like Custard in any way, shape or form! Thank you!
Morning all...little sleep, lot of sleep...still feel krackered what ever amount I have. It must be the imminent time change, I might finally re-adjust at the weekend.

Well thanks for the info neti, you don't need to like custards...just keep on sending them ...<ducks>.
Yes Jude they're closed until they open again. Actually, with all the freebies coming my way... <ducks again>... it's not really so bad.

I'd better squirt some Jeyes in an easterly direction before I totter off to the shops, my sister wants a little shovel like what I've got....tut, can't I have anything without somebody else wanting the same...?
hello all, spring cleaning today, i don't want to but you know how it is...wemnt to the oxfam book shop yestrerday and got 6!!!! Alexander McCall Smith books, 5 Precious Ramotswe ones and the other one is an Isabel Dalhousie....on second thought maybe won't disturb the spiders today!!!!
Lovely books woofie . Mma Ramotswe is a real character . I'm just waiting for the latest one reserved at the library . Have you seen the Teevee series ?
She's lovely .
So so day here ,drizzling on and off .
I'm off round to my brothers shortly as he's reached the ancient age of 76, but he's having a birthday tea and I've made him a bread puddin '.
Knowing him he'll take one look at it and say " Do you think I'll reach 77 ? "
Take care all .T' Pip for now
yes we both (Mr W and I ) watched the tv series and loved it but I prefer the books....can't get why the reviews say the books are "hilarious" there are funny bits but lots of truth and pathos too. That author is one of the few who can write about goodness without it being cloying.
Hi All. Well, after a lovely morning it's now persisting down. I did manage to do a bit more gardening while the sun was out. I've been to lunch with a young friend to a local pub. She isn't very happy at the moment and I think she is quite depressed and tearful so I suggested she went to the Dr. Hope I've done the right thing.
I bumped into my friend who I go out with on a Friday night and she has been bitten near her eye by something during the night her face is all swollen up so I don't think we will be going out tomorrow. I'm not too worried though.

How's your drains Shaney? Getting sorted or what.

And Robi you'll have to have co-op custards until they open again. (Birds that is)
I don't go in any more on Saturday morning. My sister says she is making a sponge cake so I asked her to save me a slice for the weekend then I'll have it as my treat for the week. Have got quite used to my low fat low sugar diet now and keeping my weight about 10.3 instead of 11.3. which I'm pleased with.

I think it's tea time now so see yer later 'gater(s) Take care all x
well, we've just had a man in to plot some drainage for the Jno Wetland Centre outside - just waiting for a quote but friends have used his services and say he's reasonable and pretty good, though he said himself he couldn't guarantee success because water goes where it wants.

Yes, woofgang, I watched one of the TV shows - about the beauty contest - but was disappointed because it made Mma Ramotswe's assistant out to be a mug, whereas the books never poke fun at anyone, and that's why I like them. So I didn't watch any more.
Snowing here in the north, absolutely covered, not much chance of it happening here!
north of where, neti, not Ibiza surely?

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