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James Bondish

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swedeheart | 14:58 Wed 13th Jan 2010 | TV
555 Answers
Trying to recall a television series from my childhood. This would have been in the late sixties or early seventies. Can't say if it was American or British and the only clue I've got for you is that every episode started with the hero listenig to his new assignment on a cassette tape which always ended with the words "this tape will self-destruct within thirty seconds" - something along those lines. Driving me crazy!

TIA (back tonight to say thanks to anyone who's been able to put me out of my misery, as it were:)


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Good morning Lottie, Enjoy your 'relax' . The sun is trying to come out at the mo and I'm about to go to town to meet a friend for a natter.

Hello any more late-comers and come back Vin. Where are you. I want Spain to win now for Neti. How about you?

All the best to Mr.S and Mr W. Pleased you had a good time with your Sis Woofy. I have some good times with my sisters and know how you must feel.

Enjoy your little dog Dolly. I loved our Shep. I had him for 16 years. He was so loyal and a lovely little dog. A little collie cross.

Robi, how're you feeling? better I hope.

Have to go now ~ see yer later 'gater(s)
I know you are about Robinia because I have seen you in the Wilds of Wanney?? You can't hide from me. How are you feeling today??
Good morning...Yes I'm here Lottie, I keep getting distracted and I'm always out of bed by about 7.15, tut...well my body is..
How am I feeling? well I wasn't so hot last night, (haha, I'll leave that in) but an annoying tickly cough woke me up every couple of hours and I still feel wobbly & earachey. We really, really need a good downpour to clear the air but it's looking highly improbable. I hope we don't get the New York heatwave here :o(

Sorry about Mr S' football disappointment shaney but it's funny how they switch their support so eh!
What are you going to do with him when it's over? (when IS it over?) You'd better start jumbling tins right now :o)

Hmmm, looks like Jude's been testing the new table, how come we were'nt invited?
Not out of bed Lottie? I was, it's Mr N's birthday so we were having breakfast in the village (my treat for once).. Have bought 3 new throws for suite as am fed up with washing loose covers (which are very tight!) They are light and dark green tartan (rustic they call it), look ok but I absolutely abhor throws, but what can you do??

Hope robi you are feeling better as everyone else, I love Nigel Havers!!!!

So hot here, sweat is dripping in my eyes as I type and we are going out to a new curry restaurant tonight!! mad or what!!!
I suppose I want spain to win, but I love the Dutch, they are so laid back, they deserve to win too!!!!
Hello I'm back. Been to Wetherspoons today and had jacket and roast veg and salad ~ loverly. My friend had unhealthy Burger and Beer. we were there 2 hours cos I hadn't seen him for ages and he had plenty to talk about. I got his relationship history including his 'nearly' holiday romance. We've agreed to meet again to get the next episode. Called in Waterstones (all the W's today) and bought my sister a book on Tatting for her birthday. She's been looking in the Charity shops for one for ages but never found one so that gave me the idea.
Hope you're all having a good day and your tickly cough is going Robi. I have had one today and been sucking menthol sweets (no sugar) to relieve it. Then I walked through the Eagle Centre Market sneezing all the way. People kept looking at me then moving away Ha Ha! (I had my tissues at the ready)

Going to see if my sister fancies a walk now
Have a good evening....
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Jude could it be that YOU ARE next episode...? Eh?

Afternoon possums, I'm back from the archipelago. We had a wonderful day yesterday at Sandhamn, my out-of-town friends and I. Me. I. BTW shouldn't it be guess whoM I saw at the station, jno>>>>>> ...ANYhoo, I've never been to Sandhamn before and wouldn't have chosen it as a destination myself as it's known as the place where the upper-effin'-ten go (in their own boats, what did you think) to spend their daddies' money. Yuk. But I loved it! Mainly it was the hotel with the restaurant and the fabulous verandah I fell in love with. No photos can do it justice, honestly. And their veggie plate was... wait for it... halloumi! And some kind of huge couscous and pak choi (Chinese cabbage). Sooo tasty. The weather was perfect and lots of people had brought their dogs to the island so it felt very friendly. I wanna go baaack!!

My friend's guy told me he had bought an airplane. Yes. An airplane. No I really do mean AN AIRPLANE. A Piper Cherokee. (Seats four people.) He has long been a pilot and done some work - just as a hobby, I think - for the Fire Service or whatchamallit - just generally flying around and making sure there aren't any forest fires in the making. And now he bought his own aircraft. Second-hand albeit, but still, Jesum Crow. I hope he stays awake at the wheel. He asked me a question and before I had finished my reply he had fallen asleep ha ha ha! The question was about insoles so it wasn't a fascinating subject...

Happy birthday Neti's husband! / Hope Mr W has done well today. Woofy burning money became legal in 1980 over here. Is it still illegal in the UK? / Get well Robi!

Sandhamn is featured in this article
Sounds like you had a 'Humdinger' of a day Kit in a lovely place.
No I wont be The NEXT EPISODE. He's quite boring really but a really nice person nevertheless. I felt like an agony Aunt.

Forgot to say Happy Birthday to Mr N too. Have a lovely time tonight.

Robi My table looks as cluttered now as my old one did but not with handsome young men. lol!
Glad you had a lovely time Swedie and t hat you a good day today Jude. Well things happen in threes, first it was the milk and the bread this morning, now I have just thrown a cup of tea all over the desk and all the paperwork that I should have done is now drenched and drying out.

Also my jeans and the carpet are soaked through.

Have been out giving doggy advice and doing some free doggy training. (I do some voluntary home visiting for doggy charitities and have got rather involved with this particular dog and its new owners.)
'Doggy', not 'Dogging'. There I've said it before anybody else makes any comments.
Nice one Lottie lol!
oooh jude, cute aviator.
Evening all, just back from curry restaurant and my dhansak was too flaming picante, I could only pick out the lully prawns and swallow them with beer. Even my ears hurt! Just cannot eat anything too spicy! Mr N on the other hand loved it so am pleased that there is a local one, and they said next time to ask for a medium one! Am settled in bed with air con blaring out and watching "The great British foreign holiday" hilarious!!
That's me done for the day. Just ordered 2 more chairs to go with my table. So I expect I'll have to have a go at putting them together wont I lol!!

Goodnight all see yer later 'gater(s) x
sigh, just back from a few hours at A&E... I'd been to a walk-in surgery to see a man about bleeding from A Certain Place and he was smart enough to spot a rash around my ankles which was actually more internal bleeding, put two and two together and wonder if I might have a platelet problem. He whisked me off for some tests, and the good news is I'm pretty much okay though I will have to go see my own GP tomorrow and wave my BUPA and ask to be referred to a bleeding man. Anyway, thank heavens for iPods; listening to it for a few hours took my mind off needles and cannulas and things that were stuck in me (I feel about needles the way neti feels about drills). And they didn't keep me in for more tests, which they might have - I'd packed a bag and everything.

So that was another health-packed day. I trust everyone else is feeling more cheerful.
Oh dear jno. Methinks us Biddies ought to have our very own private hospital we have such a range of complaints. I have been back to the surgery today because my leg looks yuk!! Apparently it's the wretched dressing that is doing what it should be doing, but it looks like the flesh is disintegrating.

Hope all is OK for you xx
thank you, Lottie, I do hope your flesh reintegrates. The upside is that because I thought I might be in hospital overnight I cancelled a dentist appointment for this morning (yet another bit of tooth has disintegrated), so that'll give me a breather from medical cares for a day or two before I am readmitted to St Biddy's. And I am going out to Paris for Sunday lunch, so that will hopefully be nice.
Oh dear Jno ..I hope it's nothng too serious and they get you sorted out pdq.Take care.

Nothing doing here at Shaneytowers but I feel a bit achey and under the weather .
I've just realised that I can no longer clean a house from top to bottom without breaking stride or breaking out in a sweat .
It's very hot and humid here and we've had no rain .It keeps threatening but doesn't appear .
Hope everyone who's not well feels better soon .

Lofty I'll mail you shortly ..must go and get washed and dressed: :)
Slack Alice
Hello all, Lottie is your dressing a thick rubbery opaque kind of thing? They do work well but look disgusting, the gel inside (I think its made from seaweed extract) absorbs body fluids and make the perfect healing environment but yes they do look like one of the more lurid Dr Who gimmicks.
jno what have you done this time??? Do take care won't you?
Morning all, oh dear poor jno, please take care!

Very hot here and fan in lounge had given up the ghost as has my main computer so cannot record onto dvds!!! Justr cannot get it to start.

Hope all the biddies and biddymen are hale and hearty!!

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