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swedeheart | 14:40 Mon 09th Nov 2009 | TV
518 Answers
I'm a Swede living in Sweden but we do get to see a lot of your British drama series and shows, Parkinson being one of the popular ones over here as well. I was just wondering, how is he and has he been up to anything interesting after the final Parkinson show?


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No not here (unfortunately) north of Spain, Lugo, La Coruna, where my daughter left on Tuesday!

Have just eaten home~made cornish pasties, had a lully bath, and am now tucked up in bed watching "Rock and chips" for the 3rd time. It's the prequel to "Only Fools and Horses".
Wakey, wakey you lot! Rise and shine.

Swedie, hope you are feeling better! and the rest of you who are feeling unwell
Am just re-connecting with all the pupils on FB from when I was a teacher here in Ibiza, it's brilliant, they are all so grown-up now, don't need their noses or nether regions wiping anymore!! and I am checking their spelling!!
I hope they are behaving themselves, neti. Over here Facebook causes syphilis

Off for dentisty part 2 this morning (well, obviously, dentistry part 2 million would be more like it).
Hello all
I rose but I wasn't shining Neti :)
Lovely day here though so far . Very bright and breezy.
Nothing much to report ,same drain different day .
Good luck at the dentist Jno and hopefully Sveedie's looking in and feeling better ?
Over and out for now .
jno - just get shot of them and have new ones in place - simples!!!
well I've heard of computer virusses but that takes the biscuit. Its a lovely spring day here. We've just had a chap from Anglian come and tell us he can block pave our drive and patio for 14,000 pounds..I bet he plated bricks at that rate.
G'day all...breezy & chilly here.
Are you out there Kit? Hope you're ok!

Crikey woofy, I'd have a word with Vinny, I bet he'll do it for a crate of Becks & a sprout butty.

Yes, I am aware I'm wearing odd earrings today but I've no idea what I'm wearing below the waist, can someone remind me? Hope it's respeccable, I've been out. I did some snipping yesterday, it was a lovely day, & I can hardly move my arms, head & neck...and I won't be doing any thwacking either.

erm, we've been here over 2 weeks, has anyone actually seen Parky yet? I'm running out of lacquer & don't think me beehive's gonna stay up much longer.
Don't worry Robinia .I'll be your stand in thwacker .I've just thwacked me thumbnail right across the middle .Snapped it back and it's split from side to side halfway down the nailbed .Ouch and double ouch .I dare not pull it off .There would be blood up the walls .
But I have a rather fetching blue plaster on it .

I'm sure Parky will be along soon .How could he possibly resist Dizzy Derby Dames and Grumpy Gorleston Giddies :)
Just make sure you have your vest tucked in as you waft down the stairs .
oooooooooooooh..eeeeee...aaaggghhh...ouch!!! I hate nail injuries
It's odd, I can watch all kinds of surgical operations on the tele but nothing to do with nails :o/
Evening each. Hope you are all feeling not too bad with all the different ailments we seem to get. My arms are aching, I think it's yesterdays gardening. Not that I did much.

I've had my computer man here today to have a look at my lap top. I've had a bit of trouble getting my home page right and getting Internet Explorer. I have my own customised home page with The Johnny Depp Theme on and other things like the weather, quotes, 100 diet tips, etc...and it wasn't coming up properly. Any way he sorted that and taught me a few other things I didn't know about.
He's a real computer wizz just keep the tea coming and he's away!

Blinkin eck Shaney what with your leg, thumb nails, drains. Whatever next. Keep your chin up it'll soon be summer and light nights are coming soon.

Robi - I thought it was really warm this morning but I've had to put the heating on this afto and it's still on. I think it's goin to be raining over the weekend.

I'm watching this comedy hour programme thing on the telly and just seen the funniest ventriloquist has anybody else seen it and thought it was funny or is it just me.

It's getting Horlicks time now so I'll see yer later 'gater(s) Have a good night.

-- answer removed --
whaaaa...Who had an answer removed? If it was intended to obliterate all mention of Johnny Depp, the wrong one has gone...
Right that's it jno, an answer removed on a biddythread? That's your last warning!
Morning all. It was my posting about Johnny Depp. I put an active tool bar on and I was sh1t scared of how much could be found out about me. I did it by using snipping tool. I managed to crop what I wanted but I don't think I finished it off right. so you got the tool bar as well. Then when I checked it I found I could go into my stuff.Wont be doing that again.

Hope you are all ok on today. The sun was out but just gone in so it looks like rain...
wow - I don't know how you do that, Jude, as I don't know what an active toolbar is, but you did the right thing. Never pays to leave personal information lying around here as the forces of darkness are ever-present (when they're not on holiday in the Balearics).

Yes, about 2 minutes' sun here too but it's gone now. On the cheery side my face doesn't seem to be doing its Graf Zeppelin impression this morning, so I can go out and meet my adoring public.
Morning sunbeams...well there are some outside at the moment but I'll be keeping my vest tucked in...there's snow coming on Wed/Thurs....aaaggghhh!!!

Mmmm, active.... and biddies? That's not something we witness very often in here please don't do it again. :o) Shame it was removed really, we might have seen what that computer man's been teaching you.
Hi Can someone tell me what I do with snipping tool when I have cropped the picture I want to save please.....
oooh Jude, you and Johnny Depp, the mind boggleth...its a niceish march day here today. A good day for doing nothing
Jude I'm not sure how your snipping tool works but I think you can just go control c then control v to copy over what you've snipped. (It works most of the time for me, but not always, I don't know why.)

<takes snipping tool to the roses>

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