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James Bondish

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swedeheart | 14:58 Wed 13th Jan 2010 | TV
555 Answers
Trying to recall a television series from my childhood. This would have been in the late sixties or early seventies. Can't say if it was American or British and the only clue I've got for you is that every episode started with the hero listenig to his new assignment on a cassette tape which always ended with the words "this tape will self-destruct within thirty seconds" - something along those lines. Driving me crazy!

TIA (back tonight to say thanks to anyone who's been able to put me out of my misery, as it were:)


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NETI! there's a Corrie at 8:30
Ooohh, thank you!!!
ah yes, property transactions beat a tennis match any day. Well, they would if I could afford any land.
Well do you know something. I'm a bit fed up. No tennis, Not a thing on telly. I'm
sitting at my 'new' table with the back door wide open looking for a bloodthirsty cat I caught today with a half dead pigeon in it's mouth. I chased it off calling it all the fuffoowaffin names under the sun. I had to get the pigeon wrapped up as it was still alive but died not long after.. I couldn't do much else other than wrap it tightly in newspaper and bin it for the bin men. I don't mind cats really but that one I do!
Think I'll go to be and dream about Depp.
Goodnight All
I think I should have said bed*. Why don't they bring back where we can check before we send a post.:o)
Oooh nooo Jude .I had that with nexts doors moggie .I had to wring the pigeons neck .
This one kills anything that moves,poops and sprays everywhere and generally tramples all over everything and it's name is ...wait for it ......

Tinkerbell :)
I'll tinker with it's backside one of these days . It has a face only a mother could love :)

Turn the hose on it !

It's so hot here tonight I don't know where to put myself .
I hate it when Wimbledon's over because it means the years on the slide :o(. Sorry, I'm in melancholy mode.

I've been going round the house banging all the windows closed because the wind is chilly now. I'll waft it o'er your way shaney.
Fingers crossed our local bird killer cat hasn't been seen for months. I think it must have eaten one too many or picked on the wrong one
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*howls with laughter* Tinkerbell...!! Ha ha ha da kittehs have joined forces and they're coming to get all three of you Jude, Shaney & Robi

I think I've talked too much about Christian the Lion cos I'm now being bombarded with Christian Online Dating ads... =:0
Well, good morning to all my biddy mates. And a very good day to you all. We have put a bell on our cat now, although we can't actually hear it, I think birds can as she isn't catching quite so many now.

Excuse me "year on the slide???" Not yet it isn't. We can only thank that in Sept after the gruelling heat calms down!
you don't want to go dating lions, Kit, they may look handsome and bushy-haired, but sooner or later the claws come out.

Try Rotarians instead.
Morning folks...just waiting for the washer to do it's thing. I feel like throwing my eyballs in it, that windy weather did me no good yesterday...sore eyes, sinus, earache & I itch like hell. Might be a good idea to go shopping, no one's going to want to invade my space if I can't stop scratching.
Hope it's cooled down for you shaney, it's calmer here & we're only going to make about 18C today. I've got my libby on stand-by.

ha ha, that's weird Kit, did you find it or have you done it?
btw neti, if you don't know by now my avatar is Clive Owen...fancy not knowing, tut. I keep forgetting I'd chosen him so it's a nice surprise everytime he pops up :o)
Clive Owen, and who is he? What does he do?
Morning Robi.

In that windy yesterday our parasol over the garden table took of and landed on our single storey roof!! Mr LL had to climb up and retrieve it.

It was a bit cooler here, but temperature is now creeping up again and on last nights forecast it was said to be getting even hotter by the end of the week.

The grass is fading more and more each day - and so am I. I never have been a fan of July and August or November, December, January. Roll on September!!
OMG Neti. I thought you lived in Ibiza not some deserted tropical island. Who is Clive Owen, what ever next!!

How's Gordon?
What does Clive do??!! He's a smouldering hunky actor & makes me very happy that's what...and has done since 1991 :o)

Morning Lottie, I can't believe how many leaves I've had to sweep off the back yard already (I hate the word patio...then maybe I would, haha) The Ozzies call their whole garden the back yard don't they?
Yes Robi, a lot of trees are looking quite autumnal and one of our huge conifers has died. It was here before we were. Not even sure what it is, but its about 30ft. high. Very sad. I hate to see anything die in the garden, particularly trees. This one has changed colour and gone brown in just a week :o(
goodness, the temperature has occasionally made 80 here in the deep southeast, but that's not very hot and nothing has died, touch wood. Remembering the occasional 100 degree day in the past - those were hot. Is everyone else getting warmer days than me or what?
Lots of conifers are prone to aphids so if it's dry & there's not a lot of sap to start with the damage is soon done. It's a shame.
Some clouds threatening here but they keep moving on.
Ouch! Is it really 31C in/on Ibiza neti?.
jno, The tree is at the roadside and I have noticed that anything in our front hedge line seems to suffer more than anywhere else, probably due to fumes, etc. However, it has a deep drainage ditch between it and the road (which is dried out!). It's not the heat though that is the problem. This part of the UK is the dryest unfortunately (and the sunniest if not the hottest). We don't get the lush gardens people get elsewhere and that I am envious of.

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